unions protecting bad cops


Well-known member
defense lawyers are not paid with tax dollars

police union reps are
Tax dollars have nothing to do with it. People who work for others need to be protected from the abuse and exploitation of the people they're working for. That's just as true of people working for the public as it is true of people working for anyone else.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Tax dollars have nothing to do with it.

tax dollars have everything to do with it
your unions can suck the life out an auto company
we can go out and buy a japanese car
we can't hire japanese police


Well-known member
tax dollars have everything to do with it
your unions can suck the life out an auto company
we can go out and buy a japanese car
we can't hire japanese police
Well, so far, no cops or teachers or postmen or any other public employees (with the exception of congressmen and senators) are sucking the life out of anyone. Most of them are being payed a moderate income for their very difficult and important service to society.

Nor did the unions "suck the life" out of the American auto industry, since the American auto industry is still here and doing just fine, even as they still pay good union wages. Neglectful management cause the quality of American cars to get so bad that Americans began buying foreign cars, instead. And of course the neglectful managers blamed it all on the unions. But in the end, they updated their factories and their manufacturing practices to match the foreign car-makers, and they began making better cars. Americans began to buy them, again, and so they're still building and selling cars.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well, so far, no cops or teachers or postmen or any other public employees (with the exception of congressmen and senators) are sucking the life out of anyone. Most of them are being payed a moderate income for their very difficult and important service to society.

Nor did the unions "suck the life" out of the American auto industry, since the American auto industry is still here and doing just fine, even as they still pay good union wages. Neglectful management cause the quality of American cars to get so bad that Americans began buying foreign cars, instead. And of course the neglectful managers blamed it all on the unions. But in the end, they updated their factories and their manufacturing practices to match the foreign car-makers, and they began making better cars. Americans began to buy them, again, and so they're still building and selling cars.

so why are blue states electing red governors?

pensions are out of control
you knew that


Well-known member
so why are blue states electing red governors?

pensions are out of control
you knew that
Pensions aren't out of control. It's just that teabag conservative idiots hate seeing anyone else being paid a living wage, and receiving a moderate pension. They've bought into the propaganda of the oligarchs and so want to punish anyone who dares to demand a living wage, effective health care, and a pension for a lifetime's worth of essential public service.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Pensions aren't out of control. It's just that teabag conservative idiots hate seeing anyone else being paid a living wage, and receiving a moderate pension. They've bought into the propaganda of the oligarchs and so want to punish anyone who dares to demand a living wage, effective health care, and a pension for a lifetime's worth of essential public service.

so why did wisconsin elect walker?
why did the teachers storm the capital?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Do you want the list of companies closed down due to board mismanagement or shareholder greed?

Unions can be problematic and aren't perfect, but are not the source of all evil in the world.

positive things unions have given us

Weekends without work
All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
Paid vacation
Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Sick leave
Social Security
Minimum wage
Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
8-hour work day
Overtime pay
Child labor laws
Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
40-hour work week
Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
Unemployment insurance
Workplace safety standards and regulations
Employer health care insurance
Collective bargaining rights for employees
Wrongful termination laws
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
Whistleblower protection laws
Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
Sexual harassment laws
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Holiday pay
Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
Privacy rights
Pregnancy and parental leave
Military leave
The right to strike
Public education for children
Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
Laws ending sweatshops in the United States

would you like a list of all the companies unions have closed because they couldn't compete?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
union membership in 1983
17.7 million
union membership in 2014
14.6 million

public sector 35.7 percent
private sector 6.6 percent

they can't compete in the private sector
they can't be fired in the public sector

Union Members Summary


Hall of Fame
would you like a list of all the companies unions have closed because they couldn't compete?

No ... I want a list of whose were able to take care of THEIR families and THEIR children with better health coverage and more income because one of their parents has a union job.

What about *those* children, Chrys? You keep saying it's all about the children.

You do realize that higher wages, job security, maternity leave and superior health coverage is actually beneficial for pregnant women, right Chrys?

I know that I never paid out a dime during my two pregnancies (thank you Teamsters). You keep saying you want to see children taken care of, yet you wish to cut their parent's means of doing so.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No ... I want a list of whose were able to take care of THEIR families and THEIR children with better health coverage and more income because one of their parents has a union job.

What about *those* children, Chrys? You keep saying it's all about the children.

looks like the only way to protect the children is to get a union government job

how is that going to work?

who is going to pay taxes?


Hall of Fame
looks like the only way to protect the children is to get a union government job

I agree with you ... a union offers superior protection via salary and benefits than most non union jobs.

Here's the rest of my post that you didn't respond to:

Rusha said:
You do realize that higher wages, job security, maternity leave and superior health coverage is actually beneficial for pregnant women, right Chrys?

I know that I never paid out a dime during my two pregnancies (thank you Teamsters). You keep saying you want to see children taken care of, yet you wish to cut their parent's means of doing so.


unions protecting bad cops

There's one common denominator with Ferguson, Baltimore, Rodney King, etc.

Everywhere these things happen, the Democrats are running the show.

Look at Baltimore:

Democrat Mayor, Democrat city council, Democrat police union, Democrat teacher's union, and Democrats rioting in the streets.

Baltimore is the perfect example of what it look likes when Democrats and Unions rule over a population who vote Democrat over 90% of the time.


The Baltimore school district is second only to New York City for the amount of money per student at $15,000.00 per student.

Yet, 25% of all students in the Baltimore City School District do not graduate.

67% of all babies born in Baltimore are born to single moms.

Democrat politicians + Democrat teacher's union + Democrat police union + Democrat's attack on the traditional family + Democrat's attack on traditional marriage = what we see in Baltimore.


Hall of Fame
can you respond to this?

I am talking about better benefits for children and you are talking about taxes.

Aren't you the one who always says "what about the children"?

Now, I am asking you straight out ...

Given the choice, would you rather pregnant women go into a pregnancy knowing they have little coverage or none OR would you rather they know that they will have access to superior care for their unborn babies and themselves?