What do you call it?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Not funny.

If you don't understand what I'm talking about, do some research on the history of money. That stuff the government prints is not real money.

If it was real money, the government could make everyone rich by simply printing every citizen a million dollars.

Don't get hysterical. There's a time coming when ALL that desire to buy or sell will have to take the 'Mark of the Beast.' Read your Bible and find out about that time in the future. You and your fellow 'Conspiracy theorists' are gonna end up on Prozac and Xanax if ya don't watch out.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Most average people can't afford to buy Gold anyway. Back in the 1970s I got a hankering to by a few ounces of Gold, so I called around to see how much it cost to buy a couple or so of, Krugerrands, It was $250.00 dollars an ounce back then, however, the guy on the phone told me to wait a while because the price was gonna go down. I listened to him and didn't purchase any. Within a short period of time, Gold went up to over $900.00 an ounce. A guy where I worked at the time, encouraged me to buy Silver (It was about five or six dollars an ounce then) I didn't and within about a matter of months to a year or so, it went up to around $60.00 an ounce. Gold is going for, just under $1,400.00 dollars an ounce today, Silver is at about $16.00 an ounce.

At this point in my life I have no interest in either of those 'Precious Metals.' Like Tambora said; "We don't use Gold or Silver for purchasing anything." Those 'Metals,' according to average citizens are ONLY used for Jewelry and other decorative and investment reasons. You can buy Gold and Silver, hide it under your bed or buried next to a tree in the garden, if you so desire, however, you'll most likely NEVER use it to purchase fast-food or fill your tank with gas. Paper money is here to stay for now. In the near future they MAY go to some form of CARD to replace paper money, but, for now, we're all relying on paper currency, get used to it until times change. Either that, or go Bankrupt purchasing Gold.

Gary K

New member
I'm not even talking about the gold or silver standard.
People could buy and trade even before there was a gold standard.
Even the value placed on gold and silver fluctuated.
Doesn't matter if you use a hunk of gold or the "thin air" money we use today ...... it all has a value attached to it (ie. can purchase items and services).

As far as having gold, what need does anyone really have for gold in their everyday living?
Of all the metals I've used in my lifetime, I cannot think of a single instance when I ever thought "I need gold to get this done".
But someone decided to place a great value on something I have never really needed.
Not that gold has no practical use at all, but few have a need for it in their everyday living.
And now we have a world that covets gold, something the vast majority don't even have a need for.

And now, as you say, we have "thin air" money that the world covets.
Why? Because someone placed a great value on it.

The value of gold, and it has been used for millenia as money, is because it has so many good properties: it is basically non-destructible, it is rare, it can be used in many many manufacturing processes, it is compact and easy to carry in small amounts, etc... meaning it has intrinsic value. It's value is very stable. Back in the days of Rome a man could buy a full set of good quality clothes--toga, shoes, belt/sash--for an ounce of gold. Today you can buy a good quality suit, shirt, belt, and a pair of shoes for an ounce of gold. So tell me how gold has changed in value over 2000 years.

It's true that the price of gold coinage has had a percieved fluctuation in value, but the underlying value hasn't changed. The perception is due to manipulation of the amount of gold in minted coins. That's artificial in nature. Roman emporers did it as Rome declined. They added base metals of much lesser value to their coins. That was their form of inflation as sources of income vanished.

What you see today as variation in gold prices is actually the variation in fiat currency. The price of gold isn't varying, the value of the fiat currency is declining, therefore the number of dollars need to buy gold goes up. The price of gold has been being manipulated in the last couple of decades like it was never possible to do before. How? There is what is known in financial circles as "paper gold". It is sold on commodity markets as GLD. When someone buys it they don't actually get real gold. They get a piece of paper that says you can get so much gold. But, there is so much of this in circulation that any honest financial analyst will tell you that you will never get your physical gold. There aren't large enough stockpiles of gold to cover it. The central banks, not wanting people to know exactly how valueless their paper money really is manipulate the price of gold by selling billions of dollars of this GLD paper on the commodity markets on a fairly regular basis. These selling sprees depress the price of real gold for there are enough people who don't realize that this paper gold is a scam so when the price goes down from the massive selloffs of paper gold they buy it. Thus the price of gold is seen to fluctuate. But it isn't. It's the currency around it that is fluctuating in value.

Percieved value is not real value. You need to understand that. Gold and silver have real value because of what a person can do with them. Gold and silver are used in many manufacturing processes. The are converted into jewelry, dining ware, etc.... If they melt in a fire the value isn't gone. Gold is still gold and silver is still silver. If paper money burns what is left? Nothing. The percieved value is simply gone.

I've studied this for a long time now. I started out with your point of view. I changed my point of view because of coming to understand economics after studying it for more than a decade. The media, bankers, and government have sold the US public a bill of goods. We, as a people, are woefully ignorant on economic issues, and we are told one economic fallacy after another to keep us ignorant. Why? Because if we, as a people, understood what is really going on we would rise in rebellion against the powers that be.

I'll give you a link to a book on money and how governments and bankers manipulate it. It's a free book that shows exactly how money works, what it is, how it is manipulated, how inflation works, etc... in layman's terms. I hope you will take the time to read it as it is a good starting point for understanding financial issues. The title of the book is Honest Money. It speaks to money from the Christian perspective and uses Biblical principles throughout. https://mises.org/library/honest-money

I read this book years ago and it has helped me immensely in my understanding of economic issues. Honest money is something the US hasn't seen in more than 100 years.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
You're confusing the fact that you're comparing gold to the dollar.
No I am not.
I am talking about what value' has been placed on them.

Also, don't get the idea that the value of money is a constant.
I don't.

You don't understand why gold and silver are very good stores of value.
Sure I do. It is because someone decided it could be used that way collectively, and not because it had a great use within itself, as a beaver pelt would.

Once upon a time, beaver pelts were money in some places.
A value can be placed on any object.
And the value of any object can change.

Learn about the barter system and you might be able to understand the value of gold and silver.

Right Divider

Body part
Don't get hysterical.
Saying "not funny" is not hysterical.

There's a time coming when ALL that desire to buy or sell will have to take the 'Mark of the Beast.' Read your Bible and find out about that time in the future.
I know all about it. Are you really thinking that I'm a Bible illiterate?

You and your fellow 'Conspiracy theorists' are gonna end up on Prozac and Xanax if ya don't watch out.
My comments had nothing to do with conspiracies. The "funny money" system is right in our faces, so it's no secret.

Right Divider

Body part
No I am not.
I am talking about what value' has been placed on them.
I'm not talking about jewelry.


Sure I do. It is because someone decided it could be used that way collectively, and not because it had a great use within itself, as a beaver pelt would.
Gold and silver have many uses besides jewelry.

A value can be placed on any object.
And the value of any object can change.
But some objects make good money and most don't.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Saying "not funny" is not hysterical.

I know all about it. Are you really thinking that I'm a Bible illiterate?

My comments had nothing to do with conspiracies. The "funny money" system is right in our faces, so it's no secret.

I kind of think, YOU and 'Chicken Little' might just have something in common.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No I am not.
I am talking about what value' has been placed on them.

I don't.

Sure I do. It is because someone decided it could be used that way collectively, and not because it had a great use within itself, as a beaver pelt would.

A value can be placed on any object.
And the value of any object can change.


Hey Tam, it looks like he's already made his mind up and there's NO comprising so far as his 'theories' are concerned.


Well-known member
Most average people can't afford to buy Gold anyway. Back in the 1970s I got a hankering to by a few ounces of Gold, so I called around to see how much it cost to buy a couple or so of, Krugerrands, It was $250.00 dollars an ounce back then, however, the guy on the phone told me to wait a while because the price was gonna go down. I listened to him and didn't purchase any. Within a short period of time, Gold went up to over $900.00 an ounce. A guy where I worked at the time, encouraged me to buy Silver (It was about five or six dollars an ounce then) I didn't and within about a matter of months to a year or so, it went up to around $60.00 an ounce. Gold is going for, just under $1,400.00 dollars an ounce today, Silver is at about $16.00 an ounce.

At this point in my life I have no interest in either of those 'Precious Metals.' Like Tambora said; "We don't use Gold or Silver for purchasing anything." Those 'Metals,' according to average citizens are ONLY used for Jewelry and other decorative and investment reasons. You can buy Gold and Silver, hide it under your bed or buried next to a tree in the garden, if you so desire, however, you'll most likely NEVER use it to purchase fast-food or fill your tank with gas. Paper money is here to stay for now. In the near future they MAY go to some form of CARD to replace paper money, but, for now, we're all relying on paper currency, get used to it until times change. Either that, or go Bankrupt purchasing Gold.

I say to stock up on food and toilet paper....people will always need those. :)


Let's play a game!

What do you call it from a legal standpoint?

What do you call a person that takes possession of your lawnmower (that you bought and paid for yourself for your own needs) without your permission simply because that person saw a need for something you had --- a lawnmower to mow his yard?
In other words, he saw something that you owned as something he needed, so he took it.

Well then, show him what's what and allow to him borrow your mower next time.

Better yet, when his grass gets tall again....mow it for him.

That'll teach 'em!


So, is it selfish to work and save to buy a lawnmower for your own yard and not for other yards in the community?

Not at all, simply don't feed the negative energy with more negativity; be gracious instead of provincial, it'll solve the theft issue.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Not at all, simply don't feed the negative energy with more negativity; be gracious instead of provincial, it'll solve the theft issue.

What is this; "Negative/Positive Energy" you speak of? Is it merely 'abstractual, philosophical, or something on some sort of spiritual plane? Please explain yourself in such a way that we 'Laymen' can fully understand and learn to appreciate?


What is this; "Negative/Positive Energy" you speak of? Is it merely 'abstractual, philosophical, or something on some sort of spiritual plane? Please explain yourself in such a way that we 'Laymen' can fully understand and learn to appreciate?

It can be any or all....pick one, or all!