The Origin of Earth’s Radioactivity
SUMMARY: As the flood began, stresses in the massive fluttering crust generated huge piezoelectric voltages.
4 For weeks, powerful electrical surges within Earth’s crust—much like bolts of lightning—produced equally powerful magnetic forces that squeezed (according to Faraday’s Law) atomic nuclei together into highly unstable, superheavy elements that quickly fissioned and decayed into subatomic particles and various isotopes, some of which were radioactive.
Each step in this process is demonstrable on a small scale. Calculations and other evidence show that these events happened on a global scale.
5 To quickly understand what happened, see “Earthquakes and Electricity” on page
402, and Figure
6 on page 394.
Evolutionists say Earth’s radioactive material evolved in stars and their exploded debris. Billions of years later, the Earth formed from that debris. Few of the theorized steps can be demonstrated experimentally. Observations on Earth and in space support the hydroplate explanation for Earth’s radioactivity, but refute the evolution explanation.