Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Were Altered, Analysis Finds

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Jose Fly

New member
The videos are accurate - the long or short versions, and PP knows that they are.

Gotta love fundamentalists, for at least their entertainment value alone.

This is why they are so desperate to discredit the videos with any tactics they can.

Yeah, like evidence, documentation, and expert review. Bunch crazies! :chuckle:


New member
Gotta love fundamentalists, for at least their entertainment value alone.

Yeah, like evidence, documentation, and expert review. Bunch crazies! :chuckle:

You're one of the ones who can't see a raging forest fire, so build your home in an area without any trees or high grass.


New member
The videos are accurate - the long or short versions, and PP knows that they are. This is why they are so desperate to discredit the videos with any tactics they can. There are probably many more to come. It's like watching a raging forest fire and someone saying there is no fire.
We can also flip it around and say this is like yelling "FIRE" in a theater without there being a fire at all. The facts aren't all there and there are conflicting sources.


New member
We can also flip it around and say this is like yelling "FIRE" in a theater without there being a fire at all. The facts aren't all there and there are conflicting sources.

Are you saying that the PP folks in the videos were lying? This is the only thing that would make any difference.


New member
Hall of Fame
There's a similarity here to the resurrection.

None whatsoever but whatever helps you sleep at night.

Here, you seem to be saying that the videos themselves don't count as evidence because they were taken by opponents of PP and only evidence other than the videos is admissible as objective evidence, i.e. evidence that doesn't show PP in the same light.

Evidence of what?

There's no scheme here. There's no cover up. There's no conspiracy of the body snatchers. The investigations state-by-state into Planned Parenthood can't all be co opted, can't all be conspiracies, can't all be products of a vast plot that's concealing "the truth" from the American people. How vast and wide are you Planned Parenthood Truthers willing to go?

This is blood libel for the 21st century: Babies, body parts, a ghastly plot. And none of it's true: PP is not profiting from the sale of fetal tissue.

What seems to really unsettle you guys is the business-like nature of medicine and the blunt way the PP reps speak.
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New member
None whatsoever but whatever helps you sleep at night.

Evidence of what?

There's no scheme here. There's no cover up. There's no conspiracy of the body snatchers. The investigations state-by-state into Planned Parenthood can't all be co opted, can't all be conspiracies, can't all be products of a vast plot that's concealing "the truth" from the American people. How vast and wide are you Planned Parenthood Truthers willing to go?

This is blood libel for the 21st century: Babies, body parts, a ghastly plot. And none of it's true: PP is not profiting from the sale of fetal tissue.

What seems to really unsettle you guys is the business-like nature of medicine and the blunt way the PP reps speak.

Of course Planned Parenthood is in the business of snatching body parts of the unborn from their mother's bodies. Some of the babies are born alive then murdered. What is done with their remains is not really the issue.


New member
Hall of Fame
Of course Planned Parenthood is in the business of snatching body parts of the unborn from their mother's bodies. Some of the babies are born alive then murdered. What is done with their remains is not really the issue.

Except...no. This latest video campaign attempted to manufacture this issue, under false pretenses, using deception. If the case (so called) against PP was so self-evident lies wouldn't be necessary.


Well-known member
Won't make a lick of difference. The truth believers already believe the clickbait and headlines.
And more importantly, they will flock to the source of the headlines they want to see, which gives the headliners lots of eyes and ears to sell to their advertisers.

Money, money money!

Meanwhile, the republicans have some righteousness bait to toss to their ignoramus constituency.

Ain't America somethin!


You are messed up in the head.

I have a question. Have you ever even once stopped, sat back, and thought to yourself, "What if I'm not always right?"

I'm a Republican, but I'm much more proud of my ability to sit back and examine an issue honestly and from multiple angles before resorting to outrage. Neither party has a monopoly on being right. You need to think from a more independent viewpoint or you'll forever be blind to half the world, and you'll never actually know the truth of anything

Jose Fly

New member
One of the authors of a blog I read likes to say (playing on the quote from Dobzhansky) "Nothing in modern conservatism makes sense, except in light of creationism". The obvious point being that once you become familiar with the tactics and mindset of creationists, you can oftentimes apply that to dealing with conservatives in general.

With creationists and their dishonest quote mines, even after they've been exposed as dishonestly edited and taken out of context, creationists still use them and cite them as supporting their position.

It's the same thing here with these videos. Now that they've been exposed as dishonestly edited and taken out of context, conservatives will still use them and will keep citing them as supporting their position.

And that brings up yet another interesting thing about conservatives. Psychological studies on the differences between self-described conservatives and liberals have shown that where liberals value objectivity and accuracy more, conservatives value loyalty and sanctity more. That helps explain the above (both with creationist quote mines and these videos). For conservatives, the most important thing with the videos isn't whether or not they're objective or accurate, rather the most important thing is that they support what they believe is a righteous cause and came from a member of their team.

That's why I keep posting "Your tribalism is showing" to conservatives here.


New member
And more importantly, they will flock to the source of the headlines they want to see, which gives the headliners lots of eyes and ears to sell to their advertisers.

Money, money money!

Meanwhile, the republicans have some righteousness bait to toss to their ignoramus constituency.

Ain't America somethin!

Welllll! Lucky for us dumb bells that we have superior people like you and Granite to point out how stupid we are.


Well-known member
One of the authors of a blog I read likes to say (playing on the quote from Dobzhansky) "Nothing in modern conservatism makes sense, except in light of creationism". The obvious point being that once you become familiar with the tactics and mindset of creationists, you can oftentimes apply that to dealing with conservatives in general.

With creationists and their dishonest quote mines, even after they've been exposed as dishonestly edited and taken out of context, creationists still use them and cite them as supporting their position.

It's the same thing here with these videos. Now that they've been exposed as dishonestly edited and taken out of context, conservatives will still use them and will keep citing them as supporting their position.

And that brings up yet another interesting thing about conservatives. Psychological studies on the differences between self-described conservatives and liberals have shown that where liberals value objectivity and accuracy more, conservatives value loyalty and sanctity more. That helps explain the above (both with creationist quote mines and these videos). For conservatives, the most important thing with the videos isn't whether or not they're objective or accurate, rather the most important thing is that they support what they believe is a righteous cause and came from a member of their team.

That's why I keep posting "Your tribalism is showing" to conservatives here.
This is a frighteningly astute post, and well articulated, too. Which I predict the self-proclaimed conservatives here will completely ignore, or even stranger still, will simply not comprehend. At all.

Which I find disturbingly fascinating.
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New member
If you're disinterested in the facts nobody can help you.

Facts speak for themselves. Just as in poker the cards call themselves. But, there are interpretive slants called "house rules". We all have them. Liberals are no more free of them than conservatives.:poly:


If I thought fetus' weren't actual fellow citizens as the pph folks then why the hell not make a little green off of it right?


New member
Hall of Fame
Facts speak for themselves. Just as in poker the cards call themselves. But, there are interpretive slants called "house rules". We all have them. Liberals are no more free of them than conservatives.:poly:

The facts do seem evident here, it's a question of whether they're accepted or ignored.
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New member
I am officially sick to death of people trotting out the word "conservative" or "liberal" as lazy shorthand for "whatever I want it to mean at the moment," and as usual when used it's not easy to tell what is meant by it.

You get "sick to death" a lot. I hope it is not contagious?
Your asinine responses just don't cut it as discussion or even as seemly dialogue.
You are outraged over so many topics I am certain that you wear yourself out and really, "what difference does it make?".


New member
Hall of Fame
You get "sick to death" a lot. I hope it is not contagious?
Your asinine responses just don't cut it as discussion or even as seemly dialogue.
You are outraged over so many topics I am certain that you wear yourself out and really, "what difference does it make?".

Outraged, no. But that reality's consistently and easily ignored by some people so easily makes an interesting study.

An argument against PP based on lies should offend anyone who was initially taken by it. Instead, the deceit is something you and others seem to be thriving on for its own sake.


New member
Outraged, no. But that reality's consistently and easily ignored by some people so easily makes an interesting study.

An argument against PP based on lies should offend anyone who was initially taken by it. Instead, the deceit is something you and others seem to be thriving on for its own sake.

Not at all. You consistently leap to your own narrow minded parochial interpretations of my stance on things,
I am opposed to the aborting of viable living human beings! I have stated that what is done with the remains, while deplorable, is not the thing with which we ought to concern ourselves.
The videos show abortions being performed by what I assume are licensed, trained health care professionals who swear to "do no harm".
I am sick to death over this and I hope it is contagious!
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