Voting for Trump is the moral thing to do


New member

Personal flaws, no matter how repugnant, are not the issue in a presidential race. The protection and improvement of the nation is the issue. You have to ask yourself who is more likely to do that? This article makes the case that trump is the more likely candidate to make our country a better place. Do you think that since both candidates are evil, voting for the lesser of two evils is wrong and unconscionable? The bible clearly tells us our responsibility.

“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jeremiah 29:7).

Even if you consider Christians as a nation separate from the nation they live in, it is your responsibility to protect that nation which the people of Edom did not do with the Babylonians rolled into town.

“On the day that you stood aloof, on the day that . . . foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem, you were like one of them.” (Obadiah 1:11).


Well-known member

Personal flaws, no matter how repugnant, are not the issue in a presidential race. The protection and improvement of the nation is the issue. You have to ask yourself who is more likely to do that? This article makes the case that trump is the more likely candidate to make our country a better place. Do you think that since both candidates are evil, voting for the lesser of two evils is wrong and unconscionable? The bible clearly tells us our responsibility.

“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jeremiah 29:7).

Even if you consider Christians as a nation separate from the nation they live in, it is your responsibility to protect that nation which the people of Edom did not do with the Babylonians rolled into town.

“On the day that you stood aloof, on the day that . . . foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem, you were like one of them.” (Obadiah 1:11).

Judah had different kinds of kings. There were those who did right in God's eyes with good hearts. There was at least one who did right but not with a good heart. And there were those who did not do right. I'm afraid Trump will be found to not be able to do much that people will be expecting of him, and that he will not do right in God's eyes.


"Moral" and "Donald Trump" in the same sentence?

Trump has more than just some "personal flaws", he embraces liberal ideology: pro Planned Parenthood, pro LGBTQ, pro socialized medicine, pro big government involvement in education, etc. etc. etc.

patrick jane

"Moral" and "Donald Trump" in the same sentence?

Trump has more than just some "personal flaws", he embraces liberal ideology: pro Planned Parenthood, pro LGBTQ, pro socialized medicine, pro big government involvement in education, etc. etc. etc.

You can't stop bashing the GOP nominee can you? You undermine your own party because of your love for Ted Cruz and your trait of being a sore loser -


Well-known member
You can't stop bashing the GOP nominee can you? You undermine your own party because of your love for Ted Cruz and your trait of being a sore loser -

Most modern Americans do not want someone like Cruz in office, because he stands solidly on good Christian and Constitutional values, unlike many of the other candidates. It does not matter that Cruz is rejected so much as it is troubling that any good candidate with good morals and convictions will be rejected.
Trump takes advantage of gamblers with addictions, which is undermining the moral fabric of our nation. Trump promotes his own wine and capitalizes on the silliness of audiences who crave amusement at the expense of clean living.

I will likely vote for Trump, however, because Hillary would be much, much worse, especially if given the power to appoint more activist liberal judges to overrule American laws and constitutional rights and freedoms while overlooking gross violations of law by liberal politicians.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I like your post, yet, for me, Trump is more dangerous. The best thing to do is hold a Republican majority in the house and senate. Clinton will not be able to make big changes in law, although she is likely to appoint 'freaky' justice nominations. It will be the same as it is with Obama now, congress will disagree. There is more power in Congress than in the president.


Hall of Fame
You can't stop bashing the GOP nominee can you? You undermine your own party because of your love for Ted Cruz and your trait of being a sore loser -

Loyalty should be with the country, Patrick ... not a party and certainly not a candidate. While I don't care much for the personality traits of Ted Cruz, he is, at least sane and not a danger to our country. Trump has shown that he is incapable of handling any type of criticism OR keep his big mouth shut. I am not alone is stating that Trump cannot be trusted with the nuclear codes.


Hall of Fame
I like your post, yet, for me, Trump is more dangerous.

His instability and inability to be discreet is what makes him so dangerous. Can you imagine Trump planning a secret military attack and then posting about it on Twitter? I can. Everything has to be about him.

Putin loves Trump ... and for good reason.


Well-known member
I like your post, yet, for me, Trump is more dangerous. The best thing to do is hold a Republican majority in the house and senate. Clinton will not be able to make big changes in law, although she is likely to appoint 'freaky' justice nominations. It will be the same as it is with Obama now, congress will disagree. There is more power in Congress than in the president.

Two Obama appointees with one Clinton appointee just overturned NC voter protection laws. Liberals do not want voter protections because fraud has proven to them to be the winning ticket in recent past elections. Elect a democrat and the country will be moved so far to the left that we will end up ruthlessly ruled by wicked oligarchs who have no respect whatsoever for God or the Constitution. We are already headed in that wicked direction, especially under our current Muslim-in-Chief in the White House.

The Horn

Culture warrior, Obama is neither a conservative, a liberal nor a libertarian. He is an OPPORTUNIST . He has no real convictions (although he should be convicted of a lot of crimes.). No principles,no integrity . He HAS been pro gay rights, which is the only moral thing to be, but he has also pandered to religious conservatives and the power anti-gay religious lobby to cynically win support and votes for them.
He has expressed pro-choice views in the past, but has recently stated that "women should be punished for having abortions" to pander to the anti-choice movement. This is why he is so dangerous . He's liberal when it suits him, and a right-wing extremist when it suits him . Trump is out for his own persona benefit, not the benefit of America. Don't be fooled by this snake oil salesman !


Well-known member
Loyalty should be with the country, Patrick ... not a party and certainly not a candidate. While I don't care much for the personality traits of Ted Cruz, he is, at least sane and not a danger to our country. Trump has shown that he is incapable of handling any type of criticism OR keep his big mouth shut. I am not alone is stating that Trump cannot be trusted with the nuclear codes.

Imagine a president who manages to support the overthrow of several Muslim leaders of Middle Eastern nations, allowing ISIS to take over. Could anything be worse for world security?


Hall of Fame
Could anything be worse for world security?

Than Trump ... no.

There are no *moral* candidates running for President. I, OTOH, refuse to vote for the least moral, least sane and most dangerous candidates of them all ... Trump.


New member
Most modern Americans do not want someone like Cruz in office, because he stands solidly on good Christian and Constitutional values, unlike many of the other candidates. It does not matter that Cruz is rejected so much as it is troubling that any good candidate with good morals and convictions will be rejected.
Trump takes advantage of gamblers with addictions, which is undermining the moral fabric of our nation. Trump promotes his own wine and capitalizes on the silliness of audiences who crave amusement at the expense of clean living.

I will likely vote for Trump, however, because Hillary would be much, much worse, especially if given the power to appoint more activist liberal judges to overrule American laws and constitutional rights and freedoms while overlooking gross violations of law by liberal politicians.

My preference was Ben Carson( although he never had a chance).
Trump has many issues, but I agree that Clinton is far more dangerous to the USA. In my opinion Obama/Clinton lead the godless Secular Humanists is attacking Christian values and supporting the killing of unborn babies.
With control of the Supreme Court, there will be no checks and I expect the attacks on Christian views to escalate if Clinton is elected.

patrick jane

Loyalty should be with the country, Patrick ... not a party and certainly not a candidate. While I don't care much for the personality traits of Ted Cruz, he is, at least sane and not a danger to our country. Trump has shown that he is incapable of handling any type of criticism OR keep his big mouth shut. I am not alone is stating that Trump cannot be trusted with the nuclear codes.
You should watch this - Hillary isn't fit mentally or physically to be president -



Hall of Fame
You should watch this - Hillary isn't fit mentally or physically to be president

I stay informed on both of the major candidates, Patrick. At this point, there is nothing anyone could post that would convince me to support Trump.
Telling you, people, like they're saying, you wouldn't want Trump on that nuclear button!



Culture warrior, Obama Donald Trump is neither a conservative, a liberal nor a libertarian. He is an OPPORTUNIST . He has no real convictions (although he should be convicted of a lot of crimes.). No principles,no integrity . He HAS been pro gay rights, which is the only moral thing to be, but he has also pandered to religious conservatives and the power anti-gay religious lobby to cynically win support and votes for them.
He has expressed pro-choice views in the past, but has recently stated that "women should be punished for having abortions" to pander to the anti-choice movement. This is why he is so dangerous . He's liberal when it suits him, and a right-wing extremist when it suits him . Trump is out for his own persona benefit, not the benefit of America. Don't be fooled by this snake oil salesman !

I fixed your typo. You're preaching to the proverbial choir De Horn, as I've been exposing this fraud for months now.

Donald Trump says all kinds of things, so yes, he is an "opportunist", but his actions (such as having homosexual activist Peter Thiel speak on stage at the recent Republican National Convention) shows that he's a very hardcore liberal.

I ran a video in another thread showing that Donald Trump very likely is mentally ill. Even his closest advisors (and possibly family members) behind closed doors might admit that.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
His instability and inability to be discreet is what makes him so dangerous. Can you imagine Trump planning a secret military attack and then posting about it on Twitter? I can. Everything has to be about him.

Putin loves Trump ... and for good reason.
he might, as he is a loose cannon. The main thing is he does not get along with his own party. As some have said, he is not a real Republican, rather he is a self promoting egoist who will say anything to be popular. The problem here is he tries to be 'cleaver' and end yo self-destructing!