White Privilege


New member
"White Privilege" is a term used by the people that believe that whites are superior to people of color.

Are whites really superior to people of color?
If whites are not superior, why are idiots trying to make it seem like whites are superior by claiming "White Privilege"?

patrick jane

"White Privilege" is a term used by the people that believe that whites are superior to people of color.

Are whites really superior to people of color?
If whites are not superior, why are idiots trying to make it seem like whites are superior by claiming "White Privilege"?
It's a phrase meant to evoke guilt. Whites should feel guilty about having everything handed to us.


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Or they can pretend to be native american or some other minority to gain advantage, like elizabeth warren.

You would think that would bother them more than just BEING white wouldnt you?


New member
I just read where Congressman Luis Gutierrez is retiring in order to explore making a run for the Presidency in 2020.

He's Puerto Rican American.

Meaning, of at least Caribbean Native "Indian" and Spanish (Mediterranean/European) extract, and possibly African also.

That should placate all sides :chuckle:
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The Berean

Well-known member
I like to tease my white friends to embrace their white privilege! Their ancestors worked very hard to make sure their descendants were left with a political, economic, and social power structure to keep white people in power. Don't be ashamed of it. Own it! :reals: It's so strange to me that so many of my white friends apparently are ashamed of their culture. Can someone explain this to me.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I like to tease my white friends to embrace their white privilege! Their ancestors worked very hard to make sure their descendants were left with a political, economic, and social power structure to keep white people in power. Don't be ashamed of it. Own it! :reals: It's so strange to me that so many of my white friends apparently are ashamed of their culture. Can someone explain this to me.
You have stupid friends.


New member
It's a phrase meant to evoke guilt. Whites should feel guilty about having everything handed to us.
Handed to us by who?
The white people that created our system?
How could white people create such a system in the first place?
Did they have a superior intellect, military, culture, ect.?
Obviously, anyone that thinks our system provides favors to people that are white is stuck in thinking that whites are superior, and the phrase "White privilege" is simply meant to remind people of that white superiority.


New member
I like to tease my white friends to embrace their white privilege! Their ancestors worked very hard to make sure their descendants were left with a political, economic, and social power structure to keep white people in power. Don't be ashamed of it. Own it! :reals: It's so strange to me that so many of my white friends apparently are ashamed of their culture. Can someone explain this to me.
Did the white ancestors use their superiority to create a system to favor white people?

patrick jane

Handed to us by who?
The white people that created our system?
How could white people create such a system in the first place?
Did they have a superior intellect, military, culture, ect.?
Obviously, anyone that thinks our system provides favors to people that are white is stuck in thinking that whites are superior, and the phrase "White privilege" is simply meant to remind people of that white superiority.
Listen up, lunkhead, the word privilege is in no way connected to superiority. :duh:

patrick jane

I like to tease my white friends to embrace their white privilege! Their ancestors worked very hard to make sure their descendants were left with a political, economic, and social power structure to keep white people in power. Don't be ashamed of it. Own it! :reals: It's so strange to me that so many of my white friends apparently are ashamed of their culture. Can someone explain this to me.
I'm happy to be white and I'm proud to be white. Your friends suffer from liberal guilt, you must be in California. :chuckle:


New member
Listen up, lunkhead, the word privilege is in no way connected to superiority. :duh:
"White privilege" is by its very nature a result of white superiority.

If you believe in "white privilege", then you automatically concede that white superiority created it.

If you deny white superiority, then that automatically means that there is no such thing as "white privilege".

patrick jane

"White privilege" is by its very nature a result of white superiority.

If you believe in "white privilege", then you automatically concede that white superiority created it.

If you deny white superiority, then that automatically means that there is no such thing as "white privilege".
Whatever you say.

I believe the phrase is used by blacks, other minorities, democrats and liberals to evoke guilty feelings from whites. On the other hand, the phrase "White Power" means whites are superior. To say that whites haven't experienced privileges in the past that minorities did not is denying reality. Personally, I don't think white privilege exists in America today.

patrick jane


White privilege
(or white skin privilege) is a term for societal privileges that benefit people identified as white in some countries, beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances. Academic perspectives such as critical race theory and whiteness studies use the concept of "white privilege" to analyze how racism and racialized societies affect the lives of white or white-skinned people.

According to Peggy McIntosh, whites in Western societies enjoy advantages that non-whites do not experience, as "an invisible package of unearned assets".[1] White privilege denotes both obvious and less obvious passive advantages that white people may not recognize they have, which distinguishes it from overt bias or prejudice. These include cultural affirmations of one's own worth; presumed greater social status; and freedom to move, buy, work, play, and speak freely. The effects can be seen in professional, educational, and personal contexts. The concept of white privilege also implies the right to assume the universality of one's own experiences, marking others as different or exceptional while perceiving oneself as normal.[2][3]


New member
Whatever you say.

I believe the phrase is used by blacks, other minorities, democrats and liberals to evoke guilty feelings from whites.
Liberals often do and say stupid things.

To say that whites haven't experienced privileges in the that minorities did not is denying reality.
It is denying reality to say that whites have experienced privileges simply for having pale skin.

Personally, I don't think white privilege exists in America today.
I agree with you.
There is no white privilege.