What does God's Holy Law Demand?


Ben, keep in mind that these people started to die by the hands of many others and continued to profess their faith that the Logos manifested in Flesh.

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Also, foxes book of Martyrs follows historically verifiable Faith's of the disciples all the way to far down the line. This combined with the Jewish lives lost since the death of Yeshewa are things that bring exponential sorrow!

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My last statement on this matter that makes me stay open minded is exactly as you referred to Deuteronomy. With historically searchable evidence that the 4 testaments of Yeshewa.... Mat. Mar. Lu. and Jn... Along with the knowledge that these men were specifically held to the Hebrew Eloh-m in their minds, it would be fair to assume that the 4 books were preserved as they were originally written as a factual transmission of the words and life of Yeshewa.

The book of John Specifically has been found many times over to have been written by John the son of Zebedee. He was a direct follower of Yeshewa and walked with Him. It doesn't get much more direct than that. Why would a friend and follower of his Teacher distort His words?

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I and the Father are one." 31 The Jews took up stones again to stone Him. 32 Jesus answered them, "I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?" 33 The Jews answered Him, "For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God."

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Oh..... Ben, also, the Sadducees did not believe in life beyond the grave, but the Pharisees did. They were well taught Jews. Not all Jews believe in only one death.

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Oh yes, and I assure you, that the book of John was written by an eye witness. Scholars agree that all 4 testaments of Yeshewa were compilations of eye witness accounts. Not just one mans, but many eye witness accounts compiled for maximum factual transmission of Yeshewas life and words.

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God's Truth

New member
Prophet Isaiah said: "To be saved from sins which are even crimson red, all we must do is to repent and to return to the obedience of God's Law. (Isaiah 1:18,19) Now, if you want to hear from Jesus himself, he said that to achieve salvation from hell-fire, we must listen to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31)

MOSES says bring an animal sacrifice to the the tent/temple.

You do NOT OBEY Moses.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus never had anything to do with Christianity which was founded by Paul about 15 years after Jesus had been gone. (Acts 11:26) While he lived, Jesus never even dreamed that Christianity would ever rise.

You can't just lie about the Bible.

You cannot pick and chose what you want to keep and throw away from the Bible.

You would NOT KNOW ANYTHING about Jesus if you did not read about him from the Bible.

God's Truth

New member
Your use of Acts 11:26 is especially interesting. The foundation of the (Post Jesus) institution/church was indeed seen in Paul's works and not Jesus'.

That is NOT true. Jesus' body IS THE CHURCH. When Jesus CAME TO EARTH AND SAID through him---then that IS ABOUT THE BODY, the Church.

How is it you do not understand that?


What does God's Holy Law Demand?

My Jesus which you don't believe in, fulfilled the law in my behalf, obeyed it for me, so to God I'm a doer of the law as Jesus Christ was while here on earth.

I agree... I was trying to see where people stood on grace vs law. It is clear. It is also clear that some are disagreeing over issues that aren't issues at all.

But others here do not believe in the deity of Jesus.

All a good show of healthy discussion.

I like this forum.

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That is NOT true. Jesus' body IS THE CHURCH. When Jesus CAME TO EARTH AND SAID through him---then that IS ABOUT THE BODY, the Church.

How is it you do not understand that?

I do understand it. I speak neutrally frequently to gain as much opportunity to learn from others as possible.

I like this forum.

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Ben, now you fully know my beliefs. If this makes you feel ill towards me, I understand. I have to add that Elohims plan for us is far beyond simple salvation, and that the Holy law of Loving all as we should love ourselves and God is a Law unto itself.

Salvation was purchased at the highest price of all.

My Jewish brothers and sisters aren't finished yet.

I refuse to declare any lost, for Elohim desires that all be saved and none lost.

Grace is truly the greatest gift of God, and by it many will possibly know Him that don't know Him now.

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May we all lift one another up in brotherly and sisterly Love despite our differences, disagreements, convictions and sorrows. To even know of God is a gift beyond compare.

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