USA Today calls out Trump

The Barbarian

"A president who'd all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama's presidential library or to shine George W. Bush's shoes: Our view

With his latest tweet, clearly implying that a United States senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash, President Trump has shown he is not fit for office. Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new low.

patrick jane

Read the story. It quotes his tweet. Trump is lower than whale dung.
So are you, but where did he call her a whore as your thread indicates? It's Fake News, and now it will be all about Trump and sex for the dems since they had success in branding Moore as a child molester.

More concerning is the corrupt FBI and Mueller team with a lead FBI investigator stating that he will save the country and he can do it on "many levels". You can be the bottom feeder you are and perpetuate lies if it helps you cope. :thumb:

patrick jane


patrick jane

Oh, get real Patrick. The insinuation was obvious or maybe you don't think it was really Donald Trump on the 'Access Hollywood' tape either? Stop worshiping the most embarrassing, inept clown to ever sit in the oval office and buy a clue.
[FONT=&quot]Nothing of the kind, retorted White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She said "there is no way that this is sexist at all," and she suggested the tweet could be considered sexually charged "only if your mind is in the gutter."[/FONT]

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You can't give what you don't possess, but you told me to "buy" one anyway, so . . at least meshak thinks you're "clever"

So buy one elsewhere then or take a freebie. Either way you're in no position to question anyone's intelligence when you continually fawn over that malignant blight in the White House.

patrick jane

Well, I'm glad to say I actually haven't.
I'm just saying we have had Presidents like JFK, Bill Clinton and certainly others who were known womanizers (another word for sexual predators), that likely said some shameful things about women and weren't caught on tape.

None of this matters anyway, you'll never see anything good in Trump like I do, your mind is made up. Expect lots of focus on Trump and sex in the coming months because it worked with Roy Moore. The dems would be stupid not to beat that drum with America's newfound sexual morality. Yeah, right.

Half the country elected Trump despite the unproven allegations and his crude manner of speaking.

patrick jane

So buy one elsewhere then or take a freebie. Either way you're in no position to question anyone's intelligence when you continually fawn over that malignant blight in the White House.
Did I question someone's intelligence first? You didn't offer me a free clue initially, you told me to buy one. But I will take the one you gave me. Nope, didn't work, I still support Trump. :chuckle:


Hall of Fame
Ted Cruse seems godly man.

No ... but he does like to play one on TV. :D

Seriously though, he hasn't stood up to Trump and called him out on his evil agenda. If Cruz were walking the walk of Christianity, he would be calling out for Trump's impeachment.