United States vs. United Nations



I have no problems with criticism of Trump, it's the lies about incest and molesting that are atrocious. Complain about healthcare and all the rest of Trump's policies all you want, nobody cares.

You have a nasty habit of being incapable of staying on the thread topic.

Provide the names of the threads and post numbers to support these claims!

Where are Trump's tweets expressing his outrage that the Republican Congress allowed the health insurance for 9 million of America's most vulnerable children to lapse or that this week's tax legislation will result in premium increases that will force 13 million citizens off "Obamacare?"

Whatever happened to the better, cheaper healthcare system that Trump promised during the 2016 Campaign?

The fact that neither Trump nor his supporters are capable of dealing with criticism is not my problem!

Note that "patrick jane" has chosen not to respond as to why millions of Americans will lose their healthcare under the Trump Administration, but has chosen instead to attempt to redirect the conversation toward what he considers the real cardinal sin - the supposed "unfair" criticism of one individual, Donald Trump!

If "The Donald" is more concerned about responding to personal criticism, rather than the general welfare of millions of American citizens, as demonstrated by his tweets, then he has shown himself to be uniquely unqualified to become President!
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New member
Europe's got both World Wars, and Hitler, pretty recent in the rearview mirror. America's closest thing to those horror shows is slavery and the Civil War, over 150 years ago now. The Constitution has a better track record, and for longer, than Europe does.

Um, the European war theatre wasn't a world war and was only settling local issues. The US had decided to not get involved, and only joined in out of self interest after you managed to join in the Pacific War joining China against Japan without any European involvement. That was all your responsibility, and nothing to do with us.

Don't you know your history?



I have no problems with criticism of Trump, it's the lies about incest and molesting that are atrocious. Complain about healthcare and all the rest of Trump's policies all you want, nobody cares.

You have a nasty habit of being incapable of staying on the thread topic.
I'm not holding my breathe for "Patrick jane" to produce the proof - he's probably preoccupied with his motley crew of conservative friends thinking up ways of having me banned from yet another thread.

Trump and the "deplorables" are big supporters of the 2nd Amendment - but the 1st Amendment, not so much!
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patrick jane

I'm not holding my breathe for "Patrick jane" to produce the proof - he's probably preoccupied with his motley crew of conservative friends thinking up ways of having me banned from yet another thread.

Trump and the "deplorables" are big supporters of the 2nd Amendment - but the 1st Amendment, not so much!
We're just tired of your fake news. :idunno:



I have no problems with criticism of Trump, it's the lies about incest and molesting that are atrocious. Complain about healthcare and all the rest of Trump's policies all you want, nobody cares.

You have a nasty habit of being incapable of staying on the thread topic.

We're just tired of your fake news. :idunno:

I'm still waiting for "patrick jane" to provide the proof to substantiate his "fake" allegations that I'm posting about incest and molesting!

In one post "patrick jane" is telling me that "nobody cares," but in the next he admits to trying to have me banned because "We're just tired of your fake news" - in true Trump fashion he can't even keep his story straight!
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Given that this is a Christian Forum and that Jesus spent much of His Ministry caring for the poor, responses like this reflect just how far we've drifted away from fundamental Christian values!
What part of caring for the poor entails in any way stealing from people?

'Ends justify the means?

The statutory tithe on ancient Israel was 10%. Nowadays, where the Church is separate from the state, what percent do you think is fair to extort from people?


Um, the European war theatre wasn't a world war and was only settling local issues. The US had decided to not get involved, and only joined in out of self interest after you managed to join in the Pacific War joining China against Japan without any European involvement. That was all your responsibility, and nothing to do with us.

Don't you know your history?
I know that World War I and World War II began in Europe. And that Europe was where an attempt at complete extermination of the whole world's Jewish population was 40% successful. In America, the great evil of human slavery was exterminated with a cost of 650,000 American lives, and it didn't turn into a World War. It was a settling of local issues that didn't spill over into a global conflagration.

Score one for the Constitution, and minus three for Europe.

* Incidentally American law is common law, with the Constitution strategically replacing a very few common law legal principles, in American law's interpretation.
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patrick jane

I'm still waiting for "patrick jane" to provide the proof to substantiate his "fake" allegations that I'm posting about incest and molesting!

In one post "patrick jane" is telling me that "nobody cares," but in the next he admits to trying to have me banned because "We're just tired of your fake news" - in true Trump fashion he can't even keep his story straight!
See? You ARE posting about incest and molesting AND you're odd thread topic. YOU ARE FAKE NEWS.


Here's the UN Secretary-General's counsel to the world for the new year.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said:
I call for unity. ... We can settle conflicts, overcome hatred and defend shared values. But we can only do that together . . .

Unity is the path. Our future depends on it. . .

Rebuild trust by bringing people together around common goals.
I couldn't agree more. Who will be the 51st state (autonomous nation/country) of the Union? North Korea? Russia? Portugal? Cuba maybe.


The United States is the solution to the world's problems, not the UN.



See? You ARE posting about incest and molesting AND you're odd thread topic. YOU ARE FAKE NEWS.
By objecting to "Patrick jane's" unsubstantiated accusation that I made posts concerning "incest" and "molesting" (his words, not mine), he is now attempting to portray me as the perpetrator!

What's next - more attempts to have me banned because you've painted yourself into a corner?