why are libs such wimps?


New member
Clearly your only response to biblical truth is to kill the messenger with mockery and rudeness and immaturity.

Jesus destroyed the family as we know it.

--This is fact.



the family is destroyed by

surprise surprise!

the family members therein


The Horn

Republicanchick , the vast majority of abortions happen before a fetus can even feel pain . The nervous system is not developed yet, and the fetus does not suffer in the least bit . The procedure is brief and not at all a long, protracted ,sadistic thing .
Late term abortions are extremely rare and done only to save a woman's life . Pregnant women don't just capriciously decide to have abortions at the last minute. This just doesn;t happen .
This isnt to say that as a pro-choicer I LIKE abortion; I don't . But it's a necessary evil and NOT "torture" in any way .
You are appallingly uniformed and misinformed about abortion .


New member
I think 'dissection' is the usual way to find what stage of development the nerous system reached.

(I don't think foetal development researchers, do channeling, do they?)

no one knows, except maybe scientists who have studied... how much pain an unborn child feels at a given stage of development

Hey, i have an idea....

whoa, check this out... Y not give the baby the benefit of the doubt?

There's a thought... Err on the side of life?

gee... that would be pretty un-Neanderthal of us...



New member
If the nerves don't join to the brain, I'd be willing to make a wild guess as to what that means ...


some poeple just want to keep abortion legal so that in case in their fornications, they "slip up" there is back up to free them of the absolute HORRORS of ... a child



The Horn

Scientific fact : a fetus cannot feel pain until well into the third trimester . This is not MY opinion .


New member
Scientific fact : a fetus cannot feel pain until well into the third trimester . This is not MY opinion .

And it is probably unaware of pain until it is a few weeks or months old. Human babies are effectively born premature so they can pass along the birth canal with oversized heads, so their brains are underdeveloped.


New member
Scientific fact : a fetus cannot feel pain until well into the third trimester . This is not MY opinion .

this is a LIE

science has proven otherwise

but we know how you libs embrace lying and truth-twisting to get what you want, in this case pleasure without any morality or responsibility





some poeple just want to keep abortion legal so that in case in their fornications, they "slip up" there is back up to free them of the absolute HORRORS of ... a child


When bringing up a child will guarantee that child a happy, just and equitable life then abortion will stop.


New member

this is a LIE
science has proven otherwise

Scientists would have published a paper to that effect - can you find one?

I think you have just made up an untruth to win an argument, so unless you can show that scientists have really proven 'otherwise', you will be seen as a liar.


And it is probably unaware of pain until it is a few weeks or months old. Human babies are effectively born premature so they can pass along the birth canal with oversized heads, so their brains are underdeveloped.
Genesis teaches that a person does not become fully human until it draws its first breath.

This is a metaphorical, sacred statement concerning the creation of the first man, Adam.


I wholeheartedly believe that the main reason for abortion is THIS:

A new report on child welfare from a child advocacy group has found "that more U.S. children living in poverty than before the Great Recession belies the fanfare of the nation's economic turnaround."

The latest Kid Count Data Book has found that "twenty-two percent of American children were living in poverty in 2013--compared with 18 percent in 2008, according to the latest Kids Count Data Book, with poverty rates nearly double among African-Americans and American Indians and problems most severe in South and Southwest."

If you strive to be "pro life" then please be consistent. We need to stand up against abortion, war, revenge, scapegoating, capital punishment, murder and genocide.