What the Law and the Bible say about Homosexuality.


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It wasn't important enough of a detail to be included? Has it occurred to you that the very reason the mention of Jesus writing on the ground but not specifying exactly what was wrote was exactly the entire point? That it required some thought on the reader as to why every person in that mob was convicted by their conscience to leave after He'd finished writing?

Do you need everything spelled out for you?


You know, Arty, it's pretty dishonest of you to argue against only half of my argument...


Read what I said again:

The Bible does not say what He wrote down, and which means either one of two things:


It wasn't important enough of a detail to be included.


The context of the situation should be enough to provide an indication of what He wrote.

Remember that article I provided you with a few weeks ago?

Did you bother reading it?

The author reasoned out logically the most likely scenario.

Honestly. Do you need everything spelled out for you?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Paul: Homosexuality is a crime worthy of death.

Who should we believe, Arthur? You or Paul?

Then if you believe that then start a commune of like minded people where you can enact those laws that you think are just and applicable in the present. Otherwise, Jesus certainly didn't seem to think it was worth dwelling on while on earth and didn't mention it at all.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

You know, Arty, it's pretty dishonest of you to argue against only half of my argument...


Read what I said again:

Honestly. Do you need everything spelled out for you?

The context of the situation should be enough indeed and one whereby you should know there was a point to those words not being expressly written down. I did read that article and was unimpressed. Why do you think the author reasoned out the most likely scenario? Why would you need someone to do that anyway? What do you think was likely written on the ground that day that caused everyone to leave? The Bible does encourage thought you know?


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Then if you believe that

How many times do I gotta say it, Arty?

It has nothing to do with what I believe or think.

The Bible says:

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. . . . who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. - Romans 1:26-27,32 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans1:26-27,32&version=NKJV

God said it, that settles it.

So again, I ask, Arthur, who should we believe, Paul (and God), who says that Homosexuality is a crime worthy of death, or you, who says that homosexuality is not a crime at all?

then start a commune of like minded people where you can enact those laws that you think are just and applicable in the present.


Otherwise, Jesus certainly didn't seem to think it was worth dwelling on while on earth and didn't mention it at all.

So what is Paul? Chopped liver?

Jesus didn't have to deal with homosexuality because it WAS a crime, worthy of death.

Today, we have to deal with flaming homos on every corner because it is NO LONGER a crime at all, let alone worthy of death.

Paul says homos should be executed.

You say homosexuality isn't a crime.

I'm gonna stick with Paul.


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Then if you believe that then start a commune of like minded people where you can enact those laws that you think are just and applicable in the present. Otherwise, Jesus certainly didn't seem to think it was worth dwelling on while on earth and didn't mention it at all.
How many times do I gotta say it, Arty?

It has nothing to do with what I believe or think.

The Bible says:

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. . . . who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. - Romans 1:26-27,32 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans1:26-27,32&version=NKJV

God said it, that settles it.

So again, I ask, Arthur, who should we believe, Paul (and God), who says that Homosexuality is a crime worthy of death, or you, who says that homosexuality is not a crime at all?

then start a commune of like minded people where you can enact those laws that you think are just and applicable in the present.


So what is Paul? Chopped liver?

Jesus didn't have to deal with homosexuality because it WAS a crime, worthy of death.

Today, we have to deal with flaming homos on every corner because it is NO LONGER a crime at all, let alone worthy of death.

Paul says homos should be executed.

You say homosexuality isn't a crime.

I'm gonna stick with Paul.

Arty, do you reject Paul's authority?


Jacob, I am not a fundamentalist or zealot or bound by religious indoctrination of some sort. I don't regard homosexuals as evil simply because they're not attracted to the opposite sex and I don't have a hang up with it. "Conversion therapy" is quackery that supposedly "cures" people of same sex attraction except it doesn't work, has been roundly derided by all health practice and actual science professionals and is largely being made illegal.


Well, being attracted to a member of the opposite sex might be sin, unless it is your wife or potential wife I guess.


Only God can change a being 2 Corinthians 5:14-17

Conversion therapy is based on the idea that 'man can change man.' It doesn't work because only God can change a man. Conversion, then, is only the work of God. -Lon

If a man shares the gospel with someone and they convert or become a believer, God has saved that person more than the man did but the man did too, because he is the one who shared the gospel with them.
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Yes, it is why I think it a good political discussion and I believe you are correct, that it crosses over into politics in any way that we 'share' common law. It has to do so else we are forced to the lowest common-denominator of man's collective morals and values. If they are naught but animals? We are left to laws for naught but animals. Politics must/necessarily deal with the subject of who we are and whether we are created beings with a higher calling, or are merely 'a little higher' than all the other animals.

God is good.

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Do you believe that people possess the inalienable right to be disobedient to God, or do you think that law enforcement /police and government has the just power to force, harass, pressure, and coerce people to obey God?
How about 'murder?'
How about it.
"Why" is murder wrong?
The topic's LGBTQI+ conjugal relations. There's nobody anywhere arguing that murder is OK or that we have the right to murder. Red herring /false /weak analogy /parallel. Meanwhile, there are plenty of people who hold the position /view /opinion that LGBTQI+ conjugal relations are morally licit. It's a question of religious view, religious liberty, and murder is not that same thing or same type of thing, and not in any way.
In a similar fashion, I believe Jacob's post follows the same line of thinking. Can we ever separate politics from 'our values?' I'd suggest the answer is :nono:
If our values include the recognition, affirmation, and protection of religious liberty /the right to the pursuit of happiness, then I agree; they are inseparable.


Well-known member
How about it.
The topic's LGBTQI+ conjugal relations. There's nobody anywhere arguing that murder is OK or that we have the right to murder. Red herring /false /weak analogy /parallel. Meanwhile, there are plenty of people who hold the position /view /opinion that LGBTQI+ conjugal relations are morally licit. It's a question of religious view, religious liberty, and murder is not that same thing or same type of thing, and not in any way.
If our values include the recognition, affirmation, and protection of religious liberty /the right to the pursuit of happiness, then I agree; they are inseparable.

Not true. See here by example and here specifically. These were at one time against the law. What is to stop 'murder' laws from being abolished? Your 'sentiment' alone? That IS what retracted these laws. I'm asking what one believes would stop 'murder' from being wrong, if the whole country just 'doesn't care anymore' as long as it isn't them. Won't happen? I'm saying that is wrong, it is happening. Our laws ARE changing because we cannot keep up with the offenders. All it will take is that the 'majority' stop observing said laws or caring about them, if all we are is animals forced to the lowest commonality. My state (and others) are already defying federal law concerning marijuana usage, so much so, it is now being sold in certain pharmacies as a viable drug for maladies.

If our values include the recognition, affirmation, and protection of religious liberty /the right to the pursuit of happiness, then I agree; they are inseparable.
The UN tries to intervene wherever their is injustice specifically 'by right of a higher call.' These heinous acts are 'inhumane' meaning we are different than the animals that do the same. I believe Jacob's OP is addressing 'why' "human" is more than just a consensus of our lowest common agreements of what we can and cannot do. I 'can' practice sexuality but that doesn't mean I should, even if consensual. For me? More so, because I believe beings are spiritual, for a spiritual purpose, and not used for animalistic concerns.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How many times do I gotta say it, Arty?

It has nothing to do with what I believe or think.

The Bible says:

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. . . . who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. - Romans 1:26-27,32 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans1:26-27,32&version=NKJV

God said it, that settles it.

So again, I ask, Arthur, who should we believe, Paul (and God), who says that Homosexuality is a crime worthy of death, or you, who says that homosexuality is not a crime at all?


So what is Paul? Chopped liver?

Jesus didn't have to deal with homosexuality because it WAS a crime, worthy of death.

Today, we have to deal with flaming homos on every corner because it is NO LONGER a crime at all, let alone worthy of death.

Paul says homos should be executed.

You say homosexuality isn't a crime.

I'm gonna stick with Paul.

"Flaming homos on every corner"?!

That kind of comment says it all. You don't have to deal with anything apart from living your own life, minding your own business and allowing others to live theirs. If Jesus didn't see fit to make a big deal of it or mention it at all in recorded ministry then I'm not gonna make a deal of it either.

I know a couple of "HOMOS" and they reflect the fruits of the spirit a lot more than the likes of plenty here.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There's nobody anywhere arguing that murder is OK or that we have the right to murder.

sure there is


...there are plenty of people who hold the position /view /opinion that LGBTQI+ conjugal relations are morally licit.

they're wrong

as wrong as the evil people who want to justify murdering that innocent child


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
sure there is

They're not knowingly doing it then. Those advocating for the right to commit LGBTQI+ conjugal acts know that they're doing it.
they're wrong
I think so too, but I believe they possess the inalienable right to believe that they're not wrong, just as we have the right to believe that they are wrong.
as wrong as the evil people who want to justify murdering that innocent child
Again, they're not knowingly arguing for murder; they don't believe abortion in cases where the mother is not defending herself from her pregnancy is murder.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
They're not knowingly doing it then. Those advocating for the right to commit LGBTQI+ conjugal acts know that they're doing it.
I think so too, but I believe they possess the inalienable right to believe that they're not wrong, just as we have the right to believe that they are wrong.
Again, they're not knowingly arguing for murder; they don't believe abortion in cases where the mother is not defending herself from her pregnancy is murder.

the doctor who performs the abortion knows that it is murder

and the mother who seeks the death of her child knows that it is murder, in her heart

and the pervert who seeks societal approval of his perversion, knows in his heart that he is a pervert

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm asking what one believes would stop 'murder' from being wrong, if the whole country just 'doesn't care anymore' as long as it isn't them.

you're describing the blind eye the country is currently turning to the thousands of young negro men who are murdered every year


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"Flaming homos on every corner"?!

That kind of comment says it all. You don't have to deal with anything apart from living your own life, minding your own business and allowing others to live theirs.

You apparently have no idea what hyperbole or figure of speech is.

If Jesus didn't see fit to make a big deal of it or mention it at all in recorded ministry then I'm not gonna make a deal of it either.

What about Paul? Do you reject Paul's authority?

I know a couple of "HOMOS" and they reflect the fruits of the spirit a lot more than the likes of plenty here.


I know that Paul said "homos should be put to death."

Do you agree with Paul? Or disagree with him?