What is your definition of racism?


New member
levers of power:

not levers of power:

you're an idiot

The biggest level of power is indeed education and whites are not holding them up there....it's the refusal to let black children go to the school of their choice through vouchers . The reason for that is because all the awful schools they came from would shut down due to lack of funding.


New member
Hall of Fame
Lot of words being thrown around --- racist, bigot, prejudice, etc.

Which one was GOD when He commanded Israelites not to mix?
Whichever word you want to apply, it was the right thing to do at that time.
Being racist, bigoted, prejudice, etc. are not always negative.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 KJV
(1) To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
(2) A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
(3) A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
(4) A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
(5) A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
(6) A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
(7) A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
(8) A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

None? :idunno: And how do you think that connects with the thread or our present day situation?


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Hall of Fame

To quote your post:
All are prejudiced about this or that in good and bad ways.
Racial prejudices, good or bad, are part of everyone's intellectual makeup.
But racial prejudice is not racism.
Racism is racial prejudice in action.

In other words, talking about one's views of this or that racial group is not racism. Acting on one's racial prejudices, good or bad, is racism.

A more interesting question is:

Can one who holds negative racial prejudices not avoid being a racist?

Just to go with your definitions for now....you ask an important question and I think it would be very hard for someone to not end up acting in some way.
Most prejudice might be based on culture instead of race itself, but is that truly a right vs wrong thing? Is it OK to treat them differently because of it?
I remember in another thread the issue of names came up and someone said naming is a determining factor of assimilation. But why should black people have to use certain names that white people feel are acceptable? :idunno:


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Today, one is a racist if they don't want to mix. Does no one have any right to their own preferences anymore?
Mix as in inter-racial marriage? Sure people have a right to their own preferences. On the other hand, I might question motivation if someone completely closes them off to other races in dating.

A while back I saw something about online dating preferences where you can restrict based on race and it took the view that it was racist.
For myself, I'm generally not attracted to black women but would I say 'no blacks' on a website? :idunno: Is something else at play if someone does? Maybe.


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Mix as in inter-racial marriage? Sure people have a right to their own preferences. On the other hand, I might question motivation if someone completely closes them off to other races in dating.

I was called a racist because i wouldnt date a black guy who kept hounding me at work. Before you question my motivation, i dont find black men generally very attractive at all. As well as chinese men, or japanese men, hispanic men, etc. I prefer white men.

A while back I saw something about online dating preferences where you can restrict based on race and it took the view that it was racist.

Then you should be forced to date a 500 lb 2 foot tall chinese woman who is 20 years older than you. Right?

For myself, I'm generally not attracted to black women but would I say 'no blacks' on a website? :idunno: Is something else at play if someone does? Maybe.

So you beleive you dont really have a right to your own preference. Youve been brainwashed sufficiently.

The Berean

Well-known member
I was called a racist because i wouldnt date a black guy who kept hounding me at work. Before you question my motivation, i dont find black men generally very attractive at all. As well as chinese men, or japanese men, hispanic men, etc. I prefer white men.
And this is your right. I don't find it racist at all. And I'm not a white guy. When that black guy was hassassing you you should have worn a T-shirt with the Confederate flag on it! :p

On a side note Hispanic men can be white as well. :think:

The Berean

Well-known member
This is a reall interesting video. The filmmaker interviewed a group of people to ask them about the definition of "racism" and to give examples of racism they have witnessed or encountered. It's really interesting.



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Hall of Fame
And this is your right. I don't find it racist at all. And I'm not a white guy. When that black guy was hassassing you you should have worn a T-shirt with the Confederate flag on it! :p

On a side note Hispanic men can be white as well. :think:
:) What i mean is, that my preference is lighter skinned guys as far as looks goes.

like this:


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The biggest level of power is indeed education and whites are not holding them up there....it's the refusal to let black children go to the school of their choice through vouchers . The reason for that is because all the awful schools they came from would shut down due to lack of funding.

true story alert:

i used to teach, mostly high school

i taught in two adjacent school districts, one urban, primarily black, mixed representation in terms of poverty/affluent

the other was the suburban district i lived in, my kids were going through, i had graduated from thirty years before - mostly white, mostly double parent households, mostly modestly affluent

a local business magazine did an annual survey of all 431 upstate new york public school districts (upstate means excluding the NYC area and Lawn Giland)

the suburban district always scored in the top five percent

the urban district always scored dead last

the suburban district spent $13,600 per student per year

the urban district spent $16,700 per student per year

that's right - 23% more money to achieve failing results


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Today, one is a racist if they don't want to mix. Does no one have any right to their own preferences anymore?
Not only that, Angel; but to be PC you have to accept other cultures as well.

I like my culture.
I don't want to change it or mix it.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
i dont find black men generally very attractive at all. As well as chinese men, or japanese men, hispanic men, etc. I prefer white men.
Same here.

I have friends galore of other races (close friends), but I would have never dated or married them because that sort of attraction was never there.


New member
What about institutional racism. Haven't seen that mentioned thus far.

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