God never required any nation other than Israel to make the Law of Moses the law of the land. God did not require Rome to circumcise their children nor did He hold it against Greese when their people would work through the weekends. It was perfectly legal and totally fine (morally) for them to totally ignore the Torah. Right and wrong are not defined by the Torah. It was wrong to murder long before Moses came down that mountain with two tablets of stone that said, amoung other things, that thou shall not murder. It is God Himself, t(i.e. His character), that defines right and wrong. God is not righteous because He's following the Torah. God was good for an eternity before the Torah ever existed.
Indeed, there was a time before murder was against the law and when the death penalty was expressly forbidden. The result was that God had to flood the whole place out and start over the Noah and his family. It wasn't until Noah landed the ark that God said, "Whoever sheds man's blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man." (Gen. 9:6) How long before the Torah was that?
The point here is that in the United States, and darn near everywhere else for that matter, it is entirely legal for you to be a homo or nearly any other sort of sexual pervert you want to be. That doesn't make it right and yes, these people will answer to God for their sin but not because their behavior was against the law but because it was immoral.
I believe you are saying that all of the law does not apply to you so some things are immoral rather than against the law.
The law was given to the nation of Israel. My understanding is that it has not been abolished or annulled. I do believe Ephesians 2:14-15 NASB however.