why are libs such wimps?


New member
I whole
If you strive to be "pro life" then please be consistent. We need to stand up against abortion, war, revenge, scapegoating, capital punishment, e.

yeh... right

we all know that those who torture and murder should have the same rights as... those who have never done wrong


Moron City




when Americans realize how unAmerican legalized abortion is, and how God hates murder of innocents, then abortion will stop
If you're going to claim that "God hates the murder of innocence" then perhaps a Pro-Life stance can be extended to all innocents.

As long as Americans give lip service to "liberty and justice for all" yet turn a blind eye to citizens who are denied such rewards then abortion will continue, just as does war, capital punishment, murder and genocide.


New member
If you're going to claim that "God hates the murder of innocence" then perhaps a Pro-Life stance can be extended to all innocents.

As long as Americans give lip service to "liberty and justice for all" yet turn a blind eye to citizens who are denied such rewards then abortion will continue, just as does war, capital punishment, murder and genocide.

typical of you libs...

you mention something, but don't explain..



New member
more lib wimpiness

"WAHHHHH... They found out about us [Planned Barrenhood]!!

Wahhh.... We might lose millions in taxpayer money!

Wahhh... Does this mean i don't get my Lamborghini???




more lib wimpiness

"WAHHHHH... They found out about us [Planned Barrenhood]!!

Wahhh.... We might lose millions in taxpayer money!

Wahhh... Does this mean i don't get my Lamborghini???


Sarcasm is always a "cover emotion" for anger and underlying fear.

Your posts are very transparent to me.


New member
libs have never truly confronted TRUTH

once they do, well, if they have courage and decide to face the music (the son called Reality) they will see that being liberal is just wrong... and will make their way to the right

Please hurry... Time and tide wait for no man... and tomorrow is not promised to you...

Jesus says the way to Heaven is Narrow..

It is "not His will [though it may be yours] that any perish"



yeh... right

we all know that those who torture and murder should have the same rights as... those who have never done wrong


Moron City

Yes, it's called "human rights." It's known as "Liberty and Justice for ALL."

Treating others with dignity and without immature revenge fantasies or scapegoating is morally right.

Jesus said "...the Father makes his sun to shine on both the good and the evil and sends his rain to fall on the righteous and the unrighteous alike."

You are ignoring key Christian teachings.
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