What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
You have no clue what you're talking about.Actually, it is; since God chose to make it known to us that His Son is not only a man but also God, in The Flesh.Jesus is all of The Express Image of God, since He is God, clothed in Flesh.What do you think... that God is some see-through Casper kinda' dude? He is Spirit, but Spirit is ABOVE flesh, not beneath. He is just as solid as you or myself, yet invisible to us by design. He came into the presence of the apostles AFTER that they had closed and locked the doors. He also ate with them. You don't realize it, but God, as Spirit can take on any form He chooses. He can inhabit anyone He chooses. He can take on The Form of Flesh if He so chooses. He can even surrender His Life and die, and did, and behold: He is alive FOREVERMORE. Amen.Yes, as an example. He gave us the instructions we need to live a Christian life.I am a sheep. I follow my Master. I know His Voice. I won't follow strangers. You are wandering the wilderness of foolishness chasing a stranger. I don't want anything to do with that. Thanks anyway.

God is not a man. God is a Spirit, his express image has to be a spirit also. Do you ever think, or do you just sit and soak in everything you hear in church?

Jesus is NOT the exact copy of God, the spirit that was in him is. The spirit became flesh, it was not flesh. A body was prepared for this special spirit being in Heb 10:5.

You do not know the Master or his God. To follow him is to listen to him. He said he was going to his God, you do not wish to see what he tells you.


Well-known member
"Before Abraham was: I am."

If you think that Jesus could say that and yet not be The Eternal God, in The Flesh, then you really DON'T have The Spirit of Christ and really ARE none of His.

Jesus was not at the creation, Christ was. Christ is a created form of God. God created everything through his spirit son. It is his Father who is eternal for Christ had a beginning. Only the Father is the true God. What did he tell the woman at the well? He is the one sent by God, the Messiah.


Well-known member
God is not a man.
He can take on The Form of Flesh, at will. Old Testament Scripture proved that, alone. He ate with Abraham.
God is a Spirit, his express image has to be a spirit also.

Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:

Jesus is The Express Image of God. He had The Fullness of The Godhead bodily dwelling in Himself. No mere man could ever claim that.
Jesus is NOT the exact copy of God, the spirit that was in him is.
When Saul encountered The Holy Spirit on the road to Damascus, He identified Himself:

And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Why you don't believe in Him I have no idea.
The spirit became flesh, it was not flesh.
Sorry, but you're just not making sense here.
You do not know the Master or his God.
I'm capable of following Him, since I have Him living in me. You should try Him on. He fits quite nicely.
To follow him is to listen to him.
You don't have to listen to nonsense to know it's nonsense. I hear His Voice, but I won't follow yours, since you're a stranger to Him.
He said he was going to his God, you do not wish to see what he tells you.
I see fine. You're blinded by your own image which you've made to 'represent' Him. That image is an idol. I worship The One Who lives in me. You worship your imagination.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Jesus was not at the creation, Christ was. Christ is a created form of God. God created everything through his spirit son. It is his Father who is eternal for Christ had a beginning. Only the Father is the true God. What did he tell the woman at the well? He is the one sent by God, the Messiah.

Show us in Scripture where Jesus Christ had a beginning.


Well-known member
Jesus was not at the creation, Christ was.
You're trying to separate The Living God from His Own Spirit. That isn't possible. God is ONE.
Christ is a created form of God.
The burning bush was God's Presence overshadowing a piece of His Creation. The appearances of Jesus (for instance in the fiery furnace) was God appearing in The Form of Flesh.
God created everything through his spirit son.
He did it in The Form of Christ Jesus, The Almighty God and Everlasting Father.
It is his Father who is eternal for Christ had a beginning.
Which verse shows you that hogwash? I've never read where Christ had a 'beginning' anywhere in my Bible.


Well-known member
He can take on The Form of Flesh, at will. Old Testament Scripture proved that, alone. He ate with Abraham.Liar.

Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:

Jesus is The Express Image of God. He had The Fullness of The Godhead bodily dwelling in Himself. No mere man could ever claim that.When Saul encountered The Holy Spirit on the road to Damascus, He identified Himself:

And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Why you don't believe in Him I have no idea.Sorry, but you're just not making sense here. I'm capable of following Him, since I have Him living in me. You should try Him on. He fits quite nicely.You don't have to listen to nonsense to know it's nonsense. I hear His Voice, but I won't follow yours, since you're a stranger to Him.I see fine. You're blinded by your own image which you've made to 'represent' Him. That image is an idol. I worship The One Who lives in me. You worship your imagination.

I am many things Aimiel but liar. I was banned once for saying that about someone. Sherman enforced it on me, I wonder if she will do the same to you.

You are a very mixed up person for you do not know what you read. Jesus told you that God is a spirit, is he a liar also?

No one is disputing the godlike powers that were given to Jesus Christ but he has a God who tells him when to jump and how high to do it.

Jesus is not a spirit, he was a man. A man can not be the express image of God who is spirit. Why can't you see that? I do not think he is living in you at all, for you do not know him or his God.


Well-known member
He said that He had glory WITH The Father before the world was framed. That means God's Glory, whether you can face that fact or not.He didn't say that.The Spirit of Christ is The Spirit of God. They are one and the same.

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

If you don't have The Spirit of Christ, you're not His. If you have The Spirit of Christ AND The Spirit of God then you have received Holy Spirits (plural) which is spoken of nowhere in Scripture.I don't. The comma wasn't invented when Scripture was written..

Amen, but where will Keypurr be without his commas? ;)

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Heb 1:3, Col 1:15.
References are from the NKJV Study Bible
Hebrews 1:3

The Son is the brightness of God's glory, meaning the radiance comes from God's essential glory. The author of Hebrews is emphasizing that this is not a reflected brightness like the light of the moon. Instead this is an inherent brightness like a ray from the sun. Jesus' glorious brightness comes from being essentially divine. The phrase express image occurs only here in the N.T. and means "exact representation" or "exact character." In greek literature the word was used of stamping a coin from the die. The Son is the exact representation of God's being because He is God himself. (See Colossians 1:15)

Colossians 1:15

Firstborn over all creation. Firstborn could denote a priority in time or rank. The word does not describe Christ as the first created in time because the hymn proclaims that all things were "created by him" and that He is "before all things." Jesus is the eternal one who was before all creation. The idea of firstborn in the Hebrew culture did not require that one be the firstborn son. This was not the case with either Isaac or Jacob. But they were the firstborn in the sense that they were rightful heirs to the line of their fathers'. Being firstborn referred more to rank and privilege than to order of birth. Since Christ is God, He is supreme in rank over all creation. Yet He is not only the transcendent deity who created us; He is the one who died on our behalf and was subsequently raised from the dead. The first one who experienced the true resurrection.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Your the one dodging BR.

Was Jesus born as a man?
If you say yes he is a creation. A creature. You must deal with that.

You must deal with the fact that "He created all things." Checkmate!

Genesis 1:1 New King James Version (NKJV)

The History of Creation
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.


Well-known member
References are from the NKJV Study Bible
Hebrews 1:3

The Son is the brightness of God's glory, meaning the radiance comes from God's essential glory. The author of Hebrews is emphasizing that this is not a reflected brightness like the light of the moon. Instead this is an inherent brightness like a ray from the sun. Jesus' glorious brightness comes from being essentially divine. The phrase express image occurs only here in the N.T. and means "exact representation" or "exact character." In greek literature the word was used of stamping a coin from the die. The Son is the exact representation of God's being because He is God himself. (See Colossians 1:15)

Colossians 1:15

Firstborn over all creation. Firstborn could denote a priority in time or rank. The word does not describe Christ as the first created in time because the hymn proclaims that all things were "created by him" and that He is "before all things." Jesus is the eternal one who was before all creation. The idea of firstborn in the Hebrew culture did not require that one be the firstborn son. This was not the case with either Isaac or Jacob. But they were the firstborn in the sense that they were rightful heirs to the line of their fathers'. Being firstborn referred more to rank and privilege than to order of birth. Since Christ is God, He is supreme in rank over all creation. Yet He is not only the transcendent deity who created us; He is the one who died on our behalf and was subsequently raised from the dead. The first one who experienced the true resurrection.

I have major problems with your STUDY Bible.

I will post from my PC when I get home.


Well-known member
You must deal with the fact that "He created all things." Checkmate!

Genesis 1:1 New King James Version (NKJV)

The History of Creation
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

I have no problem with the fact that God created through Christ.

But that still does not change the fact that Jesus Christ is a creation. Sorry, no checkmate today my friend.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have no problem with the fact that God created through Christ.

But that still does not change the fact that Jesus Christ is a creation. Sorry, no checkmate today my friend.

Ah Keypurr, it says that Christ created. He is God.