What are the Real Reasons People Voted for Trump?


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
From the interviews and articles I've seen, heard, and read, I think that most of the people who voted for Trump are tired of the establishment on both sides of the aisle. No matter what party you vote for, in the last two or three decades, I can almost guarantee you that you've heard nothing but lies and half-hearted promises. I was undecided all the way up to yesterday. I was either going to write in my candidate or vote for Trump. I didn't make my decision until after I had filled out both sides of my ballot and then sat there for ten minutes, trying to decide whether I would rather just stand for my candidate or vote for Trump, knowing that his win would be a kick in the teeth to both the Democrat and the Republican parties. I figured, either way, that Hillary would end up winning. Imagine my surprise when I saw Trump win by as much as he did.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Carter was one of the worst Presidents in my lifetime. I was born in 1950.

he did provide good fodder for dan ackroyd

I suspect that will be the first thing he will fail on. The cost and logistics of building such a wall are insurmountable IMHO.

he never specified the building materials


Even as we post Chelsea is being groomed for 2024...:angrymob:




New member
Why did people vote for Him?

I told you why they would vote for him a year and a half ago....

"People are tired of lying politicians.

People are tired of lazy politicians.

People are tired of incompetent politicians.

People need jobs.

People need a leader with great business sense.

People need a leader with enough spine to actually
do security rather than just talk about it.

People need a leader with excellent negotiating skills.

Trump has the smartest people working for him.

Trump has the most direct communication style.

Trump is the best negotiator running for President.

Trump's team has given him the right message to take to the people.

Trump knows how to build things, not just steal. "


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think this article sums it up well and it's written by a liberal millenial.

Many will say Trump won because he successfully capitalized on blue collar workers' anxieties about immigration and globalization.

This is the main reason i think many voted for him.

Here are some other reasons: taxes, taxes and taxes. This is the main theme among more wealthy voters who would have voted for any republican, and of this group many thought he would lose for acting to extreme on social matters, particularly protectionism, which most i know, do not believe such measures will bring back blue-collar jobs.

There are some who feared Clinton plan to take in Muslims, more out of fear of incoming terrorists.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
The real answer: fear. Plain and simple.

True conservatives were afraid of what might happen in Hillary won, and instead of having faith in the God most of them claim to serve they gave into fear and voted for a man they didn't like, because they thought he was their only chance against her. They sacrificed their principles for fear, and gave the GOP no reason to ever honor their platform again.


The real answer: fear. Plain and simple.

True conservatives were afraid of what might happen in Hillary won, and instead of having faith in the God most of them claim to serve they gave into fear and voted for a man they didn't like, because they thought he was their only chance against her. They sacrificed their principles for fear, and gave the GOP no reason to ever honor their platform again.

What a bunch of nonsense.

'Sacrificing principles', as in not caring about political correctness and others butthurt. It's amazing that you all don't understand how people can get sick of hearing it after years and years, especially when it's causing them to be ignored and is influencing politics that affect everybody.

The nightmare of conservatives 'sacrificing principles' is completely out of yall's imagination. The fact of the matter is that the GOP can no longer succeed without a change, and Trump is that change. No other Republican candidate would have won against Hillary. You all should be damned happy instead of trying to chalk it all up to 'fear'- it's yall who are really afraid :wave: