Well, it's about time!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... the kids are going to be O.K. now.

because they'll be back with the parents that put them in that risky position in the first place?

in detention? bammy tried that, the courts said no

bammy's inept second attempt, catch and release? prolly not

that leaves one option - boot 'em back into mexico, where they'll be at the mercy of coyotes (human traffickers) and drug gangs

go ahead Barbie - try to pretend you really give a crap about what happens to these kids

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... the kids will be safe.

the kids were cared for, sheltered, fed, provided with medical care and being processed to foster homes

now they're going to released back into mexico in the care of their irresponsible parents

explain how they "will be safe"?

oh, I know - they'll be out of sight - the kids who are killed in mexico, or kidnapped by human traffickers and pressed into the child sex trade - you won't know about them, you won't care about them, you won't be able to use them

and so, in your mind, they'll be safe

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
because they'll be back with the parents that put them in that risky position in the first place?

in detention? bammy tried that, the courts said no

bammy's inept second attempt, catch and release? prolly not

that leaves one option - boot 'em back into mexico, where they'll be at the mercy of coyotes (human traffickers) and drug gangs

go ahead Barbie - try to pretend you really give a crap about what happens to these kids

looks like he's going with option one, which will put him in direct violation of the federal law that bammy ran afoul of

The plan would keep families together in federal custody while awaiting prosecution for illegal border crossings, potentially violating a 1997 court settlement limiting the duration of child detentions.



The Barbarian


Have a nice day, fluffbutton.

The Barbarian

Trump caves, embarrassing his sycophants again
President Trump abruptly reversed course Wednesday, saying he would sign an executive order ending family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border after a public uproar over the impact of his administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy.

The plan would keep families together in federal custody while awaiting prosecution for illegal border crossings, potentially violating a 1997 court settlement limiting the duration of child detentions.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
(Trump's executive) order does not end the "zero-tolerance" policy that criminally prosecutes all adults caught crossing the border illegally. It would keep families together while they are in custody, expedite their cases and ask the Department of Defense to help house them.

But under a previous class-action settlement that set policies for the treatment and release of minors caught at the border, families can only be detained for 20 days. A senior Justice Department official said that hasn't changed.

"This is a stopgap measure," said Gene Hamilton, counsel to the attorney general. Justice lawyers were planning to file a challenge to the agreement, known as the Flores settlement, asking that a judge allow for the detention of families until criminal and removal proceedings are completed.

So Trump's order is likely to create a fresh set of problems and may well spark a new court fight. It's unclear what happens if no changes to law or the settlement take place by the time families reach the detainment deadline. The language also leaves room to separate children from parents if it's best for the child's welfare.

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/latest-news/article213516459.html#storylink=cpy


New member
The pressure worked. Trump realized the damage was getting worse and worse, and gave up. In spite of his previous claim that he was forced to take children from parents, he now says he'll end the abuse.

Let him have his excuses and evasions; the kids are going to be O.K. now.

Reminds me of back when the Banks got tired of his lies and finally just stepped in took over his assets, and forced him to live on a budget they had had to determine: his spending in the millions each month had gotten so out of control.

Eventually, ALL US Banks closed their doors on that fraud.

Off he went to climb into bed with the Russian Mob for their hundreds of millions in ill-gotten gains.

And now that even Cohen was using this disgraceful separation of children as a ruse to hopefully by himself some mercy, Trump was forced to face the fact that he had overplayed his fool hand once more.

Its the story of Trump's entire business life - crash and burn, by his own hand.

What a character.

Matthew 18:10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.


New member
gotta get that wall built, let them stack up on the Mexican side where they'll be safe

Ok, you're being an over doser again, if you think a wall is going to keep some who simply want a better life for their children out.

An ocean and a huge, huge tract of land once populated from coast to coast with some of the greatest warrior nations in the history of the world failed to keep a similar kind of an inner drive out for very long.

Good luck with that with their returning cousins, dosed.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ok, you're being an over doser again, if you think a wall is going to keep some who simply want a better life for their children out.

An ocean and a huge, huge tract of land once populated from coast to coast with some of the greatest warrior nations in the history of the world failed to keep a similar kind of an inner drive out for very long.

Good luck with that with their returning cousins, dosed.


so you're saying that the proper approach to the illegal immigration problem is smallpox and genocidal attacks against brown people?

seems a little extreme to me

let's try the wall first


New member
the kids were cared for, sheltered, fed, provided with medical care and being processed to foster homes

now they're going to released back into mexico in the care of their irresponsible parents

explain how they "will be safe"?

oh, I know - they'll be out of sight - the kids who are killed in mexico, or kidnapped by human traffickers and pressed into the child sex trade - you won't know about them, you won't care about them, you won't be able to use them

and so, in your mind, they'll be safe

And you wonder why their parents are forced to flee such countries.

I'm sorry; you are simply a fool.



New member
instead of fleeing, how about they try to make their countries better, safer, more successful?

Must be how the U.S. ended up a nation other than what it was before the predecessors of the Americans now here, got here - they did in Europe exactly what you suggest, but somehow ended up here.


Seriously, it is time for you to change your call name to Over Dosed.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Must be how the U.S. ended up a nation other than what it was before the predecessors of the Americans now here, got here - they did in Europe exactly what you suggest, but somehow ended up here.


some stayed and built Europe into what it is now, some came to an empty land and built the united states and Canada and mexico

once there were governments, there was legal, orderly immigration

those from mexico and central America who wish to come to our country (or Europe, for that matter) are encouraged to apply through legal means


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
gotta get that wall built, let them stack up on the Mexican side where they'll be safe
Most people in America are not murderers and rapists, but some are. Some people trying to enter the US are murderers and rapists. A wall would make it more difficult for rapists and murderers to enter the country undocumented. If they enter documented, then we know about them, and can solve future rapes and murders easier.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Most people in America are not murderers and rapists, but some are. Some people trying to enter the US are murderers and rapists. A wall would make it more difficult for rapists and murderers to enter the country undocumented. If they enter documented, then we know about them, and can solve future rapes and murders easier.

imagine being able to take all those resources we now devote to border enforcement and transfer them over to legal immigration processes


New member
Most people in America are not murderers and rapists, but some are. Some people trying to enter the US are murderers and rapists. A wall would make it more difficult for rapists and murderers to enter the country undocumented. If they enter documented, then we know about them, and can solve future rapes and murders easier.

I agree about the murderers and rapists, etc.

Just look back at what happened when that fool, Carter - the very epitome of the very worst in too Liberal of a view, if there ever was one fool of a representative of that - when he because of that, allowed himself to be hoodwinked by his Kim Jung Un, back then, and next thing the U.S. knew, all sorts of criminals of the worst kind released by Castro from his prisons, ended up in various parts of the U.S. commiting all sorts of crime.

At the same time, said Carter fiasco goes to show that "A Wall" will not solve such problems.

That as with death, crime and corruption are no respector, either of would be measures against them, nor of such a thing as a day off.

It is ever up to no good.

Ever up to the no good of somehow finding a means around what ever "wall" is put up, against it.

Which is one reason why our right to bear arms, is so important, a right.

That and the fact that just as what happened because of Carter's naive belief that a good deed will be respected in kind, eventually went the way of such things...went away, with the passing of time.

We're basically repeating one aspect or another, of the ups and downs and adjustments to same, of our long, glorious history as a country like no other on this Earth, to this very hour, once more...