Let me tell you all something that really needs to sink in.
While groups like BLM pretend that it's a movement concerning the lives of blacks, they have flat out refused to move on places like Chicago- which has seen nearly as many deaths due to black on black crime as the past fifteen years in Iraq and Afghanistan combined- and instead are just branding white people racist.
Take the blindfold off and stop having lies shoved down your throat, seriously- it is literally nothing more than a threat of a race war if white people do not meet their demands.
It's something you need to clearly understand and accept, because otherwise you're just being a damn fool.
And that's all I have to say on this thread, the subject is just going to irritate me the more I'm on here listening to a pale of lies and excuses.
While groups like BLM pretend that it's a movement concerning the lives of blacks, they have flat out refused to move on places like Chicago- which has seen nearly as many deaths due to black on black crime as the past fifteen years in Iraq and Afghanistan combined- and instead are just branding white people racist.
Take the blindfold off and stop having lies shoved down your throat, seriously- it is literally nothing more than a threat of a race war if white people do not meet their demands.
It's something you need to clearly understand and accept, because otherwise you're just being a damn fool.
And that's all I have to say on this thread, the subject is just going to irritate me the more I'm on here listening to a pale of lies and excuses.