Voting for Trump is the moral thing to do


New member
You vote for :greedy: child-killing serial adulterers (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14). :idunno: We do not. Am 3:3

You allow people to rule this nation who will bring great harm to our nation because you choose to let a good leaders PERSONAL moral failings get in the way. It's not your Christian duty to vote for people of the purist moral behaviour. It's your Christian duty to vote for someone who is good for our country and not lead it down the path of destruction.


New member
How many products did you buy last year that had people sympathetic to abortion rights and LGBQT at leadership positions? Better return all of them or consider yourself hypocrite.

Just forget Target and Starbucks right off the bat.

The Horn

Oops! My face is red ! Meant TRUMP is an opportunist , not Obama, who is the most honest , truthful, decent , intelligent and honorable pesident America has had in decades ! Finger slip ! Yikes ? How could I do this?


New member
You allow people to rule this nation who will bring great harm to our nation because you choose to let a good leaders PERSONAL moral failings get in the way. It's not your Christian duty to vote for people of the purist moral behaviour. It's your Christian duty to vote for someone who is good for our country and not lead it down the path of destruction.


New member
What will you tell God on judgement day when he asks you why you didn't do your part to keep a person out of office who took it as her personal crusade to persecute fundamentalist Christians? What will you tell God when he says you allowed the election of a person who threw several million people into desperate poverty over concerns about carbon dioxide and so called climate change?


Culture warrior, Obama is neither a conservative, a liberal nor a libertarian. He is an OPPORTUNIST . He has no real convictions (although he should be convicted of a lot of crimes.). No principles,no integrity . He HAS been pro gay rights, which is the only moral thing to be, but he has also pandered to religious conservatives and the power anti-gay religious lobby to cynically win support and votes for them.
He has expressed pro-choice views in the past, but has recently stated that "women should be punished for having abortions" to pander to the anti-choice movement. This is why he is so dangerous . He's liberal when it suits him, and a right-wing extremist when it suits him . Trump is out for his own persona benefit, not the benefit of America. Don't be fooled by this snake oil salesman !

Oops! My face is red ! Meant TRUMP is an opportunist , not Obama, who is the most honest , truthful, decent , intelligent and honorable pesident America has had in decades ! Finger slip ! Yikes ? How could I do this?

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them (Ro 1:18–19, emphasis mine).


New member
You believe the Donald :greedy: is good for our country. I do not (Is 5:20).

"I prefer clarity to agreement." ~ Dennis Prager

Then you need to crack open a book and get your head out of the indoctrination you are reading. God gave you a mind. Don't disrespect God by allowing yourself to be drug around by the nose by those with an agenda. Think critically about what you see and hear for the first time in your life.


Don't disrespect God by allowing yourself to be drug around by the nose by those with an agenda. Think critically about what you see and hear for the first time in your life.
You visualize and hear God asking you to vote for a child-killing serial adulterer? :AMR: Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14


How many products did you buy last year that had people sympathetic to abortion rights and LGBQT at leadership positions? Better return all of them or consider yourself hypocrite.

Just forget Target and Starbucks right off the bat.

I wasn't aware that buying a tube of toothpaste at Target was the equivalent to voting for a pro abortion, pro homosexual, accused child molester Presidential candidate.

Edit: Besides, you don't even know what the definition of hypocrite is.

When Hypocrisy is a Good Thing


Loyalty should be with the country, Patrick ... not a party and certainly not a candidate. While I don't care much for the personality traits of Ted Cruz, he is, at least sane and not a danger to our country. Trump has shown that he is incapable of handling any type of criticism OR keep his big mouth shut. I am not alone is stating that Trump cannot be trusted with the nuclear codes.

I've talked to many a liberal like yourself, who, while they loathe Ted Cruz's stance on traditional values, respect him for being a man of principle.

Liberals know that Donald Trump is a liberal, but don't respect him because he refuses to admit that he is one.


Hall of Fame
I've talked to many a liberal like yourself, who, while they loathe Ted Cruz's stance on traditional values, respect him for being a man of principle.

Liberals know that Donald Trump is a liberal, but don't respect him because he refuses to admit that he is one.

Donald Trump is a mentally deranged and dishonest. He bases his values on his poll numbers.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Personal flaws, no matter how repugnant, are not the issue in a presidential race. The protection and improvement of the nation is the issue. You have to ask yourself who is more likely to do that? This article makes the case that trump is the more likely candidate to make our country a better place. Do you think that since both candidates are evil, voting for the lesser of two evils is wrong and unconscionable? The bible clearly tells us our responsibility.

“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jeremiah 29:7).

Even if you consider Christians as a nation separate from the nation they live in, it is your responsibility to protect that nation which the people of Edom did not do with the Babylonians rolled into town.

“On the day that you stood aloof, on the day that . . . foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem, you were like one of them.” (Obadiah 1:11).

You are correct. Its amazing how liberals over look the REAL disqualifying factors of Hillary, and obsess over fake manufactured qualities of Trump. And furthermore, not one person here address any real Trump policies - its all personal attacks.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Donald Trump is a mentally deranged and dishonest. He bases his values on his poll numbers.

You're just a flat-out liar and an idiot. He is not mentally deranged. Try addressing his tax plan, or trade policies, or immigration policies, you half-witted imbecile.
If "mentally deranged" is all you've got then do us all a favor and shut your ignorant piehole.


Well-known member
"Moral" and "Donald Trump" in the same sentence?

Trump has more than just some "personal flaws", he embraces liberal ideology: pro Planned Parenthood, pro LGBTQ, pro socialized medicine, pro big government involvement in education, etc. etc. etc.

Mr Trump has actually risen in my estimation, if all the above is true.
But he makes such dreadful gaffes in front of the whole world that his cred as a President seems to be smashed, and many Reuplicans and Democrats seem to agrre on that.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

"Moral" and "Donald Trump" in the same sentence?

Trump has more than just some "personal flaws", he embraces liberal ideology: pro Planned Parenthood, pro LGBTQ, pro socialized medicine, pro big government involvement in education, etc. etc. etc.

Mr Trump has actually risen in my estimation, if all the above is true.
But he makes such dreadful gaffes in front of the whole world that his cred as a President seems to be smashed, and many Reuplicans and Democrats seem to agrre on that.

It wasn't conservatives that were responsible for getting Trump the Republican Party nomination for President (granted, many evanjellyfish were fooled by Trump and helped) it was Libertarians like Patrick Jane and democrats that crossed Party lines to do so.

You liberals are in a win win situation when it comes to the Presidency (that is if Donald Trump doesn't drop out first and check himself into a psychiatric hospital).

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
"Moral" and "Donald Trump" in the same sentence?.....

Be quiet homo boy. Shouldn't you be under your bed with a flashlight looking for gay people and boogymen?

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Well-known member
It wasn't conservatives that were responsible for getting Trump the Republican Party nomination for President (granted, many evanjellyfish were fooled by Trump and helped) it was Libertarians................ and democrats that crossed Party lines to do so.
Amazing! So Mr Trump won the Republican Presidendential nomination because of the support of Libertarians and sneaky Democrats who joined the GOP in their millions to push up his vote?
Your grasp of politics is intense, Sir, quite intense! :)

You liberals are in a win win situation when it comes to the Presidency....
We Liberals are in a win-win situation throughout the World. We're fed up with 65 persons owning half the Wealth of the World, or 1% owning more than 90% of all the Wealth. Fed up with careless overpaid executives whilst a decent level of benefits and healthcare is not available to all.

Sure we are in a win-win position. But don't place us alongside Libertarians. They are mostly spoiled wealthy folks who shan't-won't do anything towards their Counties, States or Country. They want all the free services but don't want to give up or do anything for them.

The Republicans don't seem to deserve any kind of a fair chance, imo. During President Obama's two terms in office it was Republicans that deliberately brought your country's governmemt offices and finances to a screeching halt. They didn't seem to care if they hurt the USA, as long as they hurt Democrats.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It wasn't conservatives that were responsible for getting Trump the Republican Party nomination for President (granted, many evanjellyfish were fooled by Trump and helped) it was Libertarians like Patrick jane and democrats that crossed Party lines to do so.

Amazing! So Mr Trump won the Republican Presidendential nomination because of the support of Libertarians and sneaky Democrats who joined the GOP in their millions to push up his vote?
Your grasp of politics is intense, Sir, quite intense!

Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh came up with the idea years ago when Republicans crossed Party Lines in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton the Democratic Presidential nomination. He called it "Operation Chaos".
Trump, while he's ultra liberal, is known as a populist.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You liberals are in a win win situation when it comes to the Presidency....

We Liberals are in a win-win situation throughout the World. We're fed up with 65 persons owning half the Wealth of the World, or 1% owning more than 90% of all the Wealth.

It's time to restore the middle class, but I get the feeling that you (and your Occupy Wall Street crowd) had something more in mind like redistributing the wealth.

Fed up with careless overpaid executives whilst a decent level of benefits and healthcare is not available to all.

Surely you're not implying that Obamacare (i.e. socialized medicine, which I'd noted above Donald Trump is for) hasn't worked?

Sure we are in a win-win position. But don't place us alongside Libertarians. They are mostly spoiled wealthy folks who shan't-won't do anything towards their Counties, States or Country. They want all the free services but don't want to give up or do anything for them.

Libertarians are basically a bunch of dope smokers that don't want government messing with their stash. When it comes to social policies (homosexuality and abortion) the democrats and Libertarians are inseparable in ideology. I'll give you democrats some accolades: At least you don't want to legalize heroin.

The Republicans don't seem to deserve any kind of a fair chance, imo. During President Obama's two terms in office it was Republicans that deliberately brought your country's governmemt offices and finances to a screeching halt. They didn't seem to care if they hurt the USA, as long as they hurt Democrats.

When bureaucrats spend taxpayer money like there is no tomorrow, sometimes desperate measures must be taken.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....It wasn't conservatives that were responsible for getting Trump the Republican Party nomination.....
Yes it was you imbecile. You are just a hate-monger with homosexual tendencies, not a conservative.

We conservatives VOTED - VOTED - for Trump because the establishment keeps betraying us. Sorry if you don't like democracy and voting. Go move to Cuba.