ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
For some reason you think your "team" is doing well- with the exception of NYC.

As of this writing, NY State has had 9,385 deaths, out of 21,435 death in the whole US. About 45% of the deaths are in NYS. I gather the other 12,050 deaths "don't count"? What will you say when there are 100,000 dead? And there will be. When there are thousands dead in Louisiana or Michigan?

i wouldn't say they don't count. I would say they're not surprising. Deaths were expected.

ALL OF US are going to be exposed to this eventually.
Some of us are going to test positive.
Some fraction of those are going to exhibit symptoms.
Some fraction of those are going to exhibit severe symptoms.
Some fraction of those are going to die.

83% of the deaths in NYS are in the metropolitan NYC area

and of the total death count in the whole US, you're missing the contributions to the NYC area of New Jersey and Connecticut.

So yes, the total US numbers are heavily skewed by the NYC area

The plain fact is that the US woke up late to this crisis. The US acted too late and too slowly, even when it was obviously going to hit. When Italy was already a mess. I'm an American citizen living overseas, and I find it horrifying and embarrassing. Who's to blame? Many people, as well as the way things are organized in the US.. The president? It is not completely his fault, but he certainly shares in the responsibility. If nothing else (and there is plenty else, which I am ignoring now), this is happening on his watch, and as one president had on his desk The Buck Stops Here.

there will be plenty of time afterwards to examine the response and make plans for the future

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes mine thankfully locked up tight early on so we have no confirmed cases I’m 2000+ residents but many are unhappy with the measures to maintain that number 0

they have to realize that once that number zero becomes 1, it's game over


Active member
they have to realize that once that number zero becomes 1, it's game over

98% get it but don’t like it (understandable) but I’ve received complaints that
1.we fell for a Democrat hoax (complaints of this have lessened since Fox News did an about face but some still haven’t got the memo)
2. It’s 5G related and we don’t have 5G so we are punishing them for nothing (really it’s just 3 out of thousands but they are a vocal, very vocal minority)
3. What good is avoiding the virus if you have to stay inside all day and not hit young employees in the cafe
4. the sad one is that some people would rather contract it and see their loved ones because they’re not sure they’ll make it to the end of quarantine. But if you’re in independent living we can’t let you take that risk.

im off today but a coworker texted me they had to fight some residents off from the closed down dining area today because supposedly we would be open by Easter. Thankfully another resident on the Resident Action Committee showed up to really lay into them for being reckless.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
98% get it but don’t like it (understandable) but I’ve received complaints that
1.we fell for a Democrat hoax (complaints of this have lessened since Fox News did an about face but some still haven’t got the memo)
2. It’s 5G related and we don’t have 5G so we are punishing them for nothing (really it’s just 3 out of thousands but they are a vocal, very vocal minority)
3. What good is avoiding the virus if you have to stay inside all day and not hit young employees in the cafe
4. the sad one is that some people would rather contract it and see their loved ones because they’re not sure they’ll make it to the end of quarantine. But if you’re in independent living we can’t let you take that risk.

im off today but a coworker texted me they had to fight some residents off from the closed down dining area today because supposedly we would be open by Easter. Thankfully another resident on the Resident Action Committee showed up to really lay into them for being reckless.

Man, that sounds tough. And I'm sure it's complicated by dementia. I hated working the dementia wards in the nursing home. Much preferred the rehab floors.


Active member
Man, that sounds tough. And I'm sure it's complicated by dementia. I hated working the dementia wards in the nursing home. Much preferred the rehab floors.

Yeah it’s awful because I like working with them and it sucks to see some people I’ve come to hold dear go through this crisis and have their years long routines get decimated right at the twilight of their lives. I am humbled by the residents every day still, though.

ive picked smoking back up out of pure stress these days... but I still haven’t had a drug or drink since September 2018 👌


Well-known member
i wouldn't say they don't count. I would say they're not surprising. Deaths were expected.

ALL OF US are going to be exposed to this eventually.
Some of us are going to test positive.
Some fraction of those are going to exhibit symptoms.
Some fraction of those are going to exhibit severe symptoms.
Some fraction of those are going to die.

83% of the deaths in NYS are in the metropolitan NYC area

and of the total death count in the whole US, you're missing the contributions to the NYC area of New Jersey and Connecticut.

So yes, the total US numbers are heavily skewed by the NYC area
Yes, everything is rosy and wonderful in Michigan (1,400 dead) and Louisiana (840 dead)! Because they are not as bad as NYC- and that is all that counts!

I honestly do not understand you. When there are 50,000 dead in the NYC area, and only 50,000 dead in the rest of the US- everything will be just fine, because... because what, exactly? Because NYC votes democratic? Because they aren't really part of the US of A? What are you thinking?

there will be plenty of time afterwards to examine the response and make plans for the future

The response failed. That is already known. No "examination" needed.


Well-known member
Hey chair Are you in Israel? I’ve heard they have it setup that you get texted when somebody you’ve been in contact with has been diagnosed with the virus, is that true?

Yes, and I believe that's correct. But that only works if you know who is ill.
A relative visited a clinic, and got a call two days later that somebody sick was there at the same time, so she had to go into quarantine.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes, and I believe that's correct. But that only works if you know who is ill.
A relative visited a clinic, and got a call two days later that somebody sick was there at the same time, so she had to go into quarantine.

and it only works if you test constantly

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The response failed.

well, it certainly failed in NYC

as for Michigan and Louisiana, there will be lessons to learn from their responses as well.

meanwhile, the response in MY county worked - 42 cases, 0 deaths so far

but those numbers will inevitably go up, as expected, as EVERYONE is exposed to this, and those most vulnerable will, inevitably, die

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I honestly do not understand you.

that's because we're speaking different languages

you're speaking emotionally

i'm speaking analytically

and the number of new cases in the US overall appears to have peaked

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
People don't seem to realize that "flattening the curve" was never intended to mean "eliminate all cases"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
When there are ... only 50,000 dead in the rest of the US- everything will be just fine, because...

... because we had:

34,157 deaths from flu in 2018-2019 and the world didn't end
61,000 deaths from flu in 2017-2018 and the world didn't end
38,000 deaths from flu in 2016-2017 and the world didn't end
23,000 deaths from flu in 2015-2016 and the world didn't end
51,000 deaths from flu in 2014-2015 and the world didn't end
38,000 deaths from flu in 2013-2014 and the world didn't end
43,000 deaths from flu in 2012-2013 and the world didn't end

when this is over, I suspect we will find that the world hasn't ended



Well-known member
People don't seem to realize that "flattening the curve" was never intended to mean "eliminate all cases"

Everybody knows that. What you don't comprehend is that the medical system can't handle a large peak in cases, so more people will get seriously ill or die.

Gary K

New member
well, it certainly failed in NYC

as for Michigan and Louisiana, there will be lessons to learn from their responses as well.

meanwhile, the response in MY county worked - 42 cases, 0 deaths so far

but those numbers will inevitably go up, as expected, as EVERYONE is exposed to this

Here's the response my county has made.

Up to a couple of weeks ago they weren't testing. Period. There still are no public testing sites. So far there have been 4 deaths but all occurred in the southern end of the county nearest the largest city on this end of the state. For months the response from the medical community when presenting coronavirus symptoms and requesting a test was: there are no coronavirus cases here so we are not testing. Goodbye.

By the way, this is a Democrat controlled state.

In the first week of January a virus swept through this area like a flood. The infection rates were over 50%. It seemed like everyone had it. Those who went to a doctor were told that it was a virus but was nothing they had seen before. Many people who got it were sick for weeks, and some of them got over it, only to come down with it again. Some people lost the ability to taste and to smell. Many had trouble breathing. Sinus infections were as big a part of it as lung infections. Some people had gastrointestinal problems with it too.

Oh, btw, there are people here who had traveled multiple times not only to China but to Wuhan specifically in the months previous to January. Most were medical people traveling there for cooperative medical programs with the Chinese.

Sounds just a teeny, teeny bit like coronavirus doesn't it?

My wife and I got it. She brought it home from work. I got it a week after my wife. but I had seen how sick she was so I took massive doses of echinacea, goldenseal, vitamin c, garlic, vitamin d3, zinc, and ate foods known to have antiviral properties. My wife did the same only she didn't take large quantities of the supplements. I was over it in a week. My wife missed 3 weeks of work and didn't get better until she started taking the same dosages of supplements I did. When she did, she got well within less than a week.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Everybody knows that. What you don't comprehend is that the medical system can't handle a large peak in cases, so more people will get seriously ill or die.

oh, I comprehend it ok

that why I keep mentioning that the number of new cases in the US appears to have peaked

way 2 go

Well-known member
there will be plenty of time afterwards to examine the response and make plans for the future

examine Taiwan for an example , they learned from sars . they have 388 cases and 6 deaths pop of 24 million
canada had there first case of wuhan on the same day as taiwan ,canada cases 23736 and 675 dead

Taiwan also knew this could be transmitted human to human december 31
and told the W.H.O and they ignored it and the W.H.O listened to the lies from communist chinese party


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Here's the response my county has made.

Up to a couple of weeks ago they weren't testing. Period. There still are no public testing sites. So far there have been 4 deaths but all occurred in the southern end of the county nearest the largest city on this end of the state. For months the response from the medical community when presenting coronavirus symptoms and requesting a test was: there are no coronavirus cases here so we are not testing. Goodbye.

By the way, this is a Democrat controlled state.

In the first week of January a virus swept through this area like a flood. The infection rates were over 50%. It seemed like everyone had it. Those who went to a doctor were told that it was a virus but was nothing they had seen before. Many people who got it were sick for weeks, and some of them got over it, only to come down with it again. Some people lost the ability to taste and to smell. Many had trouble breathing. Sinus infections were as big a part of it as lung infections. Some people had gastrointestinal problems with it too.

Oh, btw, there are people here who had traveled multiple times not only to China but to Wuhan specifically in the months previous to January. Most were medical people traveling there for cooperative medical programs with the Chinese.

Sounds just a teeny, teeny bit like coronavirus doesn't it?

My wife and I got it. She brought it home from work. I got it a week after my wife. but I had seen how sick she was so I took massive doses of echinacea, goldenseal, vitamin c, garlic, vitamin d3, zinc, and ate foods known to have antiviral properties. My wife did the same only she didn't take large quantities of the supplements. I was over it in a week. My wife missed 3 weeks of work and didn't get better until she started taking the same dosages of supplements I did. When she did, she got well within less than a week.


btw, NY is a democrat controlled state as well, but my part of upstate is solidly red.

we didn't need to be told to wash our hands :)