What is Atheism and Evolution?

Greg Jennings

New member
You don't know what a calibration curve is, do you?

Of course I do. I actually studied this stuff and aren't just mouthing off about something I've never looked at.

If all of these curves are false as you claim and scientists are faking all the data (for purposes unknown, as they could get plenty of money for research that actually was real), why hasn't anyone shown this to be true?

The scientist who pointed out this flaw would be hailed as a hero. He would've exposed the scientific community as fraudulent and immediately become the most respected mind on the planet.

Why, Jesse Ventura, hasn't this happened? And where is your information leading to your conclusion that all scientists are frauds? I'll wait


New member
Of course I do. I actually studied this stuff and aren't just mouthing off about something I've never looked at.

Then you know what I'm talking about, and you know a lot of assumptions go into making them. So stop pretending they're based on empirical data.

If all of these curves are false as you claim and scientists are faking all the data (for purposes unknown, as they could get plenty of money for research that actually was real), why hasn't anyone shown this to be true?

They don't want to challenge the dominant theory. They like their jobs and don't want to get blacklisted.

The scientist who pointed out this flaw would be hailed as a hero. He would've exposed the scientific community as fraudulent and immediately become the most respected mind on the planet.

I would like to believe you, but scientists have pointed out the flaws and have been ignored. Respected? Yeah, right. Nobody who challenges the accepted myth is respected.

Why, Jesse Ventura, hasn't this happened? And where is your information leading to your conclusion that all scientists are frauds? I'll wait

Jesse Ventura is an atheist who believes in evolution.

Greg Jennings

New member
Jesse Ventura is an atheist who believes in evolution.

This was the one part of your post that wasn't deafening white noise. I called you Ventura because he's a nutcase who obsesses over conspiracy theories, which you seem quite fond of as well


New member
This was the one part of your post that wasn't deafening white noise. I called you Ventura because he's a nutcase who obsesses over conspiracy theories, which you seem quite fond of as well

Giving up on the rest of the discussion as well?

Yes, isn't that funny. Jesse Ventura is a conspiracy theorist nutcase -- who believes in atheistic evolution.

If I were a liberal, I'd pull a "guilt by association" here, but I know there are plenty of conspiracy theorists who believe in Creation, too. I'll leave the silly games to the atheists.


The creation account goes back long before the Babylonian captivity. God evolved, life on Earth did not. Evolutionist have a history of falsifying facts.

The creation account was written in Babylon, it culled from other creation stories of Mesopotamia. The Hebrew authors have a written history of falsifying facts such as claiming they destroyed the Canaanites but leaving the original accounts of intermarrying with the Canaanites in the record. The Jews are in fact Canaanites. LOL!


How does one observe something that happened over millions of years? A time machine?

Yes, it's called the speed of light as well as other relative constants. When we dig though the layers of earth and stone we are digging through the layers of time.

If the creation story of religion, confused with faith, hadn't contaminated the minds of believers, the findings of science would be much more normal to otherwise sane people. But since most Christians were taught to trust the Hebrews creation story as children, and to question them is to question God, then otherwise intelligent people are forced to defend absurdity.


New member
Yes, it's called the speed of light as well as other relative constants. When we dig though the layers of earth and stone we are digging through the layers of time.

Yes, we do. And those layers of earth tell us evolution didn't happen, and the earth is young.

Greg Jennings

New member
Giving up on the rest of the discussion as well?

Yes, isn't that funny. Jesse Ventura is a conspiracy theorist nutcase -- who believes in atheistic evolution.

If I were a liberal, I'd pull a "guilt by association" here, but I know there are plenty of conspiracy theorists who believe in Creation, too. I'll leave the silly games to the atheists.

You really want to play that game? Want me to list all the Christian loonies out there?


New member
The scientists who create the calibration curves lie.
Please name for us a scientist who has created a calibration curve and who has lied in a way relevant to it.

If you can't then perhaps you should withdraw the libel and apologise.
