Please explain how that should affect what we decide to do, LA.Search youtube for global cooling, or freezing, now beginning.
And your point is??? Do you think that it is pointless to attempt anything because of the impending end of the world and death of everybody except 144,000?
Don't you realize, that if you are one of the 144,000 that survive the tribulation, you will be cleaning up the mess left by the 7 or 8 billion that perished?
And you only have 1000 years to do it!
Please explain how that should affect what we decide to do, LA.
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Because this thread is fantasy
Derf wrote:
But as Christians, we have an inside track with the designer of the earth. If He intended for it to handle 11 billion people, don't you think He would have designed it to handle 11 billion people? Or if not, perhaps He would have designed it not to reach 11 billion people.
No, the conclusions made here do not stand. The place has been seriously disrupted since the revolt of mankind, and the deluge (physically and geologically more by the deluge than the other). It groans until the coming new heavens and new earth, Romans 8:
The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the One who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time...
To believe that that whole place is in a state of disruption and disarray is one of the basic Christian beliefs addressed in Dr. Schaeffer's HE IS THERE AND HE IS NOT SILENT. By contrast, the atheist and uniformitarian belief is that it is arriving at something of evolutionary perfection, especially if we can just put massive global centralized government in charge, like the Third Reich intended. The US Constitution would be beheaded, and all actions or values would be assessed in terms of the 'environment.' Thus the supposed 'crisis' of climate change, which is as elusive in definition as possible, and has been rewritten 3 times so far.
Why has strip mining usually turned the area where it has been used into desert? …What has brought about the ugly destruction of the environment? There is one reason: man’s greed. If the strip miners would take bulldozers and push back the topsoil, rip out the coal, then replace the topsoil, ten years after the coal was removed there would be a green field, and in fifty years a forest. But as it has usually been practiced, for an added profit above what is reasonable in regard to nature, man turns these areas into deserts and then cries out that the topsoil is gone, grass will not grow, and there is no way to grow trees for hundreds of years! It is always true that if you treat the land properly, you have to make two choices. The first is in the area of economics. It costs more money, at least at first, to treat the land well. For example, in the case of the school I have mentioned [Schaeffer had previously mentioned an ugly Christian school building that had no trees around it], all they had to do to improve the place was to plant trees to shield the building they built. But it costs money to plant trees, and somebody decided that instead of planting trees they would prefer to do something else with the money. Of course, the school needs money for its important work; but there is a time when planting trees is an important work. The second choice that is involved is that it usually takes longer to treat the land properly. These are the two factors that lead to the destruction of our environment: money and time — or to say it another way, greed and haste. The question is, or seems to be, are we going to have an immediate profit and an immediate saving of time, or are we going to do what we really should do as God’s children? |
Move to warmer areas not to cooler areas.
Ahhr but Jesus can do anything and will supernaturally restore the Earth. Just think about the miracles of calming the storm, creating food, healing people, etc. It will be simple to restore the atmosphere to whatever it 'should' be.
Aren't we to "fill" the earth? So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth." [Gen 9:1 NKJV]
And didn't God work against those that decided to stay in the comfortable location and climate (Babel)?
But, on the other hand, if the earth warms automatically as the population rises, you don't have to move to a warmer climate--the warmer climate comes to you!
What's wrong with 11 billion people?
Stripe has a basic misunderstanding of entropy.
Okay.If the bible gives wisdom for all occasions, then it should be able to handle this:
Let's say, for argument's sake, that Global Climate change is a fact, and that it is caused by humans.
Here is a Biblical for-instance:What then should we as Christians do about it? I'll suggest up front that while some of the secular proposals are feasible, and some not so much, there are consequences that also demand biblical consideration.
Here's a for-instance:
Let's say that one of the problems causing warming is cooking/warming fires (this can be applied to more or less modern cooking and heating devices), and the carbon dioxide and pollution both create conditions that contribute in some way to the warming, but they are necessary for people to survive, supposedly. Thus, if we outlaw or severely limit such fires, we run the risk of starving some people, or exposing them to cold, or causing them to to have to drink unsanitary water, or whatever. On the other hand, if we do nothing, some people are likely to lose their homes or their lives because of the effects of global warming/climate change. Thus we face the problem of not loving our neighbor in either case.
Since we coming out of an ice age, it would make sense to think there is a warming trend.I think there is definitely a warming trend, but I don't know whether it is human-caused or not, and I don't know if it's a bad thing or not. Participants of the thread should feel free to explore the different sides.
Since we coming out of an ice age,
it would make sense to think there is a warming trend.
We haven't reached climate optimum yet
so a warming trend is a good thing.
That's what they get for living on the edge of the ocean. Natives warned us about that.Check out what's happened to insurance rates for homes on the Gulf Coast.
The ice age we are coming out of is the Little Ice Age that followed the Medieval Warm Period.The ice age ended thousands of years ago, but the warming trend goes back to the beginning of the industrial revolution.
They don't, neither do hurricanes and overuse of potable water supplies indicate that there is anthropogenic global warming.How do stronger hurricanes, a drier climate in the American West, and depleted water supplies mean we're moving toward an optimum?
The ice age we are coming out of is the Little Ice Age that followed the Medieval Warm Period.
They don't,
neither do hurricanes and overuse of potable water supplies indicate that there is anthropogenic global warming.