
your soul is diseased and in need of healing

turn to Christ

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Well-known member
I hope that your dachshunds are named Boris and Donald!

There are questions as to how truthful those surrounding the Prime Minister have been with the public - given that hospitalizing Johnson on a Sunday and then transferring him to intensive care on Monday indicates that there is much more going on behind the scenes than we're being told!

Of course. He was probably much more poorly than was let on during Sunday evening, Monday morning. That makes sense.
It's not a wicked conspiracy, just trying to keep the doom and gloom away.

I would not vote for Donald, but when in a very dark time a country needs as much unity as it can grasp. So for Americans to carry out government advice and directives wholeheartedly will make a difference, I hope.

Boris? I think that the majority of the UK has fallen for Boris, heart and soul, this last few weeks. It's not about tribal politics, it's about Unity.
If you're a Brit I expect that you stand outside with the rest of the country on Thursday at 8pm and clap. See? Unity.


Well-known member
How many lives will be lost as a consequence of this President's denials and mismanagement of the biggest crisis to face America since WW2 .............
Only a short time ago ok doser described that analogy as 'Hysterical Shrieking' or some such rubbish.
I asked him to wait a while.
The while is soon arriving.
If he's got any wits he must be more embarrassed by the day. No real wits to see ahead, I suppose.

But you are right.......... it does look as if the President has made some mistakes. On the other hand we Brits mostly think that Boris has done well...... very well..... heart and soul well. :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Only a short time ago ok doser described that analogy as 'Hysterical Shrieking' or some such rubbish.

pretty sure you're lying - got a link?

what I responded to was your silly hysterical contention that "After this dreadful pandemic the whole world needs to rebuild itself again"

I asked him to wait a while.
The while is soon arriving.

the news today from China:
China reports no new coronavirus deaths as cases decline


If he's got any wits he must be more embarrassed by the day. No real wits to see ahead, I suppose.

Terribly sorry old chap but it is you, with your hysterical "the sky is falling!" nonsense who looks scared out of his wits

of course, there are few here who considered that you had wits to spare, so you surely must find tying your shoes and feeding yourself a challenge lately :)

But you are right.......... it does look as if the President has made some mistakes.

what leader doesn't?

On the other hand we Brits mostly think that Boris has done well......

a witless partisan brit's idea of "doing well":


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... the biggest crisis to face America since WW2 ...

what silly twaddle

and what revealing ignorance of American history, from the Korean War, to the Vietnam war, from the nuclear arms race, to the Cuban Missile Crisis, from the Vietnam war protests that convulsed a nation and led to the resignation of a President to the attack on our native soil by mooslim extremists who targeted the twin towers, the pentagon and the US Capitol building.

Donald Trump and his supporters can't demand that Americans have faith in this President and his Administration - that had to be earned the old fashioned way over the past 3 years!

it's nice to see that you're so excited about it!

we'll see how much faith Americans have in this President - MY President - on November 3

I suspect it will be enough to propel him to a second term :)

God's Truth

New member

He does have it under control. Who do you think has been handling it?

All countries are trying to get more medical equipment. Not only that, Governors are supposed to be ready INDEPENDENTLY themselves. They are called Governors for a reason.

What are you talking about?

Can you straighten out your post? Your answers are things I said to you in another post.

God's Truth

New member

Please do not stalk another TOL member. If you do not agree with a TOL member, do not follow that member around the TOL forum engaging them in every thread (even unrelated to the disagreement). If we determine you are a forum stalker we will ban you.

What are you doing then replying to ok doser in this thread?

God's Truth

New member
Of course. He was probably much more poorly than was let on during Sunday evening, Monday morning. That makes sense.
It's not a wicked conspiracy, just trying to keep the doom and gloom away.

I would not vote for Donald, but when in a very dark time a country needs as much unity as it can grasp. So for Americans to carry out government advice and directives wholeheartedly will make a difference, I hope.

Boris? I think that the majority of the UK has fallen for Boris, heart and soul, this last few weeks. It's not about tribal politics, it's about Unity.
If you're a Brit I expect that you stand outside with the rest of the country on Thursday at 8pm and clap. See? Unity.

Ahh, so you would vote for Trump if you could? Is that what you said?
By the way, Boris was chosen by the Brits because he reminded them of Trump, no?

God's Truth

New member
Only a short time ago ok doser described that analogy as 'Hysterical Shrieking' or some such rubbish.
I asked him to wait a while.
The while is soon arriving.
If he's got any wits he must be more embarrassed by the day. No real wits to see ahead, I suppose.

But you are right.......... it does look as if the President has made some mistakes. On the other hand we Brits mostly think that Boris has done well...... very well..... heart and soul well. :)

Boris copied Trump That is why he was so wanted by the Brits with a brain.

What about Brexit?


Well-known member
Right, blame it on the heartland of America. I doubt that. Sounds like the perfect lie.

"The exact source of the Spanish flu is unclear, but some have come to believe that it should have been called the Kansas flu. It’s thought to have taken root in early March 1918 among World War I soldiers at Camp Funston, part of Fort Riley in Geary and Riley counties." -- SOURCE ARTICLE

Perhaps a more authoritative article: https://www.army.mil/article/188078/scientists_learn_history_of_spanish_flu_at_fort_riley


what silly twaddle

and what revealing ignorance of .....

it's nice to see that you're so excited about it!

we'll see how much faith Americans have in this President - MY President - on November 3

Please do not stalk another TOL member. If you do not agree with a TOL member, do not follow that member around the TOL forum engaging them in every thread (even unrelated to the disagreement). If we determine you are a forum stalker we will ban you.

3. Thou SHALL NOT be intentionally blasphemous or unnecessarily disruptive. Emphasis on "unnecessarily disruptive." We will ban you if you are presenting yourself as an unneeded distraction (yes this is subjective - live with it). Be mindful of the spirit of the discussion.

4. Thou SHALL NOT call other TOL members names without cause.

7. Thou SHALL NOT troll our forums. If you are here to make outlandish, crazy statements merely to get a rise out of the membership and cause trouble, please save yourself the time and leave.

God's Truth

New member
He does have it under control. Who do you think has been handling it?

All countries are trying to get more medical equipment. Not only that, Governors are supposed to be ready INDEPENDENTLY themselves. They are called Governors for a reason.

What are you talking about?

Are you so daft you don't even know you are quoting yourself and putting my reply?

God's Truth

New member

God's Truth

New member
Worth a listen:

I had looked for that first video; thanks for posting this. I think that the reporter keeps looking for ways to get someone big like Bill Gates to put down Trump ? I think Trump acted fast with the information he had. He shut down travels from China to here, and others in Government said it was prejudiced. Can you imagine? Others in the Government saw what was going on in China and said Trump did wrong by stopping people from China to come here. Bill Gates should have used that fact to say something decent about Trump.

It didn't take too much brains though for Bill Gates to say what he did say, I mean come on now, there have been pandemics in the past; and, the swine flu was a pandemic, what on earth did Obama do?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Boris copied Trump That is why he was so wanted by the Brits with a brain.

What about Brexit?

Um, no he didn't. Boris has been around in politics a lot longer than Trump and he hasn't copied him at all. I don't know where you get that from. That's speaking as someone who ain't a fan of the conservatives in general and only really Boris for his clownish antics on news panel shows. At least he can send himself up...

God's Truth

New member
Um, no he didn't. Boris has been around in politics a lot longer than Trump and he hasn't copied him at all. I don't know where you get that from. That's speaking as someone who ain't a fan of the conservatives in general and only really Boris for his clownish antics on news panel shows. At least he can send himself up...

Oh he did do some weird clownish stuff didn't he? Yeah that's nothing like Trump. That's too weird. I meant that Boris copied Trump in that he is for Brexit. Wasn't the EU saying England had to take in a percentage of all the Muslims who were leaving their countries in droves?


Hall of Fame
Of course. He was probably much more poorly than was let on during Sunday evening, Monday morning. That makes sense.
It's not a wicked conspiracy, just trying to keep the doom and gloom away.

I would not vote for Donald, but when in a very dark time a country needs as much unity as it can grasp. So for Americans to carry out government advice and directives wholeheartedly will make a difference, I hope.

Boris? I think that the majority of the UK has fallen for Boris, heart and soul, this last few weeks. It's not about tribal politics, it's about Unity.
If you're a Brit I expect that you stand outside with the rest of the country on Thursday at 8pm and clap. See? Unity.

Boris seems to be trying to bring your country together rather than play politics and pit one side against against the other. He’s also competent. From what I have seen, Boris loves his country.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh he did do some weird clownish stuff didn't he? Yeah that's nothing like Trump. That's too weird. I meant that Boris copied Trump in that he is for Brexit. Wasn't the EU saying England had to take in a percentage of all the Muslims who were leaving their countries in droves?

The vote was already done and Brexit had been delayed long enough so no, no copying Trump there. The only similarity between the two is that they can both be clowns. The difference is that Johnson can have a laugh at himself while Trump's ego wouldn't permit it.