unions protecting bad cops


unions protecting bad cops

"The confusing events in Ferguson..."

Did Al Sharpton write the article?




"But in practice, too many cops who needlessly kill people, use excessive force, or otherwise abuse their authority are getting reprieves from termination."

Maybe because after a thorough internal investigation by numerous sources (Internal Affairs Division, District Attorney, etc.) it was found that the officers were justified in the force that they used.

Come on Al chrys, defend your articles, don't just link another left wing-cop hating one.


Shouldn't their work ethic do that?

Most on here don't know what unions are for.

I've been a union steward (non-police) and there were times that I had to "protect" less than stellar employees. The union doesn't like such people (any more than management) since such are representative of the union worker though it has an obligation to represent all members.

The role of the union, in this particular matter, is to ensure a fair playing field, that is, to ensure that management is acting according to any and all contractual agreement(s) regarding progressive discipline, termination ..etc. (no strong arm tactics; railroading)

In ensuring such the union is protecting all relevant workers...the good ones and unfortunately the bad ones.


New member
Most on here don't know what unions are for.

I've been a union steward (non-police) and there were times that I had to "protect" less than stellar employees. The union doesn't like such people (any more than management) since such are representative of the union worker though it has an obligation to represent all members.

The role of the union, in this particular matter, is to ensure a fair playing field, that is, to ensure that management is acting according to any and all contractual agreement(s) regarding progressive discipline, termination ..etc. (no strong arm tactics; railroading)

In ensuring such the union is protecting all relevant workers...the good ones and unfortunately the bad ones.

Protecting bad ones is NOT giving the good ones a level playing field.


New member
Police officers do have rights and are entitled to due process - just like everyone else. In other words, they deserve representation, especially considering the nature of the job and the huge number of false complaints. Ferguson is a perfect example. Real police misconduct many times involves triple consequences: criminal, civil, and department policy.


Well-known member
The unions are doing what they're supposed to be doing, and that's making sure that cops get a fair hearing and fair treatment before being punished or dismissed based on accusations made by people they arrest.

But the ignoramus union-haters will of course ignore this and use the recent incidents of bad policing to try and slander their unions. Haters just gotta hate, I guess.


New member
protecting people who should be fired
raising money for the democratic party that supports baby killing

Should they be fired without a hearing and evidence of misconduct? Evidence shows that many complaints are false. Do you want to railroad innocent police officers?


New member
Should they be fired without a hearing and evidence of misconduct? Evidence shows that many complaints are false. Do you want to railroad innocent police officers?

This would make sense if they didn't defend bad cops too. But they do.

Also, They can seek representation from a lawyer like the rest of us, can they not?


Well-known member
This would make sense if they didn't defend bad cops too. But they do.

Also, They can seek representation from a lawyer like the rest of us, can they not?
It's not the union's job to determine which cop is "good" and which is "bad", and it's not the union's job to punish (or enable others to punish) the bad cops. The union's job is to try and see to it that all cops are being treated well by their coworkers, managers, and employers.

Blaming the unions for protecting their members is like blaming defense attorneys for defending criminals. IT'S THEIR JOB!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It's not the union's job to determine which cop is "good" and which is "bad", and it's not the union's job to punish (or enable others to punish) the bad cops. The union's job is to try and see to it that all cops are being treated well by their coworkers, managers, and employers.

Blaming the unions for protecting their members is like blaming defense attorneys for defending criminals. IT'S THEIR JOB!

defense lawyers are not paid with tax dollars

police union reps are


New member
This would make sense if they didn't defend bad cops too. But they do.

Also, They can seek representation from a lawyer like the rest of us, can they not?

You didn't read my post. Is a cop bad simply because a complaint is filed against them? Many police officers do hire their own lawyer if the case ends up in court. The amount of representation varies from department to department.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You didn't read my post. Is a cop bad simply because a complaint is filed against them? Many police officers do hire their own lawyer if the case ends up in court. The amount of representation varies from department to department.

job one for every union is to keep their people from getting fired