ECT What is Predestination?


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Hall of Fame
While going into the source before reason and logic where it comes from, I use the ancient arts of the 3 wise men along with the Bible and my actions are my own personal built-in instinct reason I'm on the straight narrow path God leads me on. Being on the proper path nothing matters to me as a sinner including if you believe me or not. You must cultivate your being to understand but youre a cool everyday guy anyway. Our conversations has been fun. Your rituals in your early denomination might give you a slight clue what I'm talking about. The fringe monks of RCC say the same thing. I think "Rose" is one of them.

I don't see a reasonable explanation for what you believe

do you know what a reasonable explanation looks like?

a thinking person
will wonder about the meaning of life
will wonder if there are consequences
will wonder if they are based on the choices we make

do you ever wonder about anything?


Well-known member
As I previously said, I made the same statement about scripture. I stated that openness also conformed to scripture. Scripture doesn't interrupt 'my little exercise'.
And as I replied, I disagree completely with this statement. I don't think that OV conforms to scripture and I provided scriptures that clearly challenge the open view. For some reason, these have gone completely unaddressed.


I wonder why....

DR said:
Only those who agree with your particular interpretation of scripture.
Special Pleading...

What makes you so sure that your view isn't a a product of your particular interpretation and those who agree with your particular interpretation?

DR said:
Anyone reading the scripture at face value will see that God gave the Israelites a choice to accept the covenant or not and their future depended on that choice.
What makes you think that Calvinist don't believe this? Why would you think that this provides any challenge to predestination?

DR said:
Once again, you repeat the error of describing our experiences as fallible.
That's not an error, its biblical truth. We experience a world that is infected by sin and we ourselves are tainted by it. How could you come to any other conclusion?

DR said:
Our experiences are simply what they are. But if you insist on this then your reading the Bible is as much an experience as anything else...


A clear and honest reading of the bible is not just the equivalent of any other experience. Reading the bible is an encounter with the very words of God.

DR said:
...and therefore your argument is self-defeating.
I know that tactic is one of your favorites, but it doesn't work here.

DR said:
A tenant is somebody who pays rent to live in a house or other property. This makes no sense whatsoever.
Right, "tenet." The spellcheck function isn't always kind to horrible typists like your's truly. I am pretty sure you understood what I was saying anyway but are just choosing to be difficult. That's fine, you can act petty if you like, but it does make sifting through all the pettiness quite annoying.

DR said:
Correction, it has everything to do with you because your interpretation of a lot of scripture is wrong.
That's a strong assertion, care to prove it by addressing any of the scriptures I have provided to you in this thread?

DR said:
Also, your argument of the 'primacy of God's word' (by which I assume you mean the scriptures - which in the scriptures themselves are not called 'God's word' at all) is nowhere stated in the scriptures. Therefore your argument is totally self-defeating because that argument itself is not in the scriptures and therefore cannot have primacy.
A basic "tenet" ... :chuckle: of Christianity is that the bible is the word of God.

It is commonly reflected in statements of faith, including TOL's Statement of Faith.

Either you don’t believe this, don’t understand it, or are just being difficult (and petty) again.

If you don’t understand it then I would be happy to direct you to some resources to educate yourself as to why Christians think the bible is the Word of God. If you don’t believe it then you aren’t a Christian and you shouldn’t be posting in the “exclusively Christian theology” section. If you are choosing to be petty then please stop, it only serves to make you appear to be a horse’s posterior and doesn’t help move the discussion forward in any way.

DR said:
My assertion has the significance I first gave to it.
Which is that somehow Calvinism is disadvantaged in some undefined way because OV conforms to everyday experience, correct?

I’ve more than addressed these assertions by (1) disputing that OV does conform to everyday experience, (2) pointing out that even if it did it wouldn’t say anything about how God predestined before everyday experience was "everyday experience" and (3) pointing out that human experience is a notoriously horrible source to appeal to when attempting to decide matters of theology.

DR said:
Saying that you dispute my observation is of course fair comment. It's the first relevant response to what I said that you have made. However, I never claimed that this was the source of my 'theological knowledge'. Furthermore, I have actually never claimed to have 'theological knowledge'. This is not the kind of claim I would make.
What discussion are you having?

I’m talking about predestination. That is about as “theological” as it gets.

DR said:
It was stated to mean that openness has that advantage whilst for Calvinism, it was a disadvantage.
Advantageous in what way, specifically?

Even if it were true, I wouldn’t see it as advantageous given what the bible says about the unreliability of knowledge gained from experience (Proverbs 28:26).
DR said:
In my original post, you will perhaps have noticed that I was not making truth claims, just giving observations about the power of certain arguments.


Just a bit later you made the following comment.

DR said:
As I said, I am glad you are starting to recognise that my simple statement is or might even be true.
You are glad that, in your estimation, I am starting to recognize that your simple statement (which wasn’t meant to be a truth claim) might even be.... TRUE???


I’m more than a little confused by your inability to make a consistent argument.
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I don't see a reasonable explanation for what you believe

do you know what a reasonable explanation looks like?

a thinking person
will wonder about the meaning of life
will wonder if there are consequences
will wonder if they are based on the choices we make

do you ever wonder about anything?

Typical everyday responses. Stillness and mindfullness will help you recognize some of the things I say. That requires extreme patience you and you don't have that. Asking if I wonder about anything is as dumb as a troll.


Active member
Predestination is a process for God to lay the fate of the saved for them to acquire the witnessing of being saved, such that God will legitimately bring them to heaven lawfully.

God knows who is who from the very beginning but not those who do the witnessing such as the angels. Thus God provides enough chances for a saved to show who he is in front of the angels (witnesses to be more precise). Such that he will be brought to heaven legitimately.

That's the purpose of predestination.


Well-known member
Predestination is a process for God to lay the fate of the saved for them to acquire the witnessing of being saved, such that God will legitimately bring them to heaven lawfully.

God knows who is who from the very beginning but not those who do the witnessing such as the angels. Thus God provides enough chances for a saved to show who he is in front of the angels (witnesses to be more precise). Such that he will be brought to heaven legitimately.

That's the purpose of predestination.

Where did you read all that from ?


what does that mean?
it doesn't make sense to me

When I wonder, I seek the things of God and observe them. I observe them with wonderment. It doesn't need to make sense, just be the oberserver and enjoy the ride. If you decide to leave your cult, you'll do well with the Charismatic Pentecostals since you like reasons and feelings. Where I go, the feelings vanish.


Well-known member
Predestination is the method by which GOD ensured HIS promise of election would be fullfilled in HIS sinful elect by giving them preordained lives (NOT destinies) perfectly suited to their sins and to bringing them to redemption.

Those who accepted HIM as their GOD and HIS promise of Savation by their free will were given the free gift of HIS promise of election if they should ever sin. Those who rejected HIS deity and HIS promises as the lies of a false god by their free will received no promise of election or salvation.

Those of HIS elect who thereafter chose to be evil in HIS sight were given predestined lives here on earth perfectly designed to bring them, these good but sinful seeds, to full sanctified perfection as heaven ready.

Peace, Ted


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Predestination is the method by which GOD ensured HIS promise of election would be fullfilled in HIS sinful elect by giving them preordained lives (NOT destinies) perfectly suited to their sins and to bringing them to redemption.

Those who accepted HIM as their GOD and HIS promise of Savation by their free will were given the free gift of HIS promise of election if they should ever sin. Those who rejected HIS deity and HIS promises as the lies of a false god by their free will received no promise of election or salvation.

Those of HIS elect who thereafter chose to be evil in HIS sight were given predestined lives here on earth perfectly designed to bring them, these good but sinful seeds, to full sanctified perfection as heaven ready.

Peace, Ted

this is incoherent

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Predestination is the method by which GOD ensured HIS promise of election would be fullfilled in HIS sinful elect by giving them preordained lives (NOT destinies) perfectly suited to their sins and to bringing them to redemption.

There are no verses which speak of anyone being predestined to salvation.

"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren" (Ro.8:29).​

This is speaking of believers being conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus and that will happen when the Lord descends from heaven and the saved will put on bodies just like his glorious body:

"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body" (Phil.3:20-21).​

Both Ephesians 1:5 and 1:11 are speaking about the same exact thing.