Ever heard of the new Heaven and the new Earth? Peter wrote about it!
2 Peter 3:13
Because MAD is not anti-Israel you nut!
Mad is anti-Israel in stating that Israel will not inherit it’s promised spiritual heritage in the heavenly realm, and invents a pseudo dissembling doctrine which claims Israel is set aside and the new, gnostic sect who follows a pseudo paul, calling themselves “Paulinists” will inherit the spiritual promises which are reserved only for Israel, in the Scriptures -and not for “paulinists” of the MAD persuasion.
The New heavens and the New earth are the elementally same heavens and earth, transformed in the regeneration of them by the Firstborn Human Being of the New Man race of humanity, whose name is “Israel”, who is the promised Seed of the Woman [Zion above], in Genesis 3:15, who was to come in His season of the fulness of times and who was proclaimed to the serpent as the One who would crush the “head” of the serpent .
The renewal of the heavens and the earth in and by the Son of Man who was, from the beginning “the Hidden God“ [Whom Paul writes of], who was “with God and who was God“, was told of long before Moses wrote Genesis, in the book of 1 Enoch, by Enoch the Scribe, Seer, and prophet, the seventh from Adam; which writing Peter is quoting from, and which you should go read and learn the doctrine of Christ from; which writing totally contradicted MAD doctrine thousands of years before MAD doctrine was invented by modern men.
Jesus Christ, the Holy One, the Elect Son, the Messiah, is seen there as “the Hidden God” who was the Son of Man from the beginning who was to come in human being flesh as Kinsman to Adam, in the season of His pre-ordained times, appointed from the beginning of creation, and who would transform the heavens and earth and make them an eternal blessing, to whom the sum of all judgment was committed by the Father, from the beginning, and in whom and by whom the entire heavens and earth would be united in “one”, when the Father fills all things by His indwelling glory -which is the redemption in “the Name” [the Name is Israel] promised from that beginning of creation and now "revealed" in this “season of the “Acceptable year of YHWH“ to the elect, first, by the regeneration of the Spirit in them, which is the New Birth from above in the Living Spirit of the New Man.
The Living Oracles foretold His "Acceptable Season/Year" , when He would make a final end of sin’s remembrance before YHWH, and would open the Way into the presence of Glory on high, by the broken body of His flesh, which flesh was represented in the Oracles by the veil to the Holy of Holies, which was split in "His Day/Times, of the Acceptable sacrifice“ and opened the way for the redeemed in Adam to enter in.
And this Acceptable Year of YHWH is typed and shadowed in the Memorial Feasts of YHWH, which were committed only to the Jews to rehearse yearly, when the High Priest, serving as Christ [the Messiah, the Anointed One], donned the “type and shadow” “garments of Yeshua”, and entered the “type and shadow” of the heavenly Holy of Holies, and offered the blood of bulls and goats, as a dress rehearsal, only, of that final “Season of the Acceptable Year of YHWH“, which is “the Day of Jesus Christ” which Abraham saw, as a prophet, in Genesis 22 and rejoiced in, in which “seeing” Abraham named Mount Moriah “YHWH SEEN”, -and seen in His image, or “TSELEM”- so Ye Ru Salem [Mount Moriah] is where YAH”S IMAGE IS [was and shall be] SEEN.
But then, also, Adam was made in the image of the “Tselem” of God, the Word, who was to come, is come, and shall come, and His name, as the “New Man” is “Israel“ [Isaiah 49:Genesis 32; Genesis 34].
Romans 5:14, says that Adam was the “tupos” =image, as if struck from a type-set, of the Word who was to come.
Salvation/Hoshea[ the noun]/Yeshua [the object] is "of the Jews", and the remnant is not cast away, but the branches that were cut off for unbelief are fit only for burning, and we Gentiles are only graft in to the natural Tree, which Tree is Christ, the Living Spirit, whose New Man Flesh Name is “Israel”.
The Adoption pertains to Israel, as the seed of Jacob, which we Gentiles share in by grafting into the same Tree by the Spirit of adoption. Believing Jews are not cut off from that Tree and do inherit the spiritual promises, which are irrevocable, and only to “Israel” of Jacob and in "Israel" of God, who is Jesus [Salvation], the Christ [Messiah], YHWH the Word come in ISrael flesh of the New/Last -second- human being creation.
All Believing born again Gentiles are joined together in the Tree with the natural branches who were never cut off because of unbelief; so it is false to say God has set Israel “aside”, as the promises of the heavenly heritage are only to Israel, alone.
You will not inherit the heavenly promises if you claim you are going to get something Israel lost….for it is Israel alone who gets the Glory, and He [Israel the New Man -Isaiah 49] shares it with His natural, elected in Abraham through Jacob sons who are reserved and raised up in Him, and with His adopted Gentile sons.