What do you call it?


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Self - Selfishness - Greed = Self also - Pride of Life
The book argues that selfishness is not an evil, but a virtue.

I'll give a brief analogy.

Let's say a man spends years in his garage on an idea he has.
He has created an energy source that is cleaner, less costly to operate, and more efficient.
But others have decided that his efforts cannot have a different value than the current methods of energy, otherwise the other businesses would lose money and go out of business, therefore hurting the community because of jobs lost.
So he is forbidden from producing this product in the market, and one of the reasons they give is that it would be SELFISH of him to not consider all those folks that would lose jobs.
Mind you that this was all done by politicians who were getting favors from those businesses, so anything that came along that threatened that was dealt with by creating laws that were proposed in a way that appeared to be for the collective good.
The inventor was left with the impression that his brilliant idea and efforts were nothing more than just a selfish dream of his, and not in the best interest of the collective society, so he should abandon those ideas in his mind as evil and selfish ideas.
But was it?

Money is just a synonym of a standardized value system.
So the root of money is the creation of a standardized value system.
And once created, can be manipulated and abused with no limits and can strip you of your value on a whim.

We can see in scripture that no one member of the body (the collective society) can say it has more value than another ----- ie. the eye cannot say to the ear that it is more important to the body.
But we mindlessly accept that a surgeon is valued more than a waitress when it comes to a monetary system.

Is your brain scrambled yet?

patrick jane

Another point that was in the book Atlas Shrugged is this question ......

If the love of money is the root of all evil, then what is the root of money?
Well then, the root of money. I suppose it was a broader idea that served more people than a barter system. I wonder when money was first used. I'm glad I don't have any to corrupt me. :chuckle:

Right Divider

Body part
Money is just a synonym of a standardized value system.
So the root of money is the creation of a standardized value system.
And once created, can be manipulated and abused with no limits and can strip you of your value on a whim.
That is simply not true and is actually quite silly.

Money is simply a commodity that stores value and makes interchange between people easier.

I'm talking about real money and not the fake stuff that the government prints.


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That is simply not true and is actually quite silly.

Money is simply a commodity that stores value and makes interchange between people easier.

I'm talking about real money and not the fake stuff that the government prints.
Not talking about an actual physical dollar.
The dollar could be piece of gold, or a coin, or a paper dollar bill, or whatever form it takes.
Talking about the value given to the dollar in whatever form it is at the time.

Right Divider

Body part
Not talking about an actual physical dollar.
The dollar could be piece of gold, or a coin, or a paper dollar bill, or whatever form it takes.
Talking about the value given to the dollar in whatever form it is at the time.
Once again, there is a world of difference between real money and that fake stuff that the government produces.

Real money has intrinsic value and cannot be manipulated by politicians or shadow governments.


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Once again, there is a world of difference between real money and that fake stuff that the government produces.

Real money has intrinsic value and cannot be manipulated by politicians or shadow governments.
What are you calling 'real money'?
Is not the money we are all going to use to pay our bills this month 'real money'?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That is simply not true and is actually quite silly.

Money is simply a commodity that stores value and makes interchange between people easier.

I'm talking about real money and not the fake stuff that the government prints.

Are you talking about 'Monopoly money?' Are you saying that's, real money? I mean the kind you can purchase Park Place and Boardwalk with?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Wrong !!!! It's actually the REPUBLICANS who are thieves , because they are the ones who actually "redistribute wealth " in America .
But they do this as reverse Robin Hoods, stealing from the poor and middle class to make the rich even richer . And this is exactly what Trump is trying to do now . His whole "tax cut " promise is nothing but another GOP scam . Only the richest 1 % of Americans will benefit from it . Beware !

You might just be very close to going against the Moratorium, pal? Better be careful.

Gary K

New member
What are you calling 'real money'?
Is not the money we are all going to use to pay our bills this month 'real money'?

Unfortunately it is not real money. It is an instrument of debt. All the dollars in the US have, for decades, been created out of thin air when someone, or some organization, borrows money from the Federal Reserve. If everyone in the US paid off all their debts, including the government, there would be exactly none of our fiat currency in circulation. This house of cards is on the verge of collapse. It's why the stock market is so volatile. It's why the Federal Reserve has interest rates so low. Why? Because if borrowing stops the entire pyramid scam collapses, and everyone from the man on the street to the Federal government is so overloaded with debt that it is no longer possible to keep on borrowing. The piper is about to be paid, and when it does the dollar will completely collapse and so will the ability to get any kind of credit. Physical money, i.e. silver and gold will be the only way to retain wealth.

This has come about because the world has wondered after Keynesian economic theory which is nothing more than scam. The bankers like it because it allows them to empty our pockets with inflation and interest. The politicians like it because they love to spend our money to buy our votes to keep themselves in power and in the gravy train of corruption. They, the politicians and the bankers, have drained us dry. Do you realize that 75% of Americans live from hand to mouth? That's right 3 out of every 4 Americans have no savings accounts. If they lose their job they are homeless in a very short time. Why? Because of several things. Keynesian economics said wealth comes about through spending, not through saving. Keynesian economics says you can borrow and spend yourself to becoming wealthy. Thus people have lived to the very edge of the income for decades and borrowed and spent without a thought for the future. And all the while inflation and interest have driven them into slavery. There's an old saying, He who has the gold makes the rules, and today the average American has no gold. All he has is debt.

Our government is financially bankrupt. It owes more than $150 trillion for which it has given no thought to how it will be paid. Our published debt, that for which Congress has accounted for and contracted us, we the taxpayers to pay back, is 103.7% of our national gdp--the sum of all our production in a year. We're getting close to the same level of debt that ireland, Italy, Greece, etc... have that is literally crushing their economies. Since the beginning of the current fiscal year, October of 2017, the Federal government has paid almost 1/4 of a trillion dollars in interest on that debt, and that is only going to go up as we are still borrowing and spending beyond our means, and interest rates are starting to rise. That means just the interest on the money we have borrowed is going to equal approximately 1/2 of what the Federal government spend in discretionary spending this year. Interest alone will be within $100 billion of what we spend on defense. All this debt is what you and I, the citizens of the United States of America, must pay back that our politicians have saddled us with through their profligate spending.

If you look at a dollar bill it says it is backed by the faith and credit of the US government. Just how much faith do you have in corrupt politicians and how much credit would you give to a government that has spent itself into oblivion?


New member
The book argues that selfishness is not an evil, but a virtue.

I'll give a brief analogy.

Let's say a man spends years in his garage on an idea he has.
He has created an energy source that is cleaner, less costly to operate, and more efficient.
But others have decided that his efforts cannot have a different value than the current methods of energy, otherwise the other businesses would lose money and go out of business, therefore hurting the community because of jobs lost.
So he is forbidden from producing this product in the market, and one of the reasons they give is that it would be SELFISH of him to not consider all those folks that would lose jobs.
Mind you that this was all done by politicians who were getting favors from those businesses, so anything that came along that threatened that was dealt with by creating laws that were proposed in a way that appeared to be for the collective good.
The inventor was left with the impression that his brilliant idea and efforts were nothing more than just a selfish dream of his, and not in the best interest of the collective society, so he should abandon those ideas in his mind as evil and selfish ideas.
But was it?

Money is just a synonym of a standardized value system.
So the root of money is the creation of a standardized value system.
And once created, can be manipulated and abused with no limits and can strip you of your value on a whim.

We can see in scripture that no one member of the body (the collective society) can say it has more value than another ----- ie. the eye cannot say to the ear that it is more important to the body.
But we mindlessly accept that a surgeon is valued more than a waitress when it comes to a monetary system.

Is your brain scrambled yet?

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." John Rogers


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Unfortunately it is not real money.
It is an instrument of debt. All the dollars in the US have, for decades, been created out of thin air when someone, or some organization, borrows money from the Federal Reserve. If everyone in the US paid off all their debts, including the government, there would be exactly none of our fiat currency in circulation. This house of cards is on the verge of collapse. It's why the stock market is so volatile. It's why the Federal Reserve has interest rates so low. Why? Because if borrowing stops the entire pyramid scam collapses, and everyone from the man on the street to the Federal government is so overloaded with debt that it is no longer possible to keep on borrowing. The piper is about to be paid, and when it does the dollar will completely collapse and so will the ability to get any kind of credit. Physical money, i.e. silver and gold will be the only way to retain wealth.

This has come about because the world has wondered after Keynesian economic theory which is nothing more than scam. The bankers like it because it allows them to empty our pockets with inflation and interest. The politicians like it because they love to spend our money to buy our votes to keep themselves in power and in the gravy train of corruption. They, the politicians and the bankers, have drained us dry. Do you realize that 75% of Americans live from hand to mouth? That's right 3 out of every 4 Americans have no savings accounts. If they lose their job they are homeless in a very short time. Why? Because of several things. Keynesian economics said wealth comes about through spending, not through saving. Keynesian economics says you can borrow and spend yourself to becoming wealthy. Thus people have lived to the very edge of the income for decades and borrowed and spent without a thought for the future. And all the while inflation and interest have driven them into slavery. There's an old saying, He who has the gold makes the rules, and today the average American has no gold. All he has is debt.

Our government is financially bankrupt. It owes more than $150 trillion for which it has given no thought to how it will be paid. Our published debt, that for which Congress has accounted for and contracted us, we the taxpayers to pay back, is 103.7% of our national gdp--the sum of all our production in a year. We're getting close to the same level of debt that ireland, Italy, Greece, etc... have that is literally crushing their economies. Since the beginning of the current fiscal year, October of 2017, the Federal government has paid almost 1/4 of a trillion dollars in interest on that debt, and that is only going to go up as we are still borrowing and spending beyond our means, and interest rates are starting to rise. That means just the interest on the money we have borrowed is going to equal approximately 1/2 of what the Federal government spend in discretionary spending this year. Interest alone will be within $100 billion of what we spend on defense. All this debt is what you and I, the citizens of the United States of America, must pay back that our politicians have saddled us with through their profligate spending.

If you look at a dollar bill it says it is backed by the faith and credit of the US government. Just how much faith do you have in corrupt politicians and how much credit would you give to a government that has spent itself into oblivion?
I'm not even talking about the gold or silver standard.
People could buy and trade even before there was a gold standard.
Even the value placed on gold and silver fluctuated.
Doesn't matter if you use a hunk of gold or the "thin air" money we use today ...... it all has a value attached to it (ie. can purchase items and services).

As far as having gold, what need does anyone really have for gold in their everyday living?
Of all the metals I've used in my lifetime, I cannot think of a single instance when I ever thought "I need gold to get this done".
But someone decided to place a great value on something I have never really needed.
Not that gold has no practical use at all, but few have a need for it in their everyday living.
And now we have a world that covets gold, something the vast majority don't even have a need for.

And now, as you say, we have "thin air" money that the world covets.
Why? Because someone placed a great value on it.


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Hall of Fame
"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." John Rogers
I think the guy gives them too much value.
They didn't change my life.

Right Divider

Body part
What are you calling 'real money'?
Is not the money we are all going to use to pay our bills this month 'real money'?
Nope... that's funny money that the government prints more of all the time. Therefore, your "money" looses value all the time.

Real money are things like gold and silver that have intrinsic value and can't be manipulated by the powers that be.

You might want to get a hold of some books by Murray Rothbard explaining the history of money and banking (as well as a true free market).

Right Divider

Body part
Are you talking about 'Monopoly money?' Are you saying that's, real money? I mean the kind you can purchase Park Place and Boardwalk with?
Not funny.

If you don't understand what I'm talking about, do some research on the history of money. That stuff the government prints is not real money.

If it was real money, the government could make everyone rich by simply printing every citizen a million dollars.


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Hall of Fame
Nope... that's funny money that the government prints more of all the time. Therefore, your "money" looses value all the time.

Real money are things like gold and silver that have intrinsic value and can't be manipulated by the powers that be.

You might want to get a hold of some books by Murray Rothbard explaining the history of money and banking (as well as a true free market).
The value of gold has not remained constant any more than the value of "thin air money" has remained constant.
Gold was given great value, and it wasn't because gold was soooooooooooo needed by people, because there are very few needs that gold meets.
It there was no great value given to gold, then most folks would just pass it right by if they found a load because they have little to no need for gold itself.
Let's face it, most all the gold folks have is for decorative use only, and not a necessity.

What is logical about creating an illusion of placing a great value on something that has no great necessity and that anyone could live without?
Why do we do that, why would we allow our minds to do that?

Right Divider

Body part
The value of gold has not remained constant any more than the value of "thin air money" has remained constant.
You're confusing the fact that you're comparing gold to the dollar. The dollar is inflated by the government printing presses.

Also, don't get the idea that the value of money is a constant. It's a commodity. i.e., money changes value based on supply and demand, just like everything else.

Gold was given great value, and it wasn't because gold was soooooooooooo needed by people, because there are very few needs that gold meets.
It there was no great value given to gold, then most folks would just pass it right by if they found a load because they have little to no need for gold itself.
Let's face it, most all the gold folks have is for decorative use only, and not a necessity.
You don't understand why gold and silver are very good stores of value.

Once upon a time, beaver pelts were money in some places.

What is logical about creating an illusion of placing a great value on something that has no great necessity and that anyone could live without?
Why do we do that, why would we allow our minds to do that?
Learn about the barter system and you might be able to understand the value of gold and silver.