What is your definition of racism?


New member
Racism is when you apply pre-conceptions to someone based on the association of their skin color to others of that race.

It can be positive or negative. But when it's positive, we don't call it racism. We just say "he seems like a good guy."
Good point. This is what leads to institutional racism. It results when you live in a society where the majority tends to see their fellow majorities as "pretty good" while viewing the minorities as "pretty bad."

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New member
true story alert:

i used to teach, mostly high school

i taught in two adjacent school districts, one urban, primarily black, mixed representation in terms of poverty/affluent

the other was the suburban district i lived in, my kids were going through, i had graduated from thirty years before - mostly white, mostly double parent households, mostly modestly affluent

a local business magazine did an annual survey of all 431 upstate new york public school districts (upstate means excluding the NYC area and Lawn Giland)

the suburban district always scored in the top five percent

the urban district always scored dead last

the suburban district spent $13,600 per student per year

the urban district spent $16,700 per student per year

that's right - 23% more money to achieve failing results

Money is not the problem. Good teachers don't want to live in bad neighborhoods and deal with kids who don't want to learn and whose parents don't give a damn. All the teaching talent stays in the suburban districts as a result . Like it or not, the only answer other than vouchers is to slowly bus urban kids into these suburban schools, but not overwhelm them....just enough to let the dominant school culture influence their attitude towards education and whites. It has been shown to work but was dismantled before it had time to really take off.


New member
In America racism is whatever the left wants it to mean at the moment, it is a versatile hyperbole that can be attached to any, speech, behavior, or worldview whether it is accurate or not. I wish that it was as cut and dry as you presume but, that is just not the case, in fact I would say the more the word "Racism" is being used wrongly the more it becomes blasé & trite, it loses it's power as it's meaning is perverted to be a one size fits all term.
The right doesn't see racism anywhere, except when it's from blacks.

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New member
Sorry, but that's hogwash.

The impediments that dark-skinned men and women have to overcome economically and socially to gain any sort of power in this culture are far greater than those of light-skinned people. And this mantra of "personal responsibility" is just society's way of blaming the victims. We build a wall so high that only a very few people of color can manage to scale it and then we use the fact that a few do manage to scale it as an excuse for ignoring the wall we've created to keep most of them pushed to the furthest margins of society. And then we use that marginalization as an excuse to blame them for not wanting to "fit into" mainstream society.

Then we blame them when they get angry about all of this. Or when they become hopeless. Because nothing is ever "whitey's" fault. Nothing is ever "whitey's" responsibility. Even though "whitey" controls all the levers of power, and of wealth, and of cultural expression in this society.
Post of the thread.

*one-man standing ovation*

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New member
You are clearly a racist. White people hold all the levers of power, of wealth, and of cultural expression. So of coarse they prosper. They also make it extremely difficult for a person of color to gain access to those levers of power, wealth, and culture. Then the white elite deny and ignore that they are doing this because a few very extraordinary people of color do manage to scale the massive political, cultural, and economic wall keeping them out. They use these exceptions to blame the rest because they are racial bigots who want to believe that all those other people of color are weak, or stupid, or lacking in character. It's what they want to believe so they don't have to recognize their own selfishness and practiced exclusion.

Being a racist bigot, you will of course deny all of this. Because you want to believe that people of color are weak and stupid and lacking in character. But that you are not. You want to puff yourself up at their expense, and do it based on the color of their skin. And that's what racism is: it's bigotry based on race. And that's what bigotry is: presuming yourself to be superior by falsely denigrating others, simply for the sake of feeling superior, yourself.
It's the reason we have institutional racism.

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Well-known member
Sorry, but that's hogwash.

The impediments that dark-skinned men and women have to overcome economically and socially to gain any sort of power in this culture are far greater than those of light-skinned people. And this mantra of "personal responsibility" is just society's way of blaming the victims. We build a wall so high that only a very few people of color can manage to scale it and then we use the fact that a few do manage to scale it as an excuse for ignoring the wall we've created to keep most of them pushed to the furthest margins of society. And then we use that marginalization as an excuse to blame them for not wanting to "fit into" mainstream society.

Then we blame them when they get angry about all of this. Or when they become hopeless. Because nothing is ever "whitey's" fault. Nothing is ever "whitey's" responsibility. Even though "whitey" controls all the levers of power, and of wealth, and of cultural expression in this society.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The right doesn't see racism anywhere, except when it's from blacks.

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That is a cop out answer, and totally false given that the right or republicans if you will have always been on the proper side of history on the subject. The left however, democrats if you will have always been on the wrong side of history (except in the twisted minds of liberals), and unless you are making up your own version of history, which liberals have been successful propagating their lie concerning their place in history, than you fail to see that democrats have no moral ground to take on the subject, even if people like you give them credit for it. You keep voting for elitist progressive liberals and they will continue to keep people of color in the slavery of poverty, just as they have done since the reparation.


Racism is when you apply pre-conceptions to someone based on the association of their skin color to others of that race.

That's not 'racism', that's 'prejudice'.

People don't want to understand the difference- instead, cops are called racist for having black silhouettes, while blacks can call to 'kill all whites' and not be racist.

It's insanity, and people are mad because, now, people are no longer being made quiet every time someone yells 'racist!'. And it's the same for claims of 'sexism', 'homophobia', anon anon.
Such people have no mind- they try to shove it all down other people's throats, and then act ridiculous when people react, simply multiplying the amount of false claims and derogatory statements they can hum at you.

The definition of racism is believing race is classifiable by worth or ability- not culture, not impression, not background..

It's as simple as that. And white, straight, liberal men need to wake up and smell the coffee :rolleyes:


New member
Hall of Fame
Not only that, Angel; but to be PC you have to accept other cultures as well.

I like my culture.
I don't want to change it or mix it.

Money is not the problem. Good teachers don't want to live in bad neighborhoods and deal with kids who don't want to learn and whose parents don't give a damn. All the teaching talent stays in the suburban districts as a result . Like it or not, the only answer other than vouchers is to slowly bus urban kids into these suburban schools, but not overwhelm them....just enough to let the dominant school culture influence their attitude towards education and whites. It has been shown to work but was dismantled before it had time to really take off.

I disagree, busing only usually brings trouble to other schools, a better solution in my opinion is hold teachers accountable, you know like leftists dont want to do with teacher unions. Get rid of the bad apple teachers and remove the kids that hinder the others. Schools lack disciple anymore.

The Massive Liberal Failure on Race - Part 1: How the left’s embrace of busing hurt the cause of integration.


New member
Money is not the problem. Good teachers don't want to live in bad neighborhoods and deal with kids who don't want to learn and whose parents don't give a damn. All the teaching talent stays in the suburban districts as a result . Like it or not, the only answer other than vouchers is to slowly bus urban kids into these suburban schools, but not overwhelm them....just enough to let the dominant school culture influence their attitude towards education and whites. It has been shown to work but was dismantled before it had time to really take off.

My nearest city sorts children to the city schools using a lottery system. Parents apply to schools in the order they prefer, and oversubscribed schools select pupils by random chance.

I disagree that money isn't a significant problem though. Pupils from families with low expectations will always have a harder time of it, so they need the best teachers. While you are right that many good teachers will drift towards schools that are most pleasant to work in, much of that is due to uniform pay rates between schools. There are two clear ways to resolve this. The first is to pay teachers much more for working in the most difficult conditions, and let the market sort out the supply. This is how companies that need the best staff can get the best staff. The other way is the Aussie system, of employing teachers at the state level and rotating them through all the different schools, so that each school has a similar mix of teachers.


New member
I disagree, busing only usually brings trouble to other schools, a better solution in my opinion is hold teachers accountable, you know like leftists dont want to do with teacher unions. Get rid of the bad apple teachers and remove the kids that hinder the others. Schools lack disciple anymore.

The Massive Liberal Failure on Race - Part 1: How the left’s embrace of busing hurt the cause of integration.

When the difficult schools don't offer enough pay to attract the talent, then they won't get the talent. Chucking out the weaker teachers, instead of training, rewarding and supporting them better, will just leave those neighbourhood schools without teachers. Schools offering a diet of daily conflict and reactionary management can't attract the teachers they need without the money to pay them a decent differential to compensate them for the poor working conditions. Which other sorts of employees stay in companies that give them nothing but stress and blame if they are able to move to another company?