Ukraine is a WWIII powder keg

Gary K

New member
Here is how bad the anti-Russian/Putin propaganda is.

Germany is saying Putin has "weaponized" energy after Germany seized Russia's Gazprom infrastructure and all Putin did in response was a "massive" 3% reduction in gas supply. Who just weaponized energy? Germany did by seizing control of Russia's energy infrastructure inside Germany. That is an act of war.

Who responded with a rational response to massive provocation? Putin did. That's not the behavior of an insane man. If he was the guy the media portrays him to be he would have just launched nuclear missiles. He didn't. He showed remarkable restraint.

Once again the media and western governments are shown to be big time liars and provocateurs. It's the same things they have done during the entire run up to this war between Ukraine and Russia. They have been pushing Russia's buttons for decades via NATO trying to provoke a response.


Gary K

New member
Maybe this is a way out for everybody. Maybe this is a chip we can negotiate with. Maybe we say, "Get the ... get out of Ukraine, and we'll deny Finland's NATO application." Finland's going to make it official real soon. So it will become any day now real. Tell Putin the Putatively Braindead that we'll tell Finland "No thank you", if he withdraws his military.

Maybe he bites.
I have to say I am shocked by you. You have demonstrated your understanding that the media wants us dead and lies to us 24/7 on everything. Yet you think the media is 100% reliable on Ukraine? How do you maintain this type of dissonance?

I can understand how the leftists and those who deny everything to do with the corona virus and the "vaccines" as well as Russia, Russia, Russia believe everything to do with the propaganda on Ukraine because they believe everything the mocking bird media says. They are incapable of holding a conflicting view of what the media says is going on in our world. But you're not like them as you're capable of distinguishing truth from lies. You've proven that over time. How can you possibly believe the same media that wants you dead is honest with you about anything? Isn't knowing the media wants you dead enough to break their hold over you?

Gary K

New member
Just how is the Russia/Ukraine war going for the Ukrainians? Is the media lying to us about it?



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
So now I'm hearing that Sweden joins Finland in desiring to join NATO.

So now that's another chip that we can play.

We tell Putin the Excruciatingly Idiotic Smooth-Brain, we'll deny both Sweden's and Finland's applications. You get all your troops the ... you get them all out of Ukraine, according to the borders in January, and we'll perpetually deny them; unless and until you do something else belligerent, and then they automatically become members, no ifs, ands, or buts.

See if he bites.

He needs a way out of this without looking like a total fool. At least these terms might be acceptable and he could save his own troops and innocent Ukrainians.

But leave all the guns right where they are.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Here is how bad the anti-Russian/Putin propaganda is.

Germany is saying Putin has "weaponized" energy after Germany seized Russia's Gazprom infrastructure and all Putin did in response was a "massive" 3% reduction in gas supply. Who just weaponized energy? Germany did by seizing control of Russia's energy infrastructure inside Germany. That is an act of war.

Who responded with a rational response to massive provocation? Putin did. That's not the behavior of an insane man. If he was the guy the media portrays him to be he would have just launched nuclear missiles. He didn't. He showed remarkable restraint.

Once again the media and western governments are shown to be big time liars and provocateurs. It's the same things they have done during the entire run up to this war between Ukraine and Russia. They have been pushing Russia's buttons for decades via NATO trying to provoke a response.

Did he show "remarkable restraint" when he launched his "special military operation" in the Ukraine? That was reasonable was it? You love to criticize any none far right Western news so you must be a fan of Russia's state controlled media, right?

Gary K

New member
Here is a video I ran across today. It's a youtube channel made by an English speaking Russian. He does a lot of bushcraft/survivalist videos and he's very good at demonstrating his skills. He explains exactly how to do what and why he does it. He's an excellent teacher.

However today's show is all about how the Russian people are faring under the sanctions as he is getting so many questions about it from his subscribers. He takes his camera through many local establishments and shows what's going on. I think you might just be surprised at what you see.


way 2 go

Well-known member
So now I'm hearing that Sweden joins Finland in desiring to join NATO.

So now that's another chip that we can play.

We tell Putin the Excruciatingly Idiotic Smooth-Brain, we'll deny both Sweden's and Finland's applications. You get all your troops the ... you get them all out of Ukraine, according to the borders in January, and we'll perpetually deny them; unless and until you do something else belligerent, and then they automatically become members, no ifs, ands, or buts.

See if he bites.

He needs a way out of this without looking like a total fool. At least these terms might be acceptable and he could save his own troops and innocent Ukrainians.

But leave all the guns right where they are.

Gary K

New member
Maybe this is a way out for everybody. Maybe this is a chip we can negotiate with. Maybe we say, "Get the ... get out of Ukraine, and we'll deny Finland's NATO application." Finland's going to make it official real soon. So it will become any day now real. Tell Putin the Putatively Braindead that we'll tell Finland "No thank you", if he withdraws his military.

Maybe he bites.
And why would Putin believe the US? We promised 30 years ago we would never move closer to Russia than we were then. They were lying words. We've been pushing ever closer since then. Would you place any confidence in the promises of a blatant liar?

Gary K

New member
What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow / Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, / You cannot say, or guess, for you know only / A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, / And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, / And the dry stone no sound of water. Only / There is shadow under this red rock, / (Come in under the shadow of this red rock), / And I will show you something different from either / Your shadow at morning striding behind you / Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; / I will show you fear in a handful of dust.

T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land: I. The Burial of the Dead, 1922

This glimpse of “fear in a handful of dust” already ranks as one the prime breakthroughs of the young 21st century, presented this week by Chief of Russian Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Protection Force Igor Kirillov.

Interesting isn't it that the Russians are formally reading us the words of one of our most famous poets. An anti war poem on the results of pushing war on others. And they go on to speak to the US funded and built biological weapons labs they have shut down since this war was started.

The US is going to be exposed to the world as a lying, manipulative, psychotic war monger and Russia is going to do this carefully and slowly. Our lying media won't be able to interfere because the rest of the world has their own news sources.



Hall of Fame
So now I'm hearing that Sweden joins Finland in desiring to join NATO.

So now that's another chip that we can play.

We tell Putin the Excruciatingly Idiotic Smooth-Brain, we'll deny both Sweden's and Finland's applications. You get all your troops the ... you get them all out of Ukraine, according to the borders in January, and we'll perpetually deny them; unless and until you do something else belligerent, and then they automatically become members, no ifs, ands, or buts.

See if he bites.

He needs a way out of this without looking like a total fool. At least these terms might be acceptable and he could save his own troops and innocent Ukrainians.

But leave all the guns right where they are.

That would be catering to and trusting the word of an insane, murderous, lying thug. Bullies stay bullies because their victims back down. It’s high time that Ukraine starts hitting back ten fold. Until the citizens of Russia experience what their master has done to the Ukrainians, they will continue to allow him to stay in power and well, breathe. He needs the Saddam Hussain treatment … but harsher.

Gary K

New member
The Azov Battalion fighters trapped in the Azovstal steel works unconditionally surrendered last night to the Russian army. The Russians took them into custody and transferred their wounded to a hospital about forty kilometers from Mariupol. Here's how the mockingbird media is portraying this surrender.

Notice the large discrepancy between reality and the spin.


Gary K

New member
While the US is floundering in debt and lost revenue Russian oil revenues are up 50%. Of the small number of nations who joined the US in sanctioning Russia, 30, a number of them depend on Russian oil for their national survival even further reducing that number.


way 2 go

Well-known member
Yeah, I know. So? What is your point? How does it address my post? It can be oblique, but I do not know what you are trying to say here at all. Thanks. :)
turkey has nato veto power as all nato members must agree , so no chip to play
and moreover this just strengthens the resolve of the russian people


Gary K

New member
turkey has nato veto power as all nato members must agree , so no chip to play
and moreover this just strengthens the resolve of the russian people

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What is the point of looking for bargaining chips for our politicians don't want a way out. They have been pushing for this war with the Russians for 30 years and are not looking for any way out. This is the result of years of effort on their part.

Do you really think politicians who will participate in a depopulation agenda care about lives? I know a lot of people look to them to care about people but on what do you base this hope? Name me 10 Canadian politicians, from all political parties, who are experienced, powerful enough, honest enough, and popular enough to to completely change the course of Canada in a short while as this war needs to be stopped now, not in a decade or two.

In the US the same goes. Both parties are pushing this war so I can see no one from either party capable changing the course of government on a dime.

Gary K

New member
Here is a very interesting article comparing US/NATO efforts/moves in Ukraine to Russia's efforts/moves. It looks at strategies, money spent, goals accomplished, and overall competence of what both sides are doing. Here's a sneak peek at one area: money spent. US/NATO has spent $50 billion. Russia has spent $4 billion. That tells us a lot.
