What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
What is the express image of God?

Scripture DOES NOT conflict, keypurr.

Your false doctrine conflicts with God's word.

You do not believe the information in the book of John.

Now, you also do not believe the information in the book of Luke.

I guess the word of God does not fit the false doctrine the angel of light gave you when researching something else and you have chosen to abandon the truth of the word of God.

Your Bible is incomplete, keypurr, when you start throwing books and/or verses of the Bible in the garbage as you are doing.

You will never be able to tell God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) that no one never told you the Truth.

God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) will tell you that He did leave you the truth written in His word by blood, the blood of His Son, Christ. How you're going to tell Him you chose only certain parts of the truth He left written for you because you did not like what He left written by the blood of Christ?

There are conflicts in scripture friend. We just went through that. The book of Acts tells us that Jesus got the power of Christ at his anointing. Jesus was not born with Christ in him.

It is you who does not read the words of Jesus Christ in John 17:3. And you who does not understand John 1.

YHWH is the only true God.

"Hear, O Israel: YHWH our Elohim is One YHWH.). deut 6:4

There is only one true Elohim (God), YHWH (the FATHER).

Your traditional understanding is flawed friend.

You are in no position to point the finger at any one.


New member
There are conflicts in scripture friend. We just went through that. The book of Acts tells us that Jesus got the power of Christ at his anointing. Jesus was not born with Christ in him.

It is you who does not read the words of Jesus Christ in John 17:3. And you who does not understand John 1.

YHWH is the only true God.

"Hear, O Israel: YHWH our Elohim is One YHWH.). deut 6:4

There is only one true Elohim (God), YHWH (the FATHER).

Your traditional understanding is flawed friend.

You are in no position to point the finger at any one.

No conflicts in the Bible at all, keypurr, only for those who chose to create the conflicts.

You do realize that Deut. 6:4 is a plural verse right?


Well-known member
No conflicts in the Bible at all, keypurr, only for those who chose to create the conflicts.

You do realize that Deut. 6:4 is a plural verse right?

Do you need more verses to tell you that there is only one God?

There are conflicts caused by the human factor in translating. That is why there are so many trsnslations.


New member
You have never answered what happened to the spirit Jesus had before He was POSSESSED by your Christ spirit at His baptism?
That's a good question and I was wondering the same thing.
I was also wondering if any had this belief in the past. I did some research. Valentinus was a Gnostic teacher of the second century. He contended that Christ descended on Jesus at his baptism.
"Valentinus contended that Christ descended on Jesus at his baptism but left him before his death on the cross. To counter this teaching, Irenaeus (a disciple of Polycarp, who was a disciple of the apostle John) wrote the treatise Against Heresies. He writes, “The Gospel… knew no other son of man but Him who was of Mary, who also suffered; and no Christ who flew away from Jesus before the passion; but Him who was born… as Jesus Christ the Son of God, and that this same suffered and rose again.” Irenaeus also quoted from the Gospel of John that “Jesus is the Christ” (John 20:31) in an effort to counter the Gnostic claim that the Jesus and the Christ were “formed of two different substances.”

The Christology of the Gnostics accordingly assumed one of two types. "One class of early Gnostics separated the spiritual being Christ from the man Jesus; they supposed that the Christ entered Jesus at the time of His baptism, and left Him at the moment of His crucifixion. Thus the Christ was neither born as a man nor suffered as a man...


Well-known member
That's a good question and I was wondering the same thing.
I was also wondering if any had this belief in the past. I did some research. Valentinus was a Gnostic teacher of the second century. He contended that Christ descended on Jesus at his baptism.
"Valentinus contended that Christ descended on Jesus at his baptism but left him before his death on the cross. To counter this teaching, Irenaeus (a disciple of Polycarp, who was a disciple of the apostle John) wrote the treatise Against Heresies. He writes, “The Gospel… knew no other son of man but Him who was of Mary, who also suffered; and no Christ who flew away from Jesus before the passion; but Him who was born… as Jesus Christ the Son of God, and that this same suffered and rose again.” Irenaeus also quoted from the Gospel of John that “Jesus is the Christ” (John 20:31) in an effort to counter the Gnostic claim that the Jesus and the Christ were “formed of two different substances.”

The Christology of the Gnostics accordingly assumed one of two types. "One class of early Gnostics separated the spiritual being Christ from the man Jesus; they supposed that the Christ entered Jesus at the time of His baptism, and left Him at the moment of His crucifixion. Thus the Christ was neither born as a man nor suffered as a man...

Jesus is the BODY prepared for Christ. Heb 10:5.

Jesus became the Christ as Christ became flesh.


New member
Jesus is the BODY prepared for Christ. Heb 10:5.

Jesus became the Christ as Christ became flesh.
I think we both know that Jesus is more than a body.
You are speaking of Jesus and Christ as two different substances. There's a difference between becoming Christ and the idea of having Christ enter Jesus at his baptism. I believe that Jesus is the Christ.
Matt. 3:16But when Yeshua was baptized, at once he came up from the water, and Heaven was opened unto him, and he saw The Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him. 17And behold a voice from Heaven that said, "This is my Son, The Beloved, in whom I am delighted."
John 20:31But these things are also written that you may believe that Yeshua is The Messiah(the Christ), the Son of God, and when you believe, you shall have eternal life in his name.


New member
I think we both know that Jesus is more than a body.
You are speaking of Jesus and Christ as two different substances. There's a difference between becoming Christ and the idea of having Christ enter Jesus at his baptism. I believe that Jesus is the Christ.
Matt. 3:16But when Yeshua was baptized, at once he came up from the water, and Heaven was opened unto him, and he saw The Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him. 17And behold a voice from Heaven that said, "This is my Son, The Beloved, in whom I am delighted."
John 20:31But these things are also written that you may believe that Yeshua is The Messiah(the Christ), the Son of God, and when you believe, you shall have eternal life in his name.

Sadly you are wasting your time addressing keypurr. He is apostate and incapable of seeing truth from scripture. He has been making the same arguments for at least 4 years now on here. He WON'T change. Save your energy for someone who will.


New member
Sadly you are wasting your time addressing keypurr. He is apostate and incapable of seeing truth from scripture. He has been making the same arguments for at least 4 years now on here. He WON'T change. Save your energy for someone who will.
I don't consider discussion with keypurr as a waste of time.


Well-known member
I think we both know that Jesus is more than a body.

You are speaking of Jesus and Christ as two different substances. There's a difference between becoming Christ and the idea of having Christ enter Jesus at his baptism. I believe that Jesus is the Christ.

Matt. 3:16But when Yeshua was baptized, at once he came up from the water, and Heaven was opened unto him, and he saw The Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him. 17And behold a voice from Heaven that said, "This is my Son, The Beloved, in whom I am delighted."

John 20:31But these things are also written that you may believe that Yeshua is The Messiah(the Christ), the Son of God, and when you believe, you shall have eternal life in his name.

I see Jesus as a man, flesh, and I see Christ as a spirit for he is the express image of the Father. I believe that Christ came with the fullness of the Father to dwell in Jesus. They became one as Christ became flesh. This all happened with the Dove. There is no question in my mind that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ of God.

We seem to think alike on this. Christ spoke and acted through Jesus. Christ is the Son that God sent, not Jesus.


Well-known member
Sadly you are wasting your time addressing keypurr. He is apostate and incapable of seeing truth from scripture. He has been making the same arguments for at least 4 years now on here. He WON'T change. Save your energy for someone who will.

You say that only because your not understanding my words Stan. If you were more involved in the words in scripture you might start asking yourself questions like I did. I have seen the light that is in the book of Hebrews. You fail to go beyond what you have been taught.


Well-known member
Hi Keypurr ... I think outside of the church box ... and I always enjoy our conversations ... only you should have begun to see things the same as I do by now. Just dropping by TOL. Have a nice day ...


Well-known member
Hi Keypurr ... I think outside of the church box ... and I always enjoy our conversations ... only you should have begun to see things the same as I do by now. Just dropping by TOL. Have a nice day ...

Hi Ps82, long time no see. Hope things are fine with you. I still see truth friend but come back and talk more I like debating with you too.


God is beyond expression and images. The Jews knew this, for they were not allowed to write down or pronounce the Name of the Lord.

Our rational, logical world since the Enlightenment of the 1700s has left us with literalism and God is robbed of his richness and majesty.


New member
Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
Heb 1:4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
Col 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
Col 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

Who or What is this EXPRESS image of God?

1. God is a spirit, so his image would be a spirit.
2. This is God's firstborn of every creature, a creation.
3. This spirit has deity for it has the fullness of the father.
4. This spirit was with God before the creation, creation was done through this spirit.
5. This spirit is a form of God

I use the term Christ spirit to discribe this image.

What do YOU think it is?

I don't know what to think. These are tough areas to know without study and discussion. Can God our Father been seen in the spiritual realm would be my first question. Then I can go from there on some of my thoughts.


Well-known member
I don't know what to think. These are tough areas to know without study and discussion. Can God our Father been seen in the spiritual realm would be my first question. Then I can go from there on some of my thoughts.

Yes they are very deep to study friend. I have been studying for about seventy years. It was four years ago I was blessed to see the words that I passed over all though years. The words "express image" hit me hard. God is a spirit so his express image has to be a spirit also. Not only that because he is an image he is a creation. For all images are creations. In the study I found that this image was given the fullness of the father. That makes it a created deity or form of God. This image is the spiritual son of God. CHRIST, not Jesus. God needed to provide a body for Christ to become flesh. Hebrews 10:5 tells you that. Jesus is that body.

I could go on but you need to see for yourself what the spirit has given me to share.


Yes they are very deep to study friend. I have been studying for about seventy years. It was four years ago I was blessed to see the words that I passed over all though years. The words "express image" hit me hard. God is a spirit so his express image has to be a spirit also. Not only that because he is an image he is a creation. For all images are creations. In the study I found that this image was given the fullness of the father. That makes it a created deity or form of God. This image is the spiritual son of God. CHRIST, not Jesus. God needed to provide a body for Christ to become flesh. Hebrews 10:5 tells you that. Jesus is that body.

I could go on but you need to see for yourself what the spirit has given me to share.

Christ, not Jesus, is also used in the new age philosophies.