Originally posted by smaller
And you're not? Let's get the FINGERS pointed at least in the RIGHT direction.
That is exactly my point LIGHTSON. You think THIS IS THE FULL EXTENT OF YOUR OBLIGATION and that it is LOVE.
Unfortunately YOU ARE ALSO subject to the same things AS THE BLINDED ONES yet you DENY that you are ETERNALLY DAMNED and THEY ARE for the SAME THINGS.
This is just being a pathetic HYPOCRITE. It has NOTHING to do with either TRUTH or LOVE.
You use THIS POSTION continually to JUSTIFY YOURSELF and CONDEMN THE VERY ONES WHO ARE BLINDED by the "god" of this world. Jesus did not come to ETERNALLY TORTURE THE BLIND you idiot.
When you see me siding with sin, give me a call. You will not find such in me. THAT UNBELIEVER IS A BLINDED SLAVE.
You wouldn't know love if it SLAPPED you in the face.
By so answering you show you have no (lively) knowldge of salvation and of the truth.
For is it not written taht "these things are written that yoyu might KNOW you have eternal life"?
Does not HIS SPIRIT witness with our spirit that we aRE THE SONS OF GOD?
How then can you condemn a person for saying that he is saved and NOT heading towards the cliff edge?
For how can a person who has "DIED TO SIN now live in it"?
if then they HAVE"been made conformable to His death"and as such do in some measure at least know the "power of His resdurection" because of it,be heading towards destruction!?
yet you reply to his post says and implies that wether we are saved or not we are ALL heading in the same direction!
How can this be seeing that there is the WAY OF MAN "all we like sheep have gone astray...."
and there is the WAY OF GOD?
which all saved should be traveleing on it.
Thus one path which is BROAD leads to DESTRUCTION and "many "walk in it. and there is GODS way which is NARROW and "few" FIND IT.
Now you say here and elsewhere that REGARDELESS of which road we are on we are ALL heading in the same direction!
Thsi is both unreasonable and counter to ALL scripture!
Your 'LOVE' seems to be saying that to love all men we should all go off the cliff with them!
Where IN THE SCRIPTURES you find this i cannot imagine.
You say we (that is TRUE BORNagain CHILDREN OF GOD) are as SUBJECT to those things that the unsaved are.
This si NOT true.
though it CAN be said that we WERE as they and also SUBJECT to the LAW of sin and death" and WERE "children of disobedience" and WALKING after the spirit of this world.
But if salvation meens anything and ios so proved by the scriptures we are NO LONGER subject toTHAT LAW BUT HAVE BEEN "MADE FREE from the law"
now if the law "IS THE POWER OF SIN" then we are set free from the power of sin!
and it no longer (IN CHRIST) HAS "DOMINION OVER US"
and if w ewalk in the LIGHT as HE is in the light then we have felowship one with the other and the blood of JESUS CHRIST Gods Son cleanses us from all sin"
But if a man "loves darkness MORE THAN THE LIGHT" then both reasonably and scripturaly he is BLIND to the danger that he is in.
but those who are walking in the light are not only FREE from that danger but are able to SEE also THE DANGER that others who are not are>
Your contention therefore is to condemn those who ARE NOW IN THE LIGHT seeing that they (you say) do NO LONGER WALK the same as those who STILL walk in darkness BUT WOULD WARN them of the danger which they have so narrowly missed!
STRANGE in deed.
For you seem neither to see the truth or are reasoneable enough to come to a knowldge of it!
For your own words would tell you of it and lead you to it if you would step back from your OWN preconceptions.
The challenge that you have is to refrain from revilements and the condemnation you accuse others of.
and listen to what si beign said in the LIGHT of ALL the scriptures.
Not just those few verses that suit your own thinking.