What happens at death??


Well-known member
You said a lot there, but none of it is confirmed to be any Secret thing that Paul is, or was revealing. - For you to ( just talk ), and give a few Scriptures that do not reveal anything (( New )), that hasn’t been known since Moses; - does not (( Fulfill )) any previous ( Unknown )!!!

Anyhow!!!! – That does not, nor can that prove me wrong on anything!! – Just what’s your point here??? - To prove wrong any lie, or false statement, doesn't take any more than the false statement itself. - SO!! - Come on, and prove me wrong about something!! - Get some help, you have an abundant supply of those of your own kind!!! --- Some of them will disagree with you, and some won't even know what you're talking about, but ((( They all will support you ))), not knowing ( Why )!! That's just who you and they ( Are )!

Paul – 071812

What do you perceive to be the message in Romans: 14 verse: 14?

Does your version conform to the prevailing perception among the billion of traditional Christians?

Then the enlightening Truth is not revealed to you, it remained hidden from you.

A billion strong cannot be the chosen few (who know Truth). Therefore they cannot have it right. They must be the very great majority (i.e. all but a few) who are called, misled, do not know Truth, err and are not chosen. They are not the people to identify with or be around, if you are seeking Truth which is the basis of enlightenment.

Jesus did prophesied that many are called but few chosen.

He did also confirmed that many false prophets will come in His name and misguide many.

He did also confirmed that those who do not know Truth will err.

We can conclude that those who err are not chosen . . . they do not make it.

Based on these confirmations from Jesus one can get a very good idea as to what is not Truth which enlightens.

Clearly Truth which enlighten will not be the ideas held in traditional Christianity. This is where many are called. Therefore the very great majority (i.e. all but a few) of them are misled, err and not chosen.

Therefore the first step is not to be taken in by the ideas in traditional Christianity. In fact in order for you to have the secret ideas which are the basis of enlightenment, you must have and own ideas that are at total variance with those held in traditional Christianity. This is your first step in getting to the enlightening mysteries of God's kingdom.

We all know that the very great majority (i.e. all but a few) of those in traditional Christianity (i.e. where most all are called) believe that the message in Romans: 14 verse: 14 is limited to food, alone. Obvious they cannot be correct. They are doomed or prophesied to being misled and not chosen. The question is do you share that view? Do you share that the message in Romans: 14 verse: 14 is limited to food? If you do then an enlightening Truth is hidden from you.

Actually that is for you to know and to be guided accordingly. It is not necessary for me to find out.

It is not at all that complicated. What you call secrets are not that hidden in the KJV N.T. It is more that people, the likes of you, are wielding very waxed gross hearts and therefore you and the likes of you are not given (by God) to know Truth (re. Matthews: 13 verses: 10 to 17).

You would be far far better off, if you were not brought up in traditional Christianity and you came directly to the KJV N.T., all on your own, without the the conditioning and trappings of traditional Christianity.
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New member
Your Scripture has no bearing on this type of thing at all. - That is referring to: - ( If a person thinks it’s a sin to milk a cow ), and he milks the cow, -- to him ( That is sin ); only to him who thinks in his own heart that it’s wrong, then it is wrong, for he has done wrong that he thought to be wrong. --- It’s the same thing about if it’s ( “wrong” ) to milk the cow, and he is unaware that it is wrong, - thinking that it’s right to milk the Cow, and he milks the Cow though it’s wrong, - that sin is ( Not “Held” ) against the (( Christian )) that thought it was right in his heart, - but was Wrong!! ----- That may be hard to understand, but it cannot be disproved unless someone doesn’t care what the Truth is, ( Hatefully ) contradicting with any non-pertaining thing that he can use against it; - just for the sake of denying it; - (( Knowing )) that it’s “Wrong”!!!

Paul -- 071812


Well-known member
We are all appointed once to die, but that is just the body we live in. You continue to live, either with or without Jesus.


New member
We are all appointed once to die, but that is just the body we live in. You continue to live, either with or without Jesus.

Oh absolutely. However, that also is for the Soul. - The Flesh has nothing to do with the living at any time, and never has. God is only concerned with the Soul, it’s reasonable that the man is concerned with the Flesh, if he is flesh, but the Spiritual cares nothing of the Flesh, but the Spirit / Soul. – Psalms 56:11 KJV -&- Matthew 6:25 KJV –
If you are concerned with the flesh, then you can’t be concerned with Truth / Christ!!

If the ( Lost ) completes his, ( as you say, “Once to die” ), he still must complete his “Second Death” which is the Lake of Fire. - SO that is not so clear cut as many who concern themselves with death. They are the Lost!!

Paul – 071812


Well-known member
Your Scripture has no bearing on this type of thing at all. - That is referring to: - ( If a person thinks it’s a sin to milk a cow ), and he milks the cow, -- to him ( That is sin ); only to him who thinks in his own heart that it’s wrong, then it is wrong, for he has done wrong that he thought to be wrong. --- It’s the same thing about if it’s ( “wrong” ) to milk the cow, and he is unaware that it is wrong, - thinking that it’s right to milk the Cow, and he milks the Cow though it’s wrong, - that sin is ( Not “Held” ) against the (( Christian )) that thought it was right in his heart, - but was Wrong!! ----- That may be hard to understand, but it cannot be disproved unless someone doesn’t care what the Truth is, ( Hatefully ) contradicting with any non-pertaining thing that he can use against it; - just for the sake of denying it; - (( Knowing )) that it’s “Wrong”!!!

Paul -- 071812

On the left side . . . . think left side brain (i.e. intellectualizing) and left side of God.)

Things given for the unaware who are also described as having hearts that are waxed gross. They are not given to know Truth and they cannot know Truth. They are the Old people. They are given (under divine decree) constructive delusions (like the law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures) to guide and manage their behavior. They are intellectually driven. These conform to intellectually discernible and intellectually sensible concepts of right and wrong. However Truth cannot be and is not, intellectually sensible. Truth is discerned only intuitively. Therefore the law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures are not founded on Truth and they are not given as revelations of Truth. They are given simply and only for guiding and managing the unaware until they are given by God to know Truth.

Therefore as good as the law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures, may sound and be perceive to be through intellectual discernment, they are not founded on Truth (Truth can be discerned only intuitively and directly from the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth through one's own heart or spirit, i.e. by bypassing intellectualizing).

For the unaware, there are things described as [size=+1]morality and religiosity[/size]. These include the law, the commandments, Peter's canons, the other ideals and laws in the scriptures.

These are conditioned into the awareness of the unawares as absolute Truth in order for them (these laws) to rule their behavior. The divine approach to the unawares is to guide and manage their behavior. (i.e. until they are given to know Truth and can be left on their own with freedom, liberty and justification). The idea is to create peace and good will among the unawares. Since their hearts are all waxed gross (this is the definition of the unaware) all their action are carnal or physically urged. They cannot be and are not led into their carnal or any other action by the Spirit as discerned within their own heart (because their hearts are waxed gross, i.e. thickly cover over). Their only hope is to lose the waxed grossness of their individual hearts or spirits. Nothing else will led them into salvation and deliverance.

However the unaware are at serious disadvantage: at all events, the law, the commandments, Peter's canons and the other ideals of the scriptures all killeth. They are not founded on Truth. They are divinely given, not as revelations of Truth but for a sole and temporary purpose which is for guiding and managing the unaware until they come onto spiritual awareness. That is until their hearts are no longer waxed gross. Then they are given to know Truth.

The law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures are used only on the spiritually dead for they are already spiritually dead. They are not to be used on the spiritually aware. They are of no use to those whose hearts are no longer waxed gross (i.e. the spiritually aware). Those whose heart are no longer waxed gross are given by God to know Truth. They cannot be under the law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures. They cannot be fooled (any more) into believing that the law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures are founded on Truth. They know first hand from the Spirit of Jesus, from within their own hearts or spirit, that the law, the commandments, the canons and all other ideal or laws in the scriptures, are not founded on Truth. They know this directly, intuitively and first hand from the Spirit of Jesus through their own hearts or spirit, just as Paul did and confirmed in Romans: 14 verse: 14.

You, Letsargue, who discern wisdom in the law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures are unaware. Your heart is waxed gross. You would not know that the law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures are not founded on Truth and you would not know any other Truth. However you are a righteous seeking unaware person, for you discern wisdom in the law, the commandments, the canons and other ideals or laws in the scriptures. Now you must uphold these absolutely spotlessly and absolutely completely for your righteousness.

On the right side . . . . think right side brain (i.e. intuiting) and right side of God

Things given for the spiritually aware: They posses hearts that are not waxed gross and that is the first fruit of the Spirit. They are totally different from the unaware. They are the New people. They are given to know Truth. They cannot be prevented from knowing Truth. They are guided by Truth. They are intuitively driven.

For the spiritually aware there are things described as [size=+1]morality and spirituality[/size]. These are based on Truth. The most fundamental Truth is confirmed in Romans: 14 verse: 14. This revelations confirms that nothing is ever morally and spiritually wrong in any absolute way.

Romans: 14 verse: 14 tells us quite clearly that: the law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures are indeed not founded on Truth (for Truth is eternal) and that these are given only for a temporary purpose. That is, they are given to guide and control only those who are not given by God to know Truth. They are divinely given to guide and managed the unawares until they are given to know Truth.

Therefore the spiritually aware would no only naturally and spontaneously drop the law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures, they will hold them as foolishness.

If therefore you take naturally and spontaneously to the law, the commandments, the canons and any other ideal or laws in the scriptures, absolutely nothing is wrong with that. That is you and your right. However this confirms unequivocally that your heart is still waxed gross and you are not given by God to know Truth. You therefore need to urgently work on transforming your heart from, waxed gross to not waxed gross . . . I am here for you. Ask and the door and direction will be shared with you.

I am here to bring you on to Truth in these last day. Mine is a labor of love under grace of God, in the body of Christ. I am here to provide Truth in these last days. I am here for the few who will come to and embrace Truth in these last day and be chosen first, because they finally come to know Truth (in these last days). Pointing out your folly at this time, is love and Truth, freely expressed. Now is a far better time than a little later, when too late will be the cry.

To achieve a heart that is not waxed gross is the first fruit of the Spirit. This is a first baby step.

Read more about it:

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New member
You want me to respond to that?? --- Just how do I do that?? – There’s no Scripture of any value to anything concerning death, or ( any Scriptural “type” knowledge ) concerning what happens at Death. -- Can you not give, in your own words, the Truth of what happens at death that doesn’t contradict with the rest of the Word of God??

Paul – 071812


Well-known member
You want me to respond to that?? --- Just how do I do that?? – There’s no Scripture of any value to anything concerning death, or ( any Scriptural “type” knowledge ) concerning what happens at Death. -- Can you not give, in your own words, the Truth of what happens at death that doesn’t contradict with the rest of the Word of God??

Paul – 071812

No. Not if you can't or won't.

I hold no expectations, one way or the other.

What will happen will happen, under grace of God. And that is absolutely fine with me, any which way.

My deliveries here are for the private edification of you, yours and others who may read my post.

Fact is that I can only make my deliveries, that is all I can do. I have no control or hold no specific expectation, over outcome.

Truth will not come through the sweet and nice path way. Awakening to Truth, will come only to those who are willing to seek that awakening, unrelentingly, through even the most trying journey which may include reading very long, rough and blatantly Truthful posts.

One whose ego becomes bruised is a sure indication of the presence of an ego that is burying one's spiritual awareness. One's ego (bruised or other) stands in the way or one receiving the first fruit of the Spirit.​
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Well-known member
We are all appointed once to die, but that is just the body we live in. You continue to live, either with or without Jesus.

This is not applicable to everyone.

That is the predicament of those under Peter & Co. They are under the law, commandments, canons and other ideals and laws in the scriptures. They will be judged at every point (including after death) for they are under the law, commandments, canons and other ideals and laws in the scriptures and they are therefore required to uphold all of these to the letter for their righteousness. They are not under grace of God and being in Christ is not for them. One under the law, commandments, canons and other ideals and laws in the scriptures are always judged and they never make it. No one can uphold the law, commandments, canons and other ideals and laws in the scriptures, to the required level to achieve righteousness with God. They are appointed to die once and then be judged. However if they did not uphold the law, commandments, canons and other ideals and laws in the scriptures, adequately, they will probably not live again. Certainly they will not live again on earth in God's kingdom of heaven.

However it is different for those who come onto Christ, in their present lifetime, in accordance with Paul's commission. They are not under the law, commandments, canons and other ideals and laws in the scriptures. They are under Grace and they are in Christ. There is no judgment for them.

They are judges no more. If one is 'in Christ' while one lived on earth, then, when one die one will rise (naturally and spontaneously) under the guidance of the Spirit of Jesus, in three day, to be like an angel in heaven.

For one who comes onto Christ in one's life time on earth as human, Jesus will know one during one's life on earth, at the hour of one's death and when one has risen to be like an angel in heaven.

At all points Jesus will confess one to God and so God will also know one as a human on earth, also at the time of one's death and also thereafter when one has risen to be like an angel in heaven. Both Jesus and God will know one at every point, all the time, in real time.

Then in heaven, God will predestine one to return to earth, from heaven, as a child of God, with God given freedom, liberty and justification to do anything that one's heart or spirit desires, once one is led to do so under the organization of the Spirit of Jesus.

. . . One in Christ is never judged, ever again. Also one in Christ never dies ever again. 'To never die' means to never lose continuous awareness. When one in Christ lose one's physical body at the time of death one remains absolutely conscious within one's own spirit and continue to be guided by the Spirit of Jesus, through one's own heart or spirit. This is so even when one no longer has a physical body. Indeed under the guidance of the Spirit of Jesus through one's own spirit one (with full awareness) rise to heaven once again to be like an angel in heaven. There one is predestined by God to return to earth, from heaven, once again, to continue to have God given freedom, liberty and justification to do anything that one's heart or spirit desires, once one is led to do so under the organization of the Spirit of Jesus.
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New member

No. Not if you can't or won't.

I hold no expectations, one way or the other.

What will happen will happen, under grace of God. And that is absolutely fine with me, any which way.

My deliveries here are for the private edification of you, yours and others who may read my post.

Fact I can make my deliveries that is all I can do. I have no control or hold no specific expectation, over outcome.

Truth will not come through the sweet and nice path way. Awakening to Truth, will come only to those who are willing to seek that awakening, unrelentingly, through even the most trying journey which may include reading very long, rough and blatantly Truthful posts.​

That's all well and good as far as it goes, but you have not yet given anything that shows, by Scripture, or in your own words, agreeing with all Scripture, "What happens at death". -- There are Parables, that are not what really happens, but compared to something else that is not real.

When one dies physically, there's a very strange thing happens. - You are not you, as you think of yourself now, but what God says comes to life, and that is; - God said that "as a man thinketh in his heart, (( So is he" )). So whatever you did think in your heart is what exists from then on. If your thinking is contrary to Truth, then that ( Is who you are ), You are from then on that which is ( Contrary to Truth ) / Life / Light / Jesus. - That lost person who is contrary to Truth is thrust into the "Living Truth" that is eternally contary to him. That is termed as Fire. - It's not a fire that you are familiar with, but the Fiery Truth that burns into the heart of the "contrary of Truth". - The same Truth that is the Living Truth to the saved. ( It's the Same Truth ). Just like the waters of Noah; it was death to the evil, and life to the justified.
2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 KJV – “When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty angels, 8- (( In flaming fire )) taking vengeance on them that know not God”.-&- Daniel 7:10 KJV – “A (( fiery stream issued and came forth )) from before him”. –
If you’ll take notice, that the flaming fire in those are only Parables for ( Truth ). The Lord came in the Fulfillment of (( Truth )), not in the fire that burns brush piles, but that burns the ( spirit ) or the lie that is contrary to the Truth!! - Satan is the father of Lies. - That makes the lost, the children of Satan, the Liar, or the ultimate contrary to Truth, and is cast into the Fiery Truth and is burned, or is forever tormented by the Truth / Fire. – You’ll have no name, and you’ll have no identity, but, - “Contrary to Truth” / Lie.

That's what happens at death, the moment the carnal body dies.

Paul – 071812


Well-known member
That's all well and good as far as it goes, but you have not yet given anything that shows, by Scripture, or in your own words, agreeing with all Scripture, "What happens at death". -- There are Parables, that are not what really happens, but compared to something else that is not real.

When one dies physically, there's a very strange thing happens. - You are not you, as you think of yourself now, but what God says comes to life, and that is; - God said that "as a man thinketh in his heart, (( So is he" )). So whatever you did think in your heart is what exists from then on. If your thinking is contrary to Truth, then that ( Is who you are ), You are from then on that which is ( Contrary to Truth ) / Life / Light / Jesus. - That lost person who is contrary to Truth is thrust into the "Living Truth" that is eternally contary to him. That is termed as Fire. - It's not a fire that you are familiar with, but the Fiery Truth that burns into the heart of the "contrary of Truth". - The same Truth that is the Living Truth to the saved. ( It's the Same Truth ). Just like the waters of Noah; it was death to the evil, and life to the justified.
2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 KJV – “When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty angels, 8- (( In flaming fire )) taking vengeance on them that know not God”.-&- Daniel 7:10 KJV – “A (( fiery stream issued and came forth )) from before him”. –
If you’ll take notice, that the flaming fire in those are only Parables for ( Truth ). The Lord came in the Fulfillment of (( Truth )), not in the fire that burns brush piles, but that burns the ( spirit ) or the lie that is contrary to the Truth!! - Satan is the father of Lies. - That makes the lost, the children of Satan, the Liar, or the ultimate contrary to Truth, and is cast into the Fiery Truth and is burned, or is forever tormented by the Truth / Fire. – You’ll have no name, and you’ll have no identity, but, - “Contrary to Truth” / Lie.

That's what happens at death, the moment the carnal body dies.

Paul – 071812

You seem totally mixed up . . .and absolutely buried under that which is total foolishness for God.

You come to scriptures with an agenda. You are not seeking Truth. You seek to distort scriptures (if necessary) to prop-up you own ideas. In reality you do not accept or believe in scripture. Like the very great majority of those in traditional Christianity, you probably hold the view that everyone is the same and that Jesus died for the sin of all and all are now children of God. That position say that there are no children of the flesh on earth anymore. Fact is Jesus clearly confirmed that some people will remain children of the flesh when He instructed "let the dead bury their dead". Your position is of your own unaware making. There is no basis for that claim in scriptures. When you publicly and widely pronouns your erroneous conclusion you mislead great masses of spiritually dead people by putting them into the false belief which is that they are not spiritually dead. So they do not seek to become spiritually aware.

If you are like those in traditional Christianity you have ignored Galatians: 4 verses: 4 to 7 which out lines the path to becoming a child of God and instead you are promoting that because Jesus died on the cross all people (who repeat some slogan) are children of God. So no one who listens to you, is actually seeking to become a child of God under the correct appraoch.

Galatians: 4 verses: 4 to 7 confirmed unequivocally that God sent the Spirit of Jesus into the hearts of those under the law so that they [size=+1]might[/size] become adopted children of God. How then can everyone, automatically, be children of God when Jesus died on the cross and/or after repeating some slogan? Further more, we are told to search our heart to know what the Spirit has in mind for us to pray for, say and do. And to guide us further, in the correct direction to becoming children of God, we are told that those who are led by the Spirit are children of God. Being led by the Spirit is not a passive thing. It is a very live and deliberate activity which requires one to first have the first fruit of the Spirit which is a heart that is not waxed gross.

The idea here is not to win arguments by doctoring scriptures any which way, it is to discern and expose Truth in totality, accuracy and clarity, now in the fullness of time in these last days.

The above claim does not stand alone. Jesus confirmed that some will remain dead and for the dead will bury their dead. And it is also confirmed that Peter, as Satan was appointed by Jesus to the commission to lead and guide and manage 'the dead' (those who blasphemy the Spirit), so that their spirits might be saved in the day of our lord Jesus Corinthians: 5 verse: 5. And whether or not you like it, everything that passes for Christianity (in all churches that are called Christian churches) at this time, is of Peter's ideologies and makings, born out of his unawareness. We are talking about billions who are called to Christianity being misled and still being children of the flesh.

How then can everyone automatically be children of God when Jesus died on the cross and/or after repeating slogans? Are you not a very false prophet who came in Jesus' name and you are misguiding many?

Clearly you, with your uninformed theories, are misguiding the very great majority (i.e. all but a few) of those called to Christianity. Clearly you must be a false prophet who came in Jesus name and you are misguiding many.

The spiritually dead are clearly different from the spiritually aware. The spiritually dead are children of the flesh. They have a Satanic/earthly disposition and orientation, like Peter. The spiritually aware are those who posses the first fruit of the Spirit. They are on their way to become adopted children of God. They have a heavenly/spiritual orientation and disposition, like Paul.

The spiritually dead do not have the first fruits of the Spirit. The dead will bury them. They were sent to Peter/Satan so that their dead spirits might be saved in the day of our Lord (re. 1 Corinthians: 5 verse: 5). Peter who Jesus identified to be Satan was called to this good service in accordance with Corinthians: 5 verse: 5)

By denying these thing you are blaspheming the Spirit. You are committing serious and unforgivable sin. It matter not that you are foolish in the wisdom of God. You ego is leading you to absolute demise.

There are people who have the first fruit of the Spirit. Therefore everyone is not the same. There are children of God and there are child of the flesh. And each of them go thought their own (and different) pathway when they die.

People take different paths when they die.

Some are totally unaware when they die and they are simply dragged to the depths of earth until some future undisclosed time when they will be help to become aware again and rise out of the ground but not to heaven, anywhere. They are the spiritually dead who were buried by the spiritually dead. That is they were buried by Satan/Peter in accordance with Corinthians: 5 verse: 5. They were in Peter's church while they lived and when they died they were buried by Peter & Co. (They are totally different from Paul's people.)

Others are aware when they die. (like Paul's people)

Among those who are aware when they die are those 'in Christ'. Those in Christ are children of God. While they were alive on earth, they became and remained aware of the Spirit of Jesus which God sent into their hearts so that they might become adopted children of God (re. Galatians: 4 verses: 4 to 7). Therefore they were in communion with Jesus in His Spirit, through their own spirits, when they lived on earth and they continue to have that communion during death and after death. Those in Christ differs in no way from Jesus as he was on earth as a man. When they die they rise in three days (just like Jesus) to be like angels in heaven.

If you have been told anything different, you are misguided. Peter & Co. and their followers, have indeed spun many stories of their own makings, on their unsuspecting charges. You could be among the billion who are misled and do not have it right.

These thing are literally confirmed by revelations in the KJV N.T.

I suggest you search the KJV N.T. your self to find those verses which totally and literally support the above. You need that exercise.

Stop erroneously, pushing your Satanic Peter ideologies as Christianity, like the unawares mentioned in Galatians: 2 verse: 4.

Peter's ideologies are for the unaware (the Satanic oriented, the spiritually dead), they are not for Christians.​
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New member
I guess you forgot that; >> -- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 KJV – “Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and (((( ye are not your own ))))? 20- For (((( ye are bought with a price )))): therefore (( glorify God )) in ( your body, and in your spirit ), (((( which are God's ))))!!
Christ has allowed your body, or flesh, and your Name, and Identity to ( Just go to the Grave, or Dust, and not to Hell, and certainly ( Not to Heaven ) if you’re lost! - You hang onto your own Soul in (( Your own name like all the other fools will ))!!

The Scriptures there are not talking about the foolish ( Lost ), The Lost will never ((( Listen to anything God says ))), but Christ still paid for ( Your body and flesh ). ((( Hang on to it, I don’t care )))!!

I gave you what happens truly, but if you want to continue to just talk ( Meaningless Stuff ) and call it something about the dying; --------- ((( You win your argument with yourself )))!!!!!!

Why a fool will fight to go to Hell, is beyond me!!

Paul – 071912


Well-known member
I guess you forgot that; >> -- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 KJV – “Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and (((( ye are not your own ))))? 20- For (((( ye are bought with a price )))): therefore (( glorify God )) in ( your body, and in your spirit ), (((( which are God's ))))!!
Christ has allowed your body, or flesh, and your Name, and Identity to ( Just go to the Grave, or Dust, and not to Hell, and certainly ( Not to Heaven ) if you’re lost! - You hang onto your own Soul in (( Your own name like all the other fools will ))!!

The Scriptures there are not talking about the foolish ( Lost ), The Lost will never ((( Listen to anything God says ))), but Christ still paid for ( Your body and flesh ). ((( Hang on to it, I don’t care )))!!

I gave you what happens truly, but if you want to continue to just talk ( Meaningless Stuff ) and call it something about the dying; --------- ((( You win your argument with yourself )))!!!!!!

Why a fool will fight to go to Hell, is beyond me!!

Paul – 071912

I did not forget :

Corinthians 6:19-20 (KJV N.T.)

19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

The rest of what you said seems to be of your own making up. I am not at all familiar with that jargon, which I suspect has very familiar standard meaning to those in traditional Christianity, where everything is erroneous.

The death of Jesus on the cross was not an end of sin and spiritual death to all. This was simply the first part. Jesus death on the cross was simply a blood sacrifice under the tradition of Moses for the forgiveness of the past sin (i.e. up to that point in time) of those under the law.

Liberation from further and future sin is hinged on the second coming of Jesus. This is when God sent Jesus in His Spirit into the heart of those under the law so that they might become adopted children of God. From that point onwards, those under the law had to embrace Jesus in the Spirit and be led by precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for one to pray for, say and do as discerned within one's own heart, in order to remain sinless.

Failure to do this would result in one going back to the Old system. Even Jesus death on the cross would have come to nothing.

If you do not know this Truth and adapt to it, you are so 'dead' in your waters.

Can you 'see' the connection between the above and Corinthians 6:19-20?

Your physical body must serve the Spirit of Jesus. That is you must be led into all your activities (i.e. works) by precisely what the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for your to pray for, say and do as discerned within your own heart or spirit. What the Spirit of Jesus has in mind for one to pray for, say and do always perfectly conforms to the things in your individual spirit and the will of God. Your physical body (as long as you have one) will always do carnal things. Only now you are not led to do those carnal thing by the urgings of your physical body. You will be led to do those carnal things by the Spirit of Jesus.

In the above way

"know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you" means: your physical body is the temple of your spirit body and both house the Spirit of Jesus/Holy Ghost. Now no longer is your physical body leading you. The physical temple is not given to lead one. It is given to serve one. Now when you function through your physical body (as you must do) you are led not by carnal urgings of only your physical body but by the mind of the Spirit and you do not get sin even if you physically transgress the Ten Commandments etc.

"which ye have of God" means this is the new you which is made possible by God and all things are from God.

"ye are not your own" before when you were not led by the Spirit you acted all on your own only though your carnal urgings. Now this has changed. Now you do your carnal acts according to the mind of the Spirit which is in accordance with the will of God. Now under this new system, both your physical body and your spirit body serves your spirit (not you physical body) and the will of God, when you are led by the Spirit.

"For ye are bought with a price:" means: All of this was made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus who was made to suffer temporary unawareness, persecution, torture and crucifixion to bring this path to the awareness of spiritually dead humans.

"therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's": means literally that. God is glorified in your body (Physical and spirit) when you do not ignore but is led by, the Spirit of Jesus which God sent into your heart or spirit which is within your physical body. All things, including your physical body, your spirit and the Spirit, belong to God.

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New member
You asked ( ME ) >> --- “Does your version conform to the ( prevailing perception ) among the ( billion of traditional ) Christians? --- In the first place, there can be no first ((( Traditional ))) Christians. There is no such thing as an ((( Untraditional Christian ))) - Christians are Just Christians, and anything else is not Christian. There is no ( Traditional ) about Christian, it’s just Christian, no ( Traditions )!!!!

( You ) have to already know that ( My ) “version” can not ( conform ) with the (( Prevailing Perception )) (((( BILLION )))), - but, you have the ( great majority on your side ). They sure are not on mine; so don’t blame me for being like all the rest, and (( You ))!!! -- How can you get that out of anything that ( you all ) curse me about (( All the time ))?????? ( You all ) are the (( Ones )) who ( love each other by the Hundreds of Millions )!! There is: -(( “No, not one” ))-; - who loves the Lord Jesus / Truth!!!!!

Paul – 072012


Well-known member
You asked ( ME ) >> --- “Does your version conform to the ( prevailing perception ) among the ( billion of traditional ) Christians? --- In the first place, there can be no first ((( Traditional ))) Christians. There is no such thing as an ((( Untraditional Christian ))) - Christians are Just Christians, and anything else is not Christian. There is no ( Traditional ) about Christian, it’s just Christian, no ( Traditions )!!!!Paul – 072012

Yes I did many post before. You did not answer. You still have not answer.

( You ) have to already know that ( My ) “version” can not ( conform ) with the (( Prevailing Perception )) (((( BILLION )))), - but, you have the ( great majority on your side ).

I do not know this. If your ideas are different then O.K. You do not care to share your views. You do not answer my direct or other questions.

They sure are not on mine; so don’t blame me for being like all the rest, and (( You ))!!! -- How can you get that out of anything that ( you all ) curse me about (( All the time ))?????? ( You all ) are the (( Ones )) who ( love each other by the Hundreds of Millions )!! There is: -(( “No, not one” ))-; - who loves the Lord Jesus / Truth!!!!!
Paul – 072012

Even within traditional Christianity there are disagreement, factions and sects. However those in traditional Christianity all share (agree on) some fundamental ideologies which were long introduced by Peter. These unite the millions of churches which are accepted to be Christian churches on earth. However these commonly shared ideas are precisely what are erroneous. These are precisely what are misguiding the very great majority of these billion strong people, and resulting in the very great majority (i.e. all but a few) of them being called and not chosen.

I do not look at this as a popularity contest. I would not be surprising if, at this time, only a very few agree that my posts are insight of Truth or Christianity.

If you are among the few I welcome you. However I will be very frank and open with everyone. I am not seeking blind followers. In fact I project no doctrine of my own. I simply parrot what I am given to know from the Spirit of Jesus through my own heart. And I deliver this with out posturing to suit any social, moral, religious or other ideas.

I am also led to make my deliveries in the manner that they are made by the Spirit of Jesus as urged within my own heart. My ego has no input or contribution in my post.

I am here to deliver that which is given by the Spirit of Jesus to me to deliver in the very manner that I deliver it. All knowledge and guidance come to me from the Spirit of Jesus as discerned within my own heart or spirit and they are transmitted intact. I belong to no physically manifested organization. "For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ". I do belong to the body of Christ which is an unseen (not physically manifested) organization under the unseen Spirit of Jesus. I have communion with Jesus, in His (unseen) Spirit, intuitively within my own (unseen) spirit or heart.

The things which I deliver here comes to me through this pathway from this source and I seek to offer KJV NT. revelations to support my deliveries so that they do not stand only on their own.

My deliveries are done in accordance with Mark: 13 verse: 11 . . . . you should note that the fullness of time is at hand.​
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New member

Yes I did many post before. You did not answer. You still have not answer.

I do not know this. If your ideas are different then O.K. You do not care to share your views. You do not answer my direct or other questions.

Even within traditional Christianity there are disagreement, factions and sects. However those in traditional Christianity all share (agree on) some fundamental ideologies which were long introduced by Peter. These unite the millions of churches which are accepted to be Christian churches on earth. However these commonly shared ideas are precisely what are erroneous. These are precisely what are misguiding the very great majority of these billion strong people, and resulting in the very great majority (i.e. all but a few) of them being called and not chosen.

I do not look at this as a popularity contest. I would not be surprising if, at this time, only a very few agree that my posts are insight of Truth or Christianity.

If you are among the few I welcome you. However I will be very frank and open with everyone. I am not seeking blind followers. In fact I project no doctrine of my own. I simply parrot what I am given to know from the Spirit of Jesus through my own heart. And I deliver this with out posturing to suit any social, moral, religious or other ideas.

I am also led to make my deliveries in the manner that they are made by the Spirit of Jesus as urged within my own heart. My ego has no input or contribution in my post.

I am here to deliver that which is given by the Spirit of Jesus to me to deliver in the very manner that I deliver it. All knowledge and guidance come to me from the Spirit of Jesus as discerned within my own heart or spirit and they are transmitted intact. I belong to no physically manifested organization. "For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ". I do belong to the body of Christ which is an unseen (not physically manifested) organization under the unseen Spirit of Jesus. I have communion with Jesus, in His (unseen) Spirit, intuitively within my own (unseen) spirit or heart.

The things which I deliver here comes to me through this pathway from this source and I seek to offer KJV NT. revelations to support my deliveries so that they do not stand only on their own.

My deliveries are done in accordance with Mark: 13 verse: 11 . . . . you should note that the fullness of time is at hand.​

The Scriptures only say anything one way, and it's God's Way / Jesus Christ, the Truth the ((( ONLY ))) ( Way )!!
Take it or leave it; (( You left it )), SO go and do your thing your way. ----- I'm through with trying to say anything to you without "Garbage" (( Back ))!!!!!!!!!

Paul -- 072012


Well-known member
The Scriptures only say anything one way, and it's God's Way / Jesus Christ, the Truth the ((( ONLY ))) ( Way )!!
Take it or leave it; (( You left it )), SO go and do your thing your way. ----- I'm through with trying to say anything to you without "Garbage" (( Back ))!!!!!!!!!

Paul -- 072012

You are very gravely mistaken. You are misled, most likely, by Peter & Co. They seem to be responsible for your waxed gross heart.

You are blaspheming the Spirit. There is no Jesus in the flesh any more. There is Jesus (live and direct) only in His (live and direct) Spirit now and you are blaspheming Him.

Don't you listen: "now (as from 2000 odd years ago) the Lord is that Spirit of Jesus" (re. 2 Corinthians: 3 verse: 17)

God sent the Spirit of Jesus into the hearts of those under the law so that they might become adopted children of God (re. Galatains:4 verses: 4 to 7)

God does not speak to his children through the scriptures.

In scriptures, God speaks (through a Gifted child of His) only to those who are not yet children of God . . . . . So as to tell them how to become a child of His. Oh foolish one!

God sent the Spirit of Jesus into the hearts of people so that He (God) can speak to them through this Spirit.

God speaks to His children in the following way (this is how Paul was informed and led):

1 Corinthians: 2 verses: 9 to 14 (KJV N.T.)

o9. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

10. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

11. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

12. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

13. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

14. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Why are you such a brave and bold blasphemer of even the scriptures? You are already blaspheming the Spirit. Is nothing sacred to you? Are you simply pretending to be Christan so as to come among Christians so as to blasphemy the KJV N.T. and the Spirit of Jesus? This is what the evidence here strongly suggest.

Only a waxed gross heart can be responsible for such self destruction.

Your view literally opposes the above very clear revelations from the KJV N.T. And your views are the anchor of traditional Christianity. Don't you realize that there is very critical and urgent need to save at least some unfortunate people in traditional Christianity? Isn't it you duty to rise up to and own, these clear revelations from the KJV N.T., even if such revelations confirm that you were in serious Satanic error before.

If I ask you to give your views of the message in these revelation, you will not do so.

I suspect that your refusal would simply be, because you will have to corrupt those revelations and you will not be able to defend your post. You will need to corrupt these verses because they so clearly say that your belief system, which you erroneously claim to be Christianity, is your own righteousness which was made up by you and others.

You have not been fair. You have not defended your position honorably because it is proved to be not at all dependable. Do not continue to teach and promote your beliefs in the name of Christianity. If you must then teach your beliefs under some other totally unrelated name.

Do not run and hide. Or if you do run and hide for a while do come back very soon and admit these revelations from the KJV N.T. in their purity.​
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New member

You are very gravely mistaken. You are misled, most likely, by Peter & Co. They seem to be responsible for your waxed gross heart.

You are blaspheming the Spirit. There is no Jesus in the flesh any more. There is Jesus (live and direct) only in His (live and direct) Spirit now and you are blaspheming Him.

Don't you listen: "now (as from 2000 odd years ago) the Lord is that Spirit of Jesus" (re. 2 Corinthians: 3 verse: 17)

God sent the Spirit of Jesus into the hearts of those under the law so that they might become adopted children of God (re. Galatains:4 verses: 4 to 7)

God does not speak to his children through the scriptures.

In scriptures, God speaks (through a Gifted child of His) only to those who are not yet children of God . . . . . So as to tell them how to become a child of His. Oh foolish one!

God speaks to His children in the following way (this is how Paul was informed and led):

1 Corinthians: 2 verses: 9 to 14 (KJV N.T.)

o9. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

10. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

11. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

12. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

13. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

14. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Why are you such a brave and bold blasphemer of even the scriptures? You are already blaspheming the Spirit. Is nothing sacred to you? Are you simply pretending to be Christan so as to come among Christians so as to blasphemy the KJV N.T. and the Spirit of Jesus? This is what the evidence here strongly suggest.

Only a waxed gross heart can be responsible for such self destruction.

Your view literally opposes the above very clear revelations from the KJV N.T. And your views are the anchor of traditional Christianity. Don't you realize that there is very critical and urgent need to save at least some unfortunate people in traditional Christianity? Isn't it you duty to rise up to and own, Truth, even if such Truth confirm that you were in serious Satanic error before.

Do not run and hide.​

One doesn't hide from fools! - Proverbs 26:4 KJV -

Paul -- 072012


Well-known member
One doesn't hide from fools! - Proverbs 26:4 KJV -

Paul -- 072012

You mistakenly perceive that that I made up post # 56 so you pass a judgment on me. For clarity I will rewrite post 56 as follow:

Consider this a practice test for final judgment day. Basic reading for comprehension.

Read this then give a one word answer, chose a. or b. to answer each of the 6 questions bellow:

Jesus confirmed that He had to physically go away so that the Spirit of Truth will come and bring All Truth (re. John: 16 verse: 7 & 13).

Jesus is the Truth. Therefore His Spirit must be the Spirit of Truth.

God sent the Spirit of Jesus into the hearts of those under the law so that they might become adopted children of God (re. Galatains:4 verses: 4 to 7)

Now (as from 2000 odd years ago) the Lord is that Spirit of Jesus (re. 2 Corinthians: 3 verse: 17)

1 Corinthians: 2 verses: 9 to 14 (KJV N.T.)

o9. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

10. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

11. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

12. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

13. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

14. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Therefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men. (re. Matthews: 12 verse: 31)


1. From the above verses in the KJV N.T., where would one find the things which God hath prepared for those that love him? Is the answer:

a. In the scripture

b. In the Spirit of Jesus which God sent into human hearts​

2. From the above verses in the KJV N.T. for what purpose are the scriptures given? Is the answer:

a. To show the direction (to those who need it) to where and how to find the things which God hath prepared for those that love him.

b. To actually tell us the things which God hath prepared for those that love him.
3. From the above verses in the KJV N.T. if 'the things which God hath prepared for those that love him' come to one through the Spirit and one says that it come from the written scriptures, is one dead wrong:

a. Yes

b. No​

4. From the above verses in the KJV N.T. if one says that the scriptures does what is given by God for the Spirit to do, is one blaspheming the Spirit?

a. Yes.

b. No​

5. From the above verses in the KJV N.T. will blasphemy of the Spirit be forgiven

a. Yes

b. No.​

6. From the above verses in the KJV N.T. does blasphemy of the Spirit lead to eternal damnation?

a. Yes

b. No.​


New member

You mistakenly perceive that that I made up post # 56 so you pass a judgment on me. For clarity I will rewrite post 56 as follow:

Consider this a practice test for final judgment day. Basic reading for comprehension.

Read this then give a one word answer, chose a. or b. to answer each of the 6 questions bellow:

Jesus confirmed that He had to physically go away so that the Spirit of Truth will come and bring All Truth (re. John: 16 verse: 7 & 13).

Jesus is the Truth. Therefore His Spirit must be the Spirit of Truth.

God sent the Spirit of Jesus into the hearts of those under the law so that they might become adopted children of God (re. Galatains:4 verses: 4 to 7)

Now (as from 2000 odd years ago) the Lord is that Spirit of Jesus (re. 2 Corinthians: 3 verse: 17)

1 Corinthians: 2 verses: 9 to 14 (KJV N.T.)

o9. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

10. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

11. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

12. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

13. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

14. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Therefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men. (re. Matthews: 12 verse: 31)


1. From the above verses in the KJV N.T., where would one find the things which God hath prepared for those that love him? Is the answer:

a. In the scripture

b. In the Spirit of Jesus which God sent into human hearts​

2. From the above verses in the KJV N.T. for what purpose are the scriptures given? Is the answer:

a. To show the direction (to those who need it) to where and how to find the things which God hath prepared for those that love him.

b. To actually tell us the things which God hath prepared for those that love him.
3. From the above verses in the KJV N.T. if 'the things which God hath prepared for those that love him' come to one through the Spirit and one says that it come from the written scriptures, is one dead wrong:

a. Yes

b. No​

4. From the above verses in the KJV N.T. if one says that the scriptures does what is given by God for the Spirit to do, is one blaspheming the Spirit?

a. Yes.

b. No​

5. From the above verses in the KJV N.T. will blasphemy of the Spirit be forgiven

a. Yes

b. No.​

6. From the above verses in the KJV N.T. does blasphemy of the Spirit lead to eternal damnation?

a. Yes

b. No.​

You read what I said!!!
I said what I said!!!!

I don't need an answer from you!!!!!!!

Paul -- 072112