What is your answer to "The Race Problem"?


New member
Despite my repeated requests, you still have provided absolutely no direct empirical evidence for the italicized.

I have a thought. Why don't you ask one of your black friends what they think? I'm done with you on this topic. You've so far completely failed to so much as recognize the prejudices that you're building into the system, and I don't feel that there's much to be gained in trying to show you.

patrick jane

I guess when insulting blacks isn't good enough, you switch to insulting the elderly. You're just a real peach of a "man", aren't you, PJ?

MASK OFF (you're having a hard time keeping it on)

are you elderly ? I say things that are said everyday and in literature for centuries. Do you think I coined the phrase "dried up curmudgeon" ? Your brother Groz used it on me a few days ago !

I'm a daisy


Well-known member
Are you aware which economic philosophy goes more or less along those lines? It has been a dismal failure everywhere it has been tried.

Also, please note that pure capitalism doesn't exist. Trade unions have power. There are minimum wages, various safety nets and the like.

I suppose only Catholic Communists are moral...

I wonder how old you are. You have the naive approach of a 16 year old to the world.

Traditio- you have not responded to this.



Chair, my apologies for the delay:

Are you aware which economic philosophy goes more or less along those lines? It has been a dismal failure everywhere it has been tried.

I'll address this below.

Also, please note that pure capitalism doesn't exist. Trade unions have power. There are minimum wages, various safety nets and the like.

"Pure" capitalism may or may not exist. The capitalist spirit most certainly does exist, as may be ascertained from a simple survey of opinions of those who identify as a Republican or otherwise as an economic conservative. More on this below.

I suppose only Catholic Communists are moral...

1. Both communism and capitalism are opposed to the Catholic faith.

Have we not heard Pope Francis repeatedly decrying capitalism throughout his tenure as pope? Yet, he is no communist.

2. Both communism and capitalism are opposed to the dignity of the human being. As Jacques Maritain rightly insists, both communism and capitalism, at their very core, set up for themselves a false worldview, a false anthropology.

Communism is, at its core, atheistic and materialistic. Though it claims to seek man's liberation, it seeks the liberation, not of men, but of Man. To humanity in general it subjects the individual to the cruelest inhumanities. It claims the whole human being for itself in its totalitarian grip. At its core, communism offends against human dignity and personhood.

Likewise does capitalism. Whereas communism demands that the individual sell his soul for all of humanity (and, at the very least, communism so recognizes that much of man's dignity, that if he is to be sacrificed, it must be for an apparently worthy end), the capitalist demands that the individual sell himself for a factory owner, for the bourgeois bottom line, for earthly mammon.

Yes, communism sells out the individual. But consider how immense the price tag is, of which the individual is currency for exchange! Capitalism sells out the individual for peanuts.

At any rate, neither capitalism nor capitalism recognize the dignity of the human person, of the plain truth that the economy ultimately is for the good of the human person, the human being, and not the other way around. They both deny man's intrinsic dignity, value and worth insofar as he is a person.

I wonder how old you are. You have the naive approach of a 16 year old to the world.

Old enough to be working on a dissertation proposal. :idunno:


I have a thought. Why don't you ask one of your black friends what they think? I'm done with you on this topic. You've so far completely failed to so much as recognize the prejudices that you're building into the system, and I don't feel that there's much to be gained in trying to show you.

Translation: It is a social liberal first premise that black people are being oppressed, that the system is bad, and that society is responsible for crime, not criminals. The social liberal has no clear, unequovical, indubitable data to support his worldview (after all, his world is a world of assumptions, assumptions which fit nicely into his liberal, anti-authority, etc. worldview). But then, why should he? It's an article of the race-baiting social liberal faith. And you don't question faith, right?

And why not? It gets votes. And a certain demographic sure does seem to buy into it.

Noted. ;)

Note, of course, that I might not even have bothered typing this. But I do note that Alate_One has taken similar steps earlier.

"Can you show me there's a racism problem when it comes to law enforcement?"
"If you don't admit it, you're just part of the problem!"
"What problem? Why should I think there's a problem?"
"See! You're contributing to it right now!"

Social liberalism disgusts me. :nono:


Perhaps as far as chronological age goes.


I specifically wrote an answer to you, an answer that I've been post-poning, because I saw that you had requested again that I offer one, and I didn't want to "leave you hanging," as the saying goes.

Why go through all the trouble if you simply are just going to ignore what I say and insult me?


New member
My education wasnt going to get me any where and I saw my friends making money selling drugs...hypothetical black. WRONG!!! The education WILL get you somewhere... maybe not as far or as quickly as the white guys. Your inner city black culture is whispering this lie into your head.

This is what I am talking about concerning culture being the culprit. An education will get you somewhere IF you move out of the ghetto and abandon your thug friends who are drenched in the same culture you are. Alate. Your hypothetical glimpse into the inner workings of the young black mind show exactly what I'm talking about.


Well-known member

I specifically wrote an answer to you, an answer that I've been post-poning, because I saw that you had requested again that I offer one, and I didn't want to "leave you hanging," as the saying goes.

Why go through all the trouble if you simply are just going to ignore what I say and insult me?

My apologies for being nasty, but your attitude to some of these subjects strikes me as not the most serious.


Well-known member
Translation: It is a social liberal first premise that black people are being oppressed, that the system is bad, and that society is responsible for crime, not criminals.

Instead of getting a few barbs in on "social liberals", how about thinking of not just what should be done with criminals- but how to have less criminals.


Well-known member
Personal salvation doesn't solve the societal problems that give rise to the race problem. It saves the person, but not their neighbors or family from the deprivation of poverty and generational despair.
I believe it can and should bridge that gap and often does. Hurdles? Yes, still.

At times, I've rather chosen to hang around the Godly, regardless of color or cultural difference and conversely have skirted my own race at different gatherings and times.

In Christ, there is neither Greek nor Jew, free-man nor slave....
Christ, indeed, does break through those barriers. Those without Christ will continue to wrestle this topic until the Lord's return. Some church -goers will wrestle with their own stigmatisms. I both respect difference and celebrate the same Spirit with those of like mind, soul, spirit.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I can imagine a teacher from a low-performing, inner city school easily transitioning into a well-performing, suburban school.

that was me

in the fall, when we had parents night in the inner city, the school was a ghost town. there were many classes in which not a single parent showed up. the parking lot was empty.

in the suburb? SRO - most kid's desks had mom sitting and dad standing - the parking lot overflowed onto the side streets

draw your own conclusions

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Personal salvation doesn't solve the societal problems that give rise to the race problem. It saves the person, but not their neighbors or family from the deprivation of poverty and generational despair.

that cycle of poverty and generational despair might be alleviated if they'd manage to stretch out the generations a bit better

one of the reasons moms didn't come to parents night in the inner city was that they were home caring for their fifteen year old daughters babies


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
that cycle of poverty and generational despair might be alleviated if they'd manage to stretch out the generations a bit better

one of the reasons moms didn't come to parents night in the inner city was that they were home caring for their fifteen year old daughters babies

have you seen any data on how old they are?