Well, it's about time!


New member
Journalists Look Trump In The Eye And Call Out His Lies...


During his press conference, Trump tried to lie, but journalists looked him in the eye and asked him why he was lying.



Here is the official White House transcript as provided to PoliticusUSA:

THE PRESIDENT: Take a little at it. Take — no, take a look at the investigation. Take a look at how it started. Take a look at the horrible statements that Peter Strzok, the chief investigator, said. And take a look at what he did with Hillary Clinton. Take a look at...

Q (Inaudible), sir, that has nothing to do with collusion. Why are you lying about it, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: I’ll tell you what — you’re asking me about Peter Strzok being fired. I am amazed that Peter Strzok is still at the FBI, and so is everybody else that read that report. And I’m not even talking about the report; I’m talking about long before the report. Peter Strzok should have been fired a long time ago, and others should have been fired.


Q Mr. President, do you agree with children being taken away from (inaudible)?

THE PRESIDENT: No, I hate it. I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law. They will force...

Q Sir, that’s your own policy. That’s your own policy. Why do you keep lying about it, sir?

Journalists Are Tired Of Being Lied To

Trump’s barrage of lies was endless.

The President lied 19 times in 58 minutes on Friday morning.

Trump averaged nearly one lie for every three minutes that he spoke.

The President is lying about things that are easily proven to be false.

Trump lied about Democrats controlling the policy of separating parents and children at the border.

It is no longer a matter of Trump not knowing how government works. He is intentionally lying about how government works.

Everyone is sick of being lied to, but journalists have reached a turning point where they are going to look Trump in the eye and tell him that he is lying.


New member
He is a great president: Good point.

Idolater: a person who worships an idol or idols.

Reminds me of something a rabid Trump supporter, of all people, recently said to me - "get real."

I have to admit I was grateful for that...

For the resulting...



Genesis 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

"...whose top may reach unto heaven" - in short, a SKY "scraper."

Call it Trump Tower.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Idolater: a person who worships an idol or idols.

Reminds me of something a rabid Trump supporter, of all people, recently said to me - "get real."

I have to admit I was grateful for that...

For the resulting...



Genesis 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

"...whose top may reach unto heaven" - in short, a SKY "scraper."

Call it Trump Tower.

He built that before he was 40, and he didn't have to put a dime of his own money down, it was 100% financed, something like a half-billion dollars.

Do you have any accomplishment you'd like to share that you did before you were 40? Something like that?


New member
He built that before he was 40, and he didn't have to put a dime of his own money down, it was 100% financed, something like a half-billion dollars.

Do you have any accomplishment you'd like to share that you did before you were 40? Something like that?

Incorrect. His old man gave him a million bucks to help him get going with that, along with the political help of all the Mobbed up Tammany Hall crooks he grew up knowing on a first name basis, as he was raised in his old man's corruption with those people.

He then bribed various loan officers into writing up loans way larger in the hundreds of millions more than a project needed or was worth.

Not to mention the countless laborers, and contractors, and companies he stiffed, who then sued him for the crook he has always been.

And the more he got away with those bribes for loans, the dumber he became, ending up being scammed by other real estate people able to buy him and his dad all day long and twice on Sunday, as word got out that he actually believed his own Midas touch hype.

They began to take him left and right: the fool becoming well known for overpaying by hundreds of millions for properties worth way less.

Eventually, it all came crashing down on him. The only thing saving him for another day, being his old man's own crooked wealth, and some Japanese business men who realized his name was still famous and thus began his fraud of lending his name out to various buildings around the world he would then claim he owned.

Eventually, what few deals he had left and that he was kept from bringing down by the banks he still owed hundreds of millions to, turned around as the market turned around.

At which point, off he went into the Casinos to prove all over again he had not lost his touch at major, hundred million dollar failure by his own fool hand.

He is losing people left and right because their political careers are in jeopardy - they are not mere employees one can simply throw more money at, as he was used to doing as crooked CEO of The Trump Dis-Organization.

The man is a life-long fraud and an incompetent who is now being played in the exact same manner by that despicable tyrant he so admires over in North Korea.

And don't be a fool. This is the internet. One is better off keeping one's financial wherewithal to oneself.

Great President my foot.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Incorrect. His old man gave him a million bucks to help him get going with that, along with the political help of all the Mobbed up Tammany Hall crooks he grew up knowing on a first name basis, as he was raised in his old man's corruption with those people.

He then bribed various loan officers into writing up loans way larger in the hundreds of millions more than a project needed or was worth.

Not to mention the countless laborers, and contractors, and companies he stiffed, who then sued him for the crook he has always been.

And the more he got away with those bribes for loans, the dumber he became, ending up being scammed by other real estate people able to buy him and his dad all day long and twice on Sunday, as word got out that he actually believed his own Midas touch hype.

They began to take him left and right: the fool becoming well known for overpaying by hundreds of millions for properties worth way less.

Eventually, it all came crashing down on him. The only thing saving him for another day, being his old man's own crooked wealth, and some Japanese business men who realized his name was still famous and thus began his fraud of lending his name out to various buildings around the world he would then claim he owned.

Eventually, what few deals he had left and that he was kept from bringing down by the banks he still owed hundreds of millions to, turned around as the market turned around.

At which point, off he went into the Casinos to prove all over again he had not lost his touch at major, hundred million dollar failure by his own fool hand.

He is losing people left and right because their political careers are in jeopardy - they are not mere employees one can simply throw more money at, as he was used to doing as crooked CEO of The Trump Dis-Organization.

The man is a life-long fraud and an incompetent who is now being played in the exact same manner by that despicable tyrant he so admires over in North Korea.

And don't be a fool. This is the internet. One is better off keeping one's financial wherewithal to oneself.

Great President my foot.
So that's a no then. Your accomplishments before you turned 40 are unremarkable. You're not like President Trump. You can't deign to look down your nose at him, because he is your superior. It's objectively true, in every way.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's gotten to the point that even the press won't cover for him. No one in their right mind would deny that Trump is a habitual liar.
And to what end? Why is he doing it? And why do his supporters take him seriously, but not literally, while his enemies take him literally, and not seriously. I'm not suggesting that his inaccuracies are only misunderstandings, I'm wondering if he's playing at something, because so far he's appeared willing to alter his course on a dime, flip-flopping, which suggests chaos, but consider the end. It's either an accident, or it was on purpose. And he keeps saying it's on purpose.


like marbles on glass
It's gotten to the point that even the press won't cover for him. No one in their right mind would deny that Trump is a habitual liar.

Even most of the so-called "liberal MSM" have been complicit in enabling Trump. Whether for clicks, or to maintain journalistic gravitas, or because they didn't want to lose access, or for whatever other reason, all along they've enabled him. Look how long it took them to be brave enough to call a lie a lie. To varying degrees, they're complicit too.


Well-known member
He built that before he was 40, and he didn't have to put a dime of his own money down, it was 100% financed, something like a half-billion dollars.

Do you have any accomplishment you'd like to share that you did before you were 40? Something like that?

Trump haters live in their own little world of denial. :nono:


Well-known member
It's gotten to the point that even the press won't cover for him. No one in their right mind would deny that Trump is a habitual liar.

The habitual liars are the Trump haters. They lie about Trump and they lie about his supporters. To the Trump haters, regular folks are called "haters" and "bigots". It makes you Trump haters look deranged.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Even most of the so-called "liberal MSM" have been complicit in enabling Trump. Whether for clicks, or to maintain journalistic gravitas, or because they didn't want to lose access, or for whatever other reason, all along they've enabled him. Look how long it took them to be brave enough to call a lie a lie. To varying degrees, they're complicit too.
The Democrats MSM's heads are spinning because President Trump himself on his Twitter account is obviating many of their jobs. He's the newsmaker, in more ways than one. Headlines with 'Trump' sell more papers, but President Trump is publishing the headlines himself also.


New member
So that's a no then. Your accomplishments before you turned 40 are unremarkable. You're not like President Trump. You can't deign to look down your nose at him, because he is your superior. It's objectively true, in every way.

I am not running for public office nor for your support in any way shape or form.

My financials are none of your business. Especially on a public forum, let alone, with strangers.


Then again, likewise is the case as far as your false idol: Trump, is concerned.

Or so he would have you self-decieved Trumpers believe.

Just look at his long, long history of corruption in just about every facet of his life.

Then again, the standard Trump supporter's "moral compass" has long proven itself, long ago lost in some terrible storm out at sea on a pitch black, moonless night.

Nevertheless, the following is the truth about your false idol as to many areas of his long corrupt history - for those with actual ears to hear; for those with actual eyes to see...



Well-known member
Then again, likewise is the case as far as your false idol: Trump, is concerned.

Or so he would have you self-decieved Trumpers believe.

Then again, the standard Trump supporter's "moral compass" has long proven itself, long ago lost in some terrible storm out at sea on a pitch black, moonless night.

Yep, this is the liberal's only chance. To denigrate and falsely accuse anyone who isn't buying into the progressive religion. Label everyone and dismiss their right to speak.

It's all you've got at this point. :chuckle:

The Barbarian

The habitual liars are the Trump haters.

As you know, Trump most recently and egregiously claimed that his policy of separating children from their parents was forced by the democrats and that he wanted to change it. And as you also know, it's his policy, and he could end it immediately, if he wanted to do so.

Would you like a list of some of the bigger whoppers he's told?

The Barbarian

right, as I attempted to explain to you here...

Yes, Trump lied when he claimed the democrats were responsible. In fact, as you know, his administration started the practice. He could end it tomorrow, if he chose to do so.

However, his admission that we wouldn't sign a bipartisan bill ending the practice makes it clear that he's lying about that, too.