
New member
Wow. I missed a bunch of these threads. Bedtime reading!!!! :D


Seriously, I think you have extreme self esteem issues that you should be working on rather than annoying complete strangers on the internet.

I have NEVER in the time I have been on TOL seen anyone start so many threads for the sole purpose of annoying other members.

Here is a list of all the threads you have started with a good number of them naming specific individuals.


It's funny why no one has a sense of humor

Be very careful what you ask and say on certain threads!!

Suggestions for my next thread

Calvinism got one right except for the wrong reason

I've never met a Calvinist that wasn't angry

If Calvin and the other reformers hadn't ever come along how would you get saved??

How and why do you know you're one of the elect??

What are the signs that someone is of the elect

Rusha and Bybee on the attack

The sad last days of Christ'sWord (CW) Poster without an ally

The fine art of pleasantry

How to spot a madman on any forum

Who is eligible to enter into Heaven

The fallacy of Calvinism. The remedy; study and read God's Word

The return of Grosnick Marowbe!!

Good reasons to be banned on a Christian forums.

Why are there so many angry people on TOL??

Observations of the TOL landscape

Rusha(s) cold war has heated up

What kind of person are you away from the forum, happy, angry, sad?

"Unrighteously judged by ones peers"

Bybee, what went wrong??

"Christ Word (CW) know it all extraordinaire"

"Town heretic and rabble-rouser"

Falsely accused of being wicked and evil

Isn't it better to speak kindly to fellow posters than to sound like a moron

Do we talk to our friends/relatives the same as fellow posters?

Calvinism, the death of logic and reason.

Why some on this forum won't disclose what they truly believe

TOL is the best forum for allowing freedom to express ones views

How to be Born Again Spiritually and gain eternal life...

Truths relating to the Christian faith

Bible reading should be mandatory

Ghost is a madman

For those who believe they have no free will of their own

What kind of man was John Calvin (Calvinism)

Why is it Calvinists can't or won't see free will in the Bible?

If Calvinism is true, did God create sin??
Fellow, "Child of God"

GM ... seriously, it's time for you to get a grip and stop acting like a temperamental drama queen.

What on earth is wrong with you?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I wish to take this opportunity to thank "rusha" for Chronicling the entire set of my threads. You took the time out of your busy schedule in order to research and make available these fine threads that add so much to the "TOL" library...Thanks so much my dear friend and fellow poster...You're okay in my book!!!

she doesn't have any time for me anymore
I have you to thank for that


Meanwhile, in Rusha..

I wish to take this opportunity to thank "rusha" for Chronicling the entire set of my threads. You took the time out of your busy schedule in order to research and make available these fine threads that add so much to the "TOL" library...Thanks so much my dear friend and fellow poster...You're okay in my book!!!


New member
Oh my goodness, I go away for a few days and 30 more pages of the frantic rantings from the Great Moosh-Moosh. The sage of stupidity has plundered the land of the unintelligent - the mind of GM.

Has anyone told GM he's having this conversation in his own head, the posts are from his alter-ego(s)!

Let's see, I need 50 posts to be someone around here, this is #7 - a ways to go.