What is Atheism and Evolution?


New member
Great is the faith of the Atheist! The belief in God explains why the missing links are missing. The belief in a God requires a lot less faith.


Hall of Fame
Great is the faith of the Atheist! The belief in God explains why the missing links are missing. The belief in a God requires a lot less faith.

Agnosticism is the neutral position that everyone is born with.


Psalms 104:5
Thou didst set the earth on its foundations, so that it should never be shaken.

Ecclesiastes 1:5
The sun rises and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises.

Job 28:24
For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees everything under the heavens.

Matthew 4:8
Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them;

Revelation 7:1
After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on the earth or sea or against any tree.

Revelation 20:8
... and will come out to deceive the nations which are at the four corners of the earth, that is, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea.

Isaiah 11:12
He will raise an ensign for the nations, and will assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

If this conversation was being held several centuries ago, a literal interpretation of the Bible would have concluded that:

- the earth is stable on its foundations and cannot be moved (Psalms 104:5)

- in a geocentric world, the sun rotates around the world (Ecclesiastes 1:5)

- the earth is flat, not spherical, so that nothing can be hidden from God's and Christ's view (Job 28:24) (Matthew 4:8)

- the earth has 4 corners (Revelation 7:1) (Revelation 20:8) (Isaiah 11:12)

Even today's conservatives must admit that these are metaphors in the Bible that weren't meant to be taken literally.

Likewise, Genesis 1 can also be interpreted as a metaphor for a period that extended far beyond 6 literal days.

To make such an interpretation doesn't automatically deny the existence of God or diminish His role in the world.


New member
Do to the Earths rotation, the Sun does rise in the East and set in the West. The ancients did know the Earth was a sphere. It was the Catholics who said otherwise.

Isaiah 40:22
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth,


Do to the Earths rotation, the Sun does rise in the East and set in the West. The ancients did know the Earth was a sphere. It was the Catholics who said otherwise.

Isaiah 40:22
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth,
"CherubRam" is confusing a 2 dimensional circle with a 3 dimensional sphere.

Based on the Bible, the earth has been described as either a flat, circle or quadrilateral with 4 corners.

The Protestants were not on record disagreeing with the Catholics when it came to the shape of the world.


New member
"CherubRam" is confusing a 2 dimensional circle with a 3 dimensional sphere.

Based on the Bible, the earth has been described as either a flat, circle or quadrilateral with 4 corners.

The Protestants were not on record disagreeing with the Catholics when it came to the shape of the world.

Can a sphere have 4 (quadrants / corners?) Those who disagreed with the Catholics were called heretics.

Greg Jennings

New member
Atheism and Evolution are faith based. Both beliefs are opposed to a living being having created this world. Spontaneous Evolution of many species at about the same time is a myth. The first ancient species alive today are still the same.
Atheism and Evolution serve no real purpose other than to compete with Judaism and Christianity.

If dinosaurs and modern animals lived together, why are no modern animals (including humans) found in dinosaur stomachs?


New member
If dinosaurs and modern animals lived together, why are no modern animals (including humans) found in dinosaur stomachs?

I'm sure you think that is an intelligent question. There was a human finger found in one Dino, but not sure if it is true. Most Dino's were vegetarian. If by chance a human was ate, it would not be in the stomach for long.


Atheism and Evolution are faith based. Both beliefs are opposed to a living being having created this world. Spontaneous Evolution of many species at about the same time is a myth. The first ancient species alive today are still the same.
Atheism and Evolution serve no real purpose other than to compete with Judaism and Christianity.

Atheism is a movement of people who don't believe a deity exists.

Evolution is the scientific observation that life evolved over millions of years from original life forms.

For liberated believers Evolution is the observation of how God created life as we know it.

For Bible worshipers evolution is a threat to the pseudo-biographical creation story created by the Hebrew priest while in Babylonian captivity, a time when nationalist pride pressured the priestly elite to redact the entire history of the Jewish people. They converted a relativly ordinary secular history into a miraculous fiction.


New member
Atheism is a movement of people who don't believe a deity exists.

Evolution is the scientific observation that life evolved over millions of years from original life forms.

For liberated believers Evolution is the observation of how God created life as we know it.

For Bible worshipers evolution is a threat to the pseudo-biographical creation story created by the Hebrew priest while in Babylonian captivity, a time when nationalist pride pressured the priestly elite to redact the entire history of the Jewish people. They converted a relativly ordinary secular history into a miraculous fiction.

The creation account goes back long before the Babylonian captivity. God evolved, life on Earth did not. Evolutionist have a history of falsifying facts.

Greg Jennings

New member
I'm sure you think that is an intelligent question. There was a human finger found in one Dino, but not sure if it is true. Most Dino's were vegetarian. If by chance a human was ate, it would not be in the stomach for long.

Citation please. This is something is be interested in looking at


New member
Fossil record combined with dozens of different but collaborative radiometric dating techniques.

Fun fact: isotopes don't lie

Isotopes don't lie.

Calibration curves do. Well, that's not really true. The scientists who create the calibration curves lie.

Greg Jennings

New member
Isotopes don't lie.

Calibration curves do. Well, that's not really true. The scientists who create the calibration curves lie.

So half-lives, which can be measured by anyone, are just made up?

You're a hoot, man. I bet this stuff you're saying goes over great in backwoods, USA