What is your definition of racism?


New member
Hall of Fame
some of them are :idunno:



New member
Hall of Fame
You would only be a racial bigot if you believed that white men are superior to men of other races, simply because you prefer them.

:think: Does it not stand to reason that you would believe the person you choose to marry as superior to others? See how fried your logic is?


New member
Hall of Fame
My temporary conclusion is that most blacks are not any more racist than whites and that white racism is almost also exclusively seen among the most ignorant among us. I hold to the possibility of more white racism but it is likely in the subconscious realm as I and many other whites I know don't see racism in themselves .

I think that's exactly what many people claim. That it isn't overt, KKK-style racism. It's subconscious or implicit biases.


Wait, I'm gonna take a risk here that really causes part of me to say, no don't do this... but Angel and Tam probably have way more restrictions on who they would or did look twice at and who they would fall for. C'mon, women have lots of things going on in their heads I'm sure every guy knows that. Please. Women have to think of connections or the lack there of, of children, parents or some other thousand other things. And then they still will look back and wonder sometimes. So this topic has nothing to do with racism. And men? Who thinks white men or any men have not been doing all sorts of things they should not do with all sorts of ... people.

I mean really.


New member
Hall of Fame
I think that's exactly what many people claim. That it isn't overt, KKK-style racism. It's subconscious or implicit biases.

Why is bias in ones own preferences a bad thing? Every person on the planet has it, each time they choose anything over another thing.


Whites are no prettier, smarter, hard-working, or deserving than anyone else. Though you certainly would not conclude this from our culture, or from our elite cliques of advantaged children and adults that control the levers of wealth, power, and social hierarchy.

What is so sad is that they gat all the support and advantages, as if they really were superior, when they are no more superior than anyone else, in any way. Which means all the amazing intelligence and talent and vision that exists in all those OTHER people, who don't get the support and advantages of the privileged white, wealthy, "pretty" people, get left to waste away, unseen and undeveloped.

Ok, Pure, notice you said nothing about your grand parents?
But that's ok, cuz just like body types will determine certain things people will be good at, there is something worse. Some will had a high infant survival rate, some showed way more aggression and didnt stay in their own countries - and some people have said that is why Europe and the United States and Canada and Australia were formed and worked by a number of whites. The heart break for our black Americans is they did not come over here to suffer willingly like the Irish and others did, right? That is what hurts them. I wish it was not so.
The American Indians also have this feeling of choice taken from them, right?


Well-known member
Ok, Pure, notice you said nothing about your grand parents?
But that's ok, cuz just like body types will determine certain things people will be good at, there is something worse. Some will had a high infant survival rate, some showed way more aggression and didnt stay in their own countries - and some people have said that is why Europe and the United States and Canada and Australia were formed and worked by a number of whites. The heart break for our black Americans is they did not come over here to suffer willingly like the Irish and others did, right? That is what hurts them. I wish it was not so.
The American Indians also have this feeling of choice taken from them, right?
No one cares about any of this nonsense. All people, all over the world, want the same basic things. And they move around as they need to, to try and obtain them. They also will abuse and exploit each other, as they are able, to get what they want.

So the problem is how to protect people from each other, while sharing the opportunities and resources that are available, equitably. So that everyone gets an equal chance at achieving, "life, liberty, and happiness", according to their ability.

But we are not doing this. Instead, we are allowing a rich, white, entitled elite to horde most of the opportunities and resources for themselves, generation after generation, while everyone else is forced to compete with each other for whatever degree of well-being they can garner, at each other's expense.

This is the way dumb animals live. It should not be the way we humans live.


Well-known member
:think: Does it not stand to reason that you would believe the person you choose to marry as superior to others? See how fried your logic is?
We weren't discussing the man you choose to marry. We were simply discussing the men you find attractive, date-wise. Stop trying so hard to insult me. I am not trying to insult you.


Well-known member
yeah, im a racist (since i think white guys are most attractive personally), sexist (since i dont want sex with another woman), ageist (since im not attracted to guys way younger or older than me) etc..
So am I, in this general sense of the meaning of those terms: racist, and sexist.

But in these instances, we are not being bigoted in our racial or sexual preferences. So we are not racial or sexual bigots because of these preferences.

That's the only point I was trying to make. But it seem one cannot interact with you on anything without you lashing out and hurling irrelevant insults.


New member
That is clearly racist, but it's not hurtful. Personal preference may be race based, but is not necessarily bigotry. (We are discussing racism as bigotry based on race).

Is a heterosexual who does not want to have sex with anyone of his/her own gender a "sexist"? Yes. But he/she is not a sexual bigot, nor do they intend any harm or degradation to anyone.

You would only be a racial bigot if you believed that white men are superior to men of other races, simply because you prefer them.

She doesn't believe white men are superior to other races. It's likely angel is attracted PHYSICALLY to white men over all over men. Nothing bigoted about that. It's just biological reality unless she wants to object to what I said.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
:think: Does it not stand to reason that you would believe the person you choose to marry as superior to others? See how fried your logic is?

I don't think it does necessarily. It can be sure. I think someone who displays a sense of empathy is superior to someone who doesn't by way of. I couldn't be attracted to a woman who had no compassion about her beyond purely the physical. Then again people can find themselves more attracted to a person who displays many of the same characteristics as another where that spark of attraction simply isn't firing for whatever reason. It wouldn't be a case of your choice of partner being 'superior' to others in that regard.


Well-known member
She doesn't believe white men are superior to other races. It's likely angel is attracted PHYSICALLY to white men over all over men. Nothing bigoted about that. It's just biological reality unless she wants to object to what I said.
Well, yes, and no. Sexual attraction is not an overwhelmingly physical phenomena. It is mostly a mental phenomena. And a complex one at that.

So that if a person were only attracted to white males, it would likely not be for physical reasons, but for mental reasons. And some of those reasons could be the result of bigotry. I'm not accusing anyone. I'm just saying that it's a likely possibility.