What is the express image of God?


New member
Among those I argue with, YES. Now stay on topic and stop trolling other threads.

The same could be said for you Stan. You brought me up, so I responded. You volunteered an ad hominem attack when you thought i wasn't looking....seems you are the one trolling here.
It would be nice if one day you actually dealt with the issues at hand with facts/scripture rather than your ad hominems, but I know that is probably too much to expect from you.


New member
The same could be said for you Stan. You brought me up, so I responded. You volunteered an ad hominem attack when you thought i wasn't looking....seems you are the one trolling here.

I was responding to the person who addressed a 3 year old post.
I'm not at all concerned with your POV.

If you want to EXPRESS your POV again, go ahead and I'll deal with it like I do ALL other false teaching.


New member
I was responding to the person who addressed a 3 year old post. [with an empty ad hominem attack]
I'm not at all concerned with your POV. [I know you aren't, which is why you resort to trolling ad hominem attacks.]

If you want to EXPRESS your POV again, go ahead and I'll deal with it like I do ALL other false teaching.
I expressed it. I'm not interested in "communicating" with you as you have never showed the least interest in actual honest communication and call me a troll for responding to your ad hominem attack. Deal with what you want.


New member
There goes your chance to learn something Stan.

The only chance I have on this thread is to refute false teachers like Unis and Mormons. I am DEFINITELY up to the task. You and he have NOTHING to teach except false doctrine and a god that is NOT the God of MY Bible.


Well-known member
The only chance I have on this thread is to refute false teachers like Unis and Mormons. I am DEFINITELY up to the task. You and he have NOTHING to teach except false doctrine and a god that is NOT the God of MY Bible.

Only in your own mind friend. Maybe you need a new Bible.


Well-known member
How many years have you been throwing these one liners around keypurr? Do you really think ANYONE thinks you're anything more than a wise acre?
Grow up and act your age.

What matters is that I teach the truth as I see it and let folks do what they wish with it.

You can not prove your point to me Stan as once believing as you, I reject it as a lie. I had the courage to overcome the error filled traditions of the early church fathers who thought the world was the center of the Universe. Dwell in your half truths if you wish. Its your soul, not mine.


God does not change, but the interpretation of God does. Finite men and women soon develop their own unique theology but theology is far from a static thing.


Eclectic Theosophist
image of God...........

image of God...........


Remember,.......all in-formation and trans-formation takes place in consciousness,.....all 'images' are drawn from One Universal Mind. This Mind and its 'creation' includes All That Is :)

Whether you hold 'Christ' as a person, image, power, presence or concept.....its still an image or creation of 'God'.




New member
What matters is that I teach the truth as I see it and let folks do what they wish with it.

You can not prove your point to me Stan as once believing as you, I reject it as a lie. I had the courage to overcome the error filled traditions of the early church fathers who thought the world was the center of the Universe. Dwell in your half truths if you wish. Its your soul, not mine.

What matters is that we teach the truth of God's written word keypurr, NOT what we understand or have appropriated that is NOT consistent with God's word.

I'm not trying to prove it to you keypurr...you're apostate. I'm showing it for those that may be swayed by your false teaching. I don't see much hope for YOU.
God IS truth and in Him (Jesus Christ) there is NO darkness. 1 John 1:5 (NIV)


New member
God does not change, but the interpretation of God does. Finite men and women soon develop their own unique theology but theology is far from a static thing.

The reality of God has and always will be static. Apostasism is what men fall into and think they have changed their perception of truth when in reality they have stopped believing in the truth and taken on their own perceptions.


New member
Remember,.......all in-formation and trans-formation takes place in consciousness,.....all 'images' are drawn from One Universal Mind. This Mind and its 'creation' includes All That Is

Whether you hold 'Christ' as a person, image, power, presence or concept.....its still an image or creation of 'God'.

Not quite what God's written word says freelight.

The WORD created all, and became flesh when He was INCARNATED in Jesus Christ, who was BORN of a virgin and conceived by/of the Holy Spirit.

That is the TRUTH of reality.


Well-known member
What matters is that we teach the truth of God's written word keypurr, NOT what we understand or have appropriated that is NOT consistent with God's word.

I'm not trying to prove it to you keypurr...you're apostate. I'm showing it for those that may be swayed by your false teaching. I don't see much hope for YOU.
God IS truth and in Him (Jesus Christ) there is NO darkness. 1 John 1:5 (NIV)

You do not know God or his truth Stan.

We all have a lot to learn, but you stopped learning.

Big mistake on your part.


Well-known member
Rev 3:12 Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name. (NIV)


New member
You do not know God or his truth Stan.
We all have a lot to learn, but you stopped learning.
Big mistake on your part.


The cultic parrot.


New member
Rev 3:12 Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name. (NIV)

So now we don't inherit Eternal LIFE, we become pillars in a building?
WOW, you are VERY confused.