ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
I would like to see him banned ... from social media, the government and the US.
Dream on
He's virtually guaranteed four more years
I would like to see him banned ... from social media, the government and the US.
Well, obviously they weren't........
I would like to see him banned ... from social media, the government and the US.
You are a stone cold liar.
Hitler was a socialist. He gave speeches about spreading socialism. He practiced socialism.
Yes, Virginia: Hitler really was a socialist
For those of you looking for the Cliff's Notes version, here is the answer: Yes, Hitler and the Nazis were socialists, for the simple reasons that they were staunchly anti-capitalist and believed that the means of production in their society should be controlled by a centralized state power. That is very clear from their writings, their words and their actions. Done and done.
We would like to see you baby-killers banned - from everything.
Rusha's as staunchly anti abortion as it gets. Do you have a clue about anything?
You called Rusha a baby-killer?We would like to see you baby-killers banned - from everything.
I wondered where you'd got to......
You called Rusha a baby-killer?
Wash your mouth out.
History puts the Nazis on the far right and that's where they're rightfully placed as all credible, non wingnut sources put them.
Nazis put themselves on the far right, btw. They identified themselves as such. And Neo-Nazis proudly announced their support for Trump in 2016.
I should add that right wing political thinkers of the '30s and '40s also identified Nazism as a far right wing ideology.
Were The Nazis Left Wing?
Neither Mussolini'nor Hitler were known for their prowess as political and economic thinkers so their brad of 20thC fascism is not based on a well defined philosophical rationale or ideology!
It is an authoritarian form of populism whereby the its adherents were loyal to a cult=like leader, as opposed to the belief in a defined ideology that can be located on the conventional political spectrum!
The origins of National Socialism were quasi-military associations of WW1 veterans who were predisposed to follow authoritarian and harbored many grievances as why Germany lost the war!
The arch enemies of National Socialism was the Communist Party and both battled in the streets of Germany for the political control of that nation!
In addition to Italy, Nazi Germany also made political alliances with Japan and the USSR - which were on opposite extremes of the political spectrum!
National Socialism also had a strong racial component - did Hitler invade the USSR tor "living space because like the Jews, he considered the Slavs racially infer, was he opposed to communism or in all likelihood, was it a combination of both?
of course nazis were left wing
TG's "reasoning" is along the lines that Rusha wants Trump out in the next election and a democrat in office. TG seems to be under some delusion that all democrats are pro abort and all republicans are pro life which is ridiculous. The republicans aren't going to change the laws to any great extent on the subject and to be fair, neither are the democrats, not anytime soon anyway. So Rusha's stance is completely justifiable and for someone to call her a baby killer only shows how utterly dishonest they are.
... some of them do call for the execution of homosexuals.
Thank you.
These dopey ignorant Liberals in this forum are clueless