Neither of which, makes one not responsible for the consequences.
They are still responsible whether or not they own up to it (other than mental disease)
Do you not understand that having an excuse, doesnt mean not responsible. I think liberals ignore that part.
Honestly I don't know too many liberals who claim people aren't responsible for their actions.
I have never said people are NOT responsible for their actions, however, the race problem cannot be solved by simply telling everyone they're responsible and stopping there. You throw up your hands and say yep they're responsible and walk away. There are structural forces that tend to lead people to make bad decisions.
Instead you figure out policy that makes it easier for people to make good decisions and see a way out of their situation.
These are the kinds of supports most white people take for granted. Not everyone has those supports.
Oh and heres a flip side:
I did this because i had a poor education.
Question: Did you apply yourself in school and attend classes?
Yes, but the school wouldnt suspend the troublemakers and drug dealers that kept disrupting classes for those who wanted to learn, so i learned nothing other than to act up like they do.
Or the flip flip side. The school had a lot of disruptive kids but the teacher wasn't allowed to kick them out for more than a few days or send them somewhere else. So I was always distracted by these people and I didn't see any way out. I saw my friends were making good money selling drugs so I decided to do that instead of trying for an education that wasn't going to help me anyway.
Most people need role models and if the only role models they see are athletes, singers and drug dealers, they're going to pick one of those models. And when the first two almost never work out, there you are.
You will have some kids that can work through the environment they're in but they're the exceptions, not the rule. It's very difficult for the average person to pull off.
They also wouldnt suspend the poor teachers because of their unions.
Because teacher unions cause all problems. Seriously? This is your response? I already showed teachers are leaving in droves, it's not the unions keeping them there, it's the desperate need to fill the spots (AKA market forces)
Then you throw in the push for charter schools (which have never been shown to be better than public schools) and you have reduced resources for schools that remain.