Voting for Trump is the moral thing to do


like marbles on glass
Be quiet homo boy. Shouldn't you be under your bed with a flashlight looking for gay people and boogymen?


Mistake number 1: Another lousy photoshop job
Mistake number 2: Using the National Enquirer to make your case. :chuckle: One of the other headlines on the cover is "Whitney and Bobbi: It was Double Murder!" :chuckle:
Mistake number 3: Claiming personal responsibility for Number 1 and Number 2.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

First we have this:

QUOTE: During a speech to fire up supporters in Omaha, it sounded like Hillary Clinton said she would raise taxes on the "middle class."

She was joined at the event by billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who endorsed Clinton late last year and supports higher taxes on the wealthy.

“Because while Warren is standing up for a fairer tax code, Trump wants to cut taxes for the super-rich,” Clinton said

Then, we have this:

Larry Kudlow: Trump Tax Plan Will Bring ‘Tremendous Movement of Capital and Labor Back to the United States’

"Economist, radio host, and CNBC senior contributor Larry Kudlow appeared on Breitbart News Daily Friday morning to discuss economic issues in the presidential race, including his support for Donald Trump’s economic platform, with some disagreement about the best way to handle unfair Chinese trade practices.

Breitbart News executive chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon asked Kudlow to comment on the rise of “populist, nationalist” economics, as personified by Trump and his supporter Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, and the challenge this movement presents to free-trade orthodoxy, which Bannon described as a “fetish” in certain intellectual quarters.

“Well, I may be part of that fetish,” Kudlow said with a chuckle. “Free-market capitalism is the best path to prosperity.”

Kudlow said he found Trump’s platform very agreeable to free-market growth: “He has a very good corporate tax-cut plan, across the board, for large companies and small companies. He’s got a 15 percent rate — we’re about 35 to 40 percent now.”

“So let’s say that became law,” Kudlow continued. “You’d see a movement, a tremendous movement, of capital and labor back to the United States, that’s in China and overseas, because we’d have a more hospitable business tax environment. You include immediate deductions for new business investment, and you include repatriation, which is all in Trump’s plan, and you’ve got yourself a powerful incentive to move back to the USA.”

Kudlow thought such “incentive economics” were better tools than the tariffs Trump has proposed for punishing businesses that move overseas, preferring carrots to sticks. However, he agreed that stern measures were needed to deal with China, which Bannon described as a “mercantilist society” — the government actively harming foreign competition to give native industries an edge

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You think he's a man of integrity (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14). We do not.

Who is "We"? You have proven yourself to be a bald faced liar in other threads so when it comes to integrity you'd do well to just shut up and avoid the topic:

You vote for child-killing serial adulterers (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14)
You're a bald faced liar who uses scriptures to tell lies, which makes you evil as well. Saul (Paul) murdered hundred of Christians too. Apparently you're Bible is missing the part about repentance and forgiveness. Go get a new Bible and read it, moron.


[You think he's a man of integrity (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14). We do not.] Who is "We"?
We, believers. :straight:

We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. ~ Declaration of Independence, emphasis mine

...[Y]ou'd do well to just shut up and avoid the topic...
:yawn: Pr 31:9

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).


Silence the Critic


Well-known member
.................Trump, while he's ultra liberal, is known as a populist.
I do love US Politics! :)
So, let me get this right. Mr Trump, Presidential nominee for the GOP, The Republicans and the Conservatives is in fact......... a Liberal?

It's time to restore the middle class, but I get the feeling that you (and your Occupy Wall Street crowd) had something more in mind like redistributing the wealth.
1. I wouldn't waste a second of my life demonstrating in Wall-Street. In fact Retirement funds need places like that to wotrk their funds.
But restore the middle class? The UK mid-class is fine, healthy, grasping and greedy as ever. I would love to see young digital detectives sent out like hounds to catch the cheats amongst this group, evading their taxes, and cheating within their professions etc. The new detectives are young, and IT deadly!

Surely you're not implying that Obamacare (i.e. socialized medicine, which I'd noted above Donald Trump is for) hasn't worked?
I don't live in the US. I hope that it's strong, but so many bad people have tried to damage it that I would need an update.
Mr Trump for Obamacare? Good!


Hall of Fame
I do love US Politics! :)
So, let me get this right. Mr Trump, Presidential nominee for the GOP, The Republicans and the Conservatives is in fact......... a Liberal?

1. I wouldn't waste a second of my life demonstrating in Wall-Street. In fact Retirement funds need places like that to wotrk their funds.
But restore the middle class? The UK mid-class is fine, healthy, grasping and greedy as ever. I would love to see young digital detectives sent out like hounds to catch the cheats amongst this group, evading their taxes, and cheating within their professions etc. The new detectives are young, and IT deadly!

I don't live in the US. I hope that it's strong, but so many bad people have tried to damage it that I would need an update.
Mr Trump for Obamacare? Good!

Trump is ... a pro-abortion, thrice married liberal who is *pretending* to be a conservative in order to win the election. IF he were behaving as he is while running as a democrat, his fan base would be supporting Ted Cruz.

Prior to the human wrecking ball known as Trump, Ted Cruz was the darling of conservatives. Ted hasn't changed ... and his values are polar opposite of Trump's.


Trump is a liberal conservative, and that is why he beat everyone. The Republicans have acted moronically, the Democrats have acted moronically- they tried to serve Trump up and it flew right back in their faces, plain and simple.

I don't really see anything but a bunch of liberals crying about the inversion currently unfolding after years of people having to deal with their crap, and on the right all I see are zealots who can't admit when they've been beaten fair and square.

The way I see it, the Right has resorted to doing the same exact thing they criticize the Left for doing, thereby showing they are nothing more than hypocrites.


Well-known member
Trump is ... a pro-abortion, thrice married liberal who is *pretending* to be a conservative in order to win the election. IF he were behaving as he is while running as a democrat, his fan base would be supporting Ted Cruz.

Prior to the human wrecking ball known as Trump, Ted Cruz was the darling of conservatives. Ted hasn't changed ... and his values are polar opposite of Trump's.

Thankyou for that, although for me, a Brit, it really is mind-boggling to try to concieve amy person or condition like this in Brit Politics.

Having said that, one of our parties is in meltdown just now.... our Labour party will either emerge as a united left-wing party, or a split left-wing/extreme-left party, with no chance of future power, methinks. Which would be sad, because we do need brakes on all our governments.