War on Christmas

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"At first glance, the IP addresses seem to be based in Saudi Arabia, but upon further inspection using specialist tools they appeared to link back to the DWP..." Full text: Hackers trace ISIS Twitter accounts back to internet addresses linked to Department of Work and Pensions

From the Update part, lined from the same page:

Although the government announced plans to auction its surplus IP numbers, it can now be revealed that a chunk of them went to Saudi Telecom and the Saudi-based Mobile Telecommunications Company.​

So, although the IPs were originally assigned to, and therefore trivially traceable back to, the UK government, they're actually owned by the foreign companies who lawfully purchased them.

Come on SD, when you are told to read more carefully, don't just go and post the first piece of out off date rubbish you can find. Actually read more carefully first.


Fortunately we live a free speech society, but sometimes-negative billboards can have the opposite affect. But let’s face facts most people enjoy Christmas.

:thumb: It's always funny to hear Dennis Prager, a Jew, singing Christmas songs on his program.
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Christian and Jewish songs will be performed as well, but the Ramadan song is getting all the attention.

Isn't it weird that Christian songs will be sung near a Christian holy day (Christmas) and Jewish songs will be sung near a Jewish holiday (Hanukkah), but a Ramadan song is being sung six months after the Muslim holiday?

Ramadan in 2016 will start on Monday, the 6th of June and will continue for 30 days until Tuesday, the 5th of July.

Could that have anything to do with the Ramadan song getting all the attention?


New member
Isn't it weird that Christian songs will be sung near a Christian holy day (Christmas) and Jewish songs will be sung near a Jewish holiday (Hanukkah), but a Ramadan song is being sung six months after the Muslim holiday?

Isn't it weird that a secular school isn't using Christian songs to celebrate Christmas, so it makes the timing irrelevant?


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When I went to public school, we always celebrated Christmas at Christmas time with Christian songs.

How old are you?

I'm not American, so that's irrelevant. I live in a country where the Christians aren't so bullish and demanding, so the secular population doesn't feel the need to push the church away from their children. Unlike in the US, British schools are required to have a daily assembly with a Christian nature. But the British thing is that most schools just ignore the rule.

Barely anyone is trying to turn society from secular to Christian, so hardly anyone strongly objects to the nation being nominally Anglican but actually secular.


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I'm not American, so that's irrelevant. I live in a country where the Christians aren't so bullish and demanding, so the secular population doesn't feel the need to push the church away from their children. Unlike in the US, British schools are required to have a daily assembly with a Christian nature. But the British thing is that most schools just ignore the rule.
That is weird, since England is a Christian nation with a State ruled church.
Maybe you should move to a non-Christian nation instead of being so dozy about it.


New member
That is weird, since England is a Christian nation with a State ruled church.
Maybe you should move to a non-Christian nation instead of being so dozy about it.

I'm happier to live in a secular nation that is nominally Christian than a nominally secular country that had Christians trying to control it, like the US.

Jose Fly

New member
Well that's how it works. The school allowed the Gideons to distribute Bibles, so they have to allow other viewpoints the same access.

Or were you thinking that Christianity should get special privileges?


Well that's how it works....[W]ere you thinking that Christianity should get special privileges?
Lk 21:28

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