unions protecting bad cops


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I am talking about better benefits for children and you are talking about taxes.

Aren't you the one who always says "what about the children"?

Now, I am asking you straight out ...

Given the choice, would you rather pregnant women go into a pregnancy knowing they have little coverage or none OR would you rather they know that they will have access to superior care for their unborn babies and themselves?

somebody has to pay the taxes to support the union government workers


who is going to pay taxes?

Who is going to pay the $200,000.00+ salaries of all the union officials?

For example, in the state of New York, there are 15 people on staff at the New York State Unified Teachers Union who make more than $200,000.00 a year.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Oh, you are still discussing taxes while I am discussing the advantages for the children.

don't you wonder about how we are going to pay for union government workers?

do think everyone can be a union government worker?


Oh, you are still discussing taxes while I am discussing the advantages for the children.

How are unions helping children when they make children go to schools that are falling apart, and taught by lousy teachers?

The teacher's union won't let parents have vouchers and send their children to the school of their choice.

Because the teacher's union doesn't want it, the Democrats won't let it happen because the teacher's union is the largest supporter of the Democrats.


Hall of Fame
How are unions helping children when they make children go to schools that are falling apart, and taught by lousy teachers?

The teacher's union won't let parents have vouchers and send their children to the school of their choice.

Because the teacher's union doesn't want it, the Democrats won't let it happen because the teacher's union is the largest supporter of the Democrats.

*shrug* That is your experience. My parent's never received vouchers ... they took the responsibility of paying for my private schooling. It probably had to do with the fact that my dad's union job paid two to three times more than that on non-union workers.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
union people never worry about who is going to pay for it
democrats never worry about who is going to pay for it
that is why we need republicans


Hall of Fame
union people never worry about who is going to pay for it
democrats never worry about who is going to pay for it
that is why we need republicans

You had Republicans. Eight long years. Nothing changed. Apparently you wish for the public schools to shutdown ... even though you know most of those children would no longer have an education.

I thought you were all about the children, Chrys ... or is that only when they are not standing in the way of the Republican party?


Hall of Fame
what could they have done?

Ban abortion. You keep saying that is what they will do, yet they didn't do it. They simply talk about it. Like you do.

Even though I know you won't read this, this is how unions protect their employees (and their FAMILIES).


Apparently, you would rather see children have less or no access to medical care and a lower standard of living.

What about the children, Chrys?


Hall of Fame
Even though I know you won't read this, this is how unions protect their employees (and their FAMILIES).


Apparently, you would rather see children have less or no access to medical care and a lower standard of living.

What about the children, Chrys?

From the link I provided:

Are unions still important to working people today?

Workers need unions as much as ever—because most corporations focus on profit at the expense of employees. The nature of work in America is changing. Employers are trying to shed responsibilities—for providing health insurance, good pension coverage, reasonable work hours and job safety protections, for example—while making workers' jobs and incomes less secure through downsizing, part-timing and contracting out. Working people need a voice at work to keep employers from making our jobs look like they did 100 years ago, with sweatshop conditions, unlivable wages and 70-hour workweeks.

Chrys, do you believe children are protected when their parents have better benefits, pay, working conditions, etc. OR do you think the children fare better when the parents are working minimum wage jobs with no time off or health benefits?


New member
Its clear that voting Republican or Democrat is worthless.

thats because they are both homosexual lawyers.

You must either vote Demopublican or Republocrat.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what did you expect them to do?

what could they have done?

Ban abortion.

how do you do that?

You have said they need to vote Republican. That happened. Abortion stills exists. It is up for you to make excuses as to why your plan didn't work.

so all this time
you have been giving me grief
you don't know what can or can't be done in congress

do you know how many years they had control of the senate during the bush years?

do you know what that means?

I will tell you
others may be listening


Hall of Fame
what did you expect them to do?

Exactly what they did. Nothing. As they have shown, that is what we can expect from them.


Stop the lecturing and own your own party.

what could they have done?

Ban abortion. You keep saying that is what they will do, yet they didn't do it. They simply talk about it. Like you do.

Even though I know you won't read this, this is how unions protect their employees (and their FAMILIES).


Apparently, you would rather see children have less or no access to medical care and a lower standard of living.

What about the children, Chrys?

how do you do that?

You have said they need to vote Republican. That happened. Abortion stills exists. It is up for you to make excuses as to why your plan didn't work.

do you know how government works?

From the link I provided:

Are unions still important to working people today?

Workers need unions as much as ever—because most corporations focus on profit at the expense of employees. The nature of work in America is changing. Employers are trying to shed responsibilities—for providing health insurance, good pension coverage, reasonable work hours and job safety protections, for example—while making workers' jobs and incomes less secure through downsizing, part-timing and contracting out. Working people need a voice at work to keep employers from making our jobs look like they did 100 years ago, with sweatshop conditions, unlivable wages and 70-hour workweeks.

Chrys, do you believe children are protected when their parents have better benefits, pay, working conditions, etc. OR do you think the children fare better when the parents are working minimum wage jobs with no time off or health benefits?

chrysostom said:
so all this time
you have been giving me grief
you don't know what can or can't be done in congress

do you know how many years they had control of the senate during the bush years?

do you know what that means?

I will tell you
others may be listening

This is about unions. You have pretended that it is about abortion. For you, it's about being a self-appointed spokesman for the RPN. We know this because anyone who is truly against abortion would not wish to intentionally shut down jobs when they know it affects families. Remember Chrys ... what about the children?