Ukraine is a WWIII powder keg


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Here is a very interesting article comparing US/NATO efforts/moves in Ukraine to Russia's efforts/moves. It looks at strategies, money spent, goals accomplished, and overall competence of what both sides are doing. Here's a sneak peek at one area: money spent. US/NATO has spent $50 billion. Russia has spent $4 billion. That tells us a lot.

There's nothing interesting about you or anything you post at all. I mean I suppose, it's interesting that someone so superficially bright could fall into such a deep pit of conspiratorialism.

I previously said you should up and move to Russia. But your comment about a "depopulation agenda" makes me think maybe you should move to the Moon! You're unhinged!

Every single one of your extremist views are easily disproven unless you're in a deep pit of conspiratorialism.

You're in a deep pit of conspiratorialism. You need to get out----I mean, in my opinion. Obviously you have your ethical independence and it's up to you, but I disagree with your ethical decision to always believing the conspiracy theories over the majority reports of all the highest quality news outlets, even setting aside that they're all electioneering. Electioneering might blur or distort or disfigure the news, but it doesn't mean there isn't actually a story, and it also doesn't mean that you can't isolate the electioneering from the reporting.

Especially for someone as obviously bright, superficial or otherwise, as yourself. I don't mean you're not bright, I just mean that knowing 10000-100000 words is plenty bright enough to ascertain the truth here, and you're way off.

Way off. You might as well believe that aliens are running things.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That's why I've been calling him immensely stupid since this started.


Well-known member
My heart goes out to the fighters on the ground on both sides. The leaders, particularly Putin, are to blame for the tragedies of this war. I sympathize more with the Ukrainians fighting off the ungodly Russian invasion.

Doesn't it make you wonder why nothing was done after the Russians took the Crimean peninsula?
This whole invasian may have been stopped back then if we, and the rest of the world, had stood against that piracy.


Well-known member
Doesn't it make you wonder why nothing was done after the Russians took the Crimean peninsula?
This whole invasian may have been stopped back then if we, and the rest of the world, had stood against that piracy.
The devil does not just rule through wicked barbarous tyrants in foreign nations, but he also guides unsaved rebels against God in leadership positions in free western nations as well.


Well-known member
The devil does not just rule through wicked barbarous tyrants in foreign nations, but he also guides unsaved rebels against God in leadership positions in free western nations as well.
Such a pitiful truth...
We can only keep ourselves from the darkness.
Thankfully, though, God has provided all we need to accomplish that,
It is written..."There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." (1 Cor 10:13)
Keep looking for the provided escapes !

Gary K

New member
There's nothing interesting about you or anything you post at all. I mean I suppose, it's interesting that someone so superficially bright could fall into such a deep pit of conspiratorialism.

I previously said you should up and move to Russia. But your comment about a "depopulation agenda" makes me think maybe you should move to the Moon! You're unhinged!

Every single one of your extremist views are easily disproven unless you're in a deep pit of conspiratorialism.

You're in a deep pit of conspiratorialism. You need to get out----I mean, in my opinion. Obviously you have your ethical independence and it's up to you, but I disagree with your ethical decision to always believing the conspiracy theories over the majority reports of all the highest quality news outlets, even setting aside that they're all electioneering. Electioneering might blur or distort or disfigure the news, but it doesn't mean there isn't actually a story, and it also doesn't mean that you can't isolate the electioneering from the reporting.

Especially for someone as obviously bright, superficial or otherwise, as yourself. I don't mean you're not bright, I just mean that knowing 10000-100000 words is plenty bright enough to ascertain the truth here, and you're way off.

Way off. You might as well believe that aliens are running things.
I wasn't going to even acknowledge this but changed my mind when I came across what I thought was an appropriate reply

Here's your reply that comes from the 1700s and written by a guy by the name of Montesquieu. It demonstrates that I inherited my moon based conspiratorial thinking from others much smarter than I and who came long before me.

The king of France is the most powerful prince in Europe. He has no gold mines, like his neighbour the
king of Spain, but he has greater riches because he draws them from an inexhaustible mine — the vanity of
his subjects.
He has undertaken and carried on great wars without funds except titles of honour to sell, and,
through a prodigy of human pride, his troops have found themselves feared, his fortresses built, his fleets
Moreover he is a great magician. His empire extends to the minds of his subjects :
he makes them think as he wishes. If he has only one million crowns in his treasure chest and he wants two, he has
merely to tell them that one crown is equal to two, and they believe it.
If he has a difficult war to carry on and has no money, he has merely to put it into their
heads that a piece of paper is money, and they are convinced at once. But this is no such marvel, for there is
another still greater magician, who is called the Pope, and the things which he makes people believe are even .
more extraordinary.'
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Gary K

New member
Putin spoke to the heads of the CSTO yesterday about Ukraine and NATO. He will surprise a lot of you because he comes across as a reasonable thinking man. He is no unthinking barbarian at the gates who is a slobbering lunatic. The way he is being portrayed is nothing but war propaganda.


Gary K

New member
Biden is creating his own holodomor which is going to starve millions of Ukrainians to death. He is getting Zelensky and company to export food that the Ukrainian's themselves require to survive. He is as surely going to murder Ukrainians as Stalin did.



like marbles on glass
Biden is creating his own holodomor which is going to starve millions of Ukrainians to death. He is getting Zelensky and company to export food that the Ukrainian's themselves require to survive. He is as surely going to murder Ukrainians as Stalin did.

You're using Sputnik News as your source. You're amplifying Russian state propaganda. Good work, comrade!

Sputnik is owned and funded by the Russian Government to promote Russia’s image abroad.

  • Overall, we rate Sputnik Questionable based on the frequent promotion of conspiracies and pro-Russian propaganda, as well as the use of poor sources and numerous failed fact checks.

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Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: Russia
Press Freedom Rank: LIMITED FREEDOM
Media Type: News Agency
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


Staff member
Super Moderator
You're using Sputnik News as your source. You're amplifying Russian state propaganda. Good work, comrade!

Sputnik is owned and funded by the Russian Government to promote Russia’s image abroad.

  • Overall, we rate Sputnik Questionable based on the frequent promotion of conspiracies and pro-Russian propaganda, as well as the use of poor sources and numerous failed fact checks.

Reasoning: Russian Propaganda, Conspiracy, Lack of Transparency, Some Fake News
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: Russia
Press Freedom Rank: LIMITED FREEDOM
Media Type: News Agency
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

‘MEDIA BIAS/FACT CHECK’ Site Fails Fact Check

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest?
