Ukraine Crisis

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
By his own account he spends most of his days reading, and he's reading things that have taken him down the rabbit hole into another dimension. That's the dark side of being an autodidact. When he is his own teacher, he doesn't have a teacher who challenges his preconceptions, only one who looks for the explanations for the conclusions he already holds.
Well, he is professor of confirmation bias...


Well-known member
Well that figures because he is a Republican who served throughout the Trump administration.
There were good and bad people in leadership during the Trump administration. There were good and bad ideas being promoted during the Trump administration. There were good and bad laws, good and bad court decisions, good and bad agendas, etc., during the Trump administration, just as there have been in every administration in history.

What makes one administration better than another in your eyes?

Support for abortion?
Support for communism and/or socialism?
Support for capitalism?
Support for teaching perverted sex to school kids from elementary grades in up?
Favoring lower taxes?
Favoring higher taxes?
Supporting American patriotism?
Supporting international laws and agenda over American interests?
Supporting American interests over international edicts?
Supporting gun rights?
Opposing gun rights?

Or one or more of a hundred other things?

Gary K

New member
You're a loony conspiracy theorist alright, that's a given.

Tell ya what, you prove that the likes of what happened in Bucha wasn't perpetrated by Russian forces with irrefutable proof and I'll leave the forum. So crack on with it.
So you're already wanting to change the subject. You show your fear immediately. We all know why too. You have zero evidence that what I say is not true.

way 2 go

Well-known member


Gary K

New member
By his own account he spends most of his days reading, and he's reading things that have taken him down the rabbit hole into another dimension. That's the dark side of being an autodidact. When he is his own teacher, he doesn't have a teacher who challenges his preconceptions, only one who looks for the explanations for the conclusions he already holds.
Yeah, history, economics, and the like are such dangerous rabbit holes to go down. You know why? Because historical facts don't change. Those facts stay what they are no matter how many times the media tells you they don't exist. You're the one who is manipulated to the point you live in fantasy land and refuse to even read historical fact. Fact means nothing to you.

Funny ain't it that some of the most successful men in the world have been self educated. We've had multiple presidents who were self educated. Some of our most successful businessmen in our history were self educated. Steve Jobs dropped out of high school and the rest was all self education. Henry Ford was self educated.Ben Franklin was self educated. Frederick Douglass was self educated. Abigail Adams was self educated but that probably means nothing to you. She was highly influential in her day and she never attended school. Her grandmother taught her to read and write encouraged her to read as much as she could. In following her grandmother's advice she became one of the best educated women of her day.

Yeah, self education is just so dangerous as nobody is there to tell you what you're supposed to think. You just follow the evidence to wherever it leads. Just so dangerous as nobody is there to "guide" you into political correctness.

You'll be even more distressed to learn I never watched TV growing up. My parents never bought a tv until after I had graduated high school. So I missed out on all those years of people telling me what to think. You're probably just shuddering in fear by now on how little mind control I've experienced.

Gary K

New member

This is really interesting because it has been said that there were NATO and US commanders in there. They made a couple of rescue attempts to get the NATO and US commanders out but their rescue helicopters were shot down.


like marbles on glass
Steve Jobs dropped out of high school and the rest was all self education. Henry Ford was self educated.Ben Franklin was self educated. Frederick Douglass was self educated. Abigail Adams was self educated

And you can't hold a candle to any of them except in your imagination.

You've wasted yourself on conspiracies and apologizing for genocidal dictators. What a shame.

You'll be even more distressed to learn I never watched TV growing up. My parents never bought a tv until after I had graduated high school. So I missed out on all those years of people telling me what to think. You're probably just shuddering in fear by now on how little mind control I've experienced.

"Shuddering in fear?" 😂 Lordy, you've gone off the deep end.

Apparently you spend an embarrassing amount of time in your fever dreams imagining what I think about you, when 99.9 percent of the time I've forgotten about you until you post more crazed conspiracy crap or more Russian propaganda.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So you're already wanting to change the subject. You show your fear immediately. We all know why too. You have zero evidence that what I say is not true.
Eh? I've just given you the floor to prove your own claims. What "fear" would I have exactly in relation to what you've gone on about? I've seen credible news on a daily basis that shows outright and on the ground that war crimes have been perpetuated by Russian forces, it's undeniable.

You are a crackpot if you "think" otherwise.


like marbles on glass

Ukrainian political culture is bottom-up and very decentralized. It starts from a community, which Ukrainians call “hromada”. Hromada – a key word for Ukrainian political philosophy since at least 19th century, f.e. philosophy of Mykhaylo Drahomanov 1/8

Drahomanov, trained as historian of Ancient Greece and Rome, made his philosophy of hromada based upon Greek (Aristotelian) philosophy of a city/polis. For him, politics starts from a local community, state emerges as integration of these communities, “hromada of hromadas”. 2/8

This is a sharp difference to Russian political culture which is centralized, and top-down. Unity of Russian politics is possible only around a tsar, a tyrant. In Ukraine, people are always opposed to a tsar. Zelensky is an anti-tsar: too close to the people, “one of us" 3/8

Why Ukrainian army is successful now? Because this decentralized spirit coincides with the Western techniques of military organization that Ukraine has adopted in its cooperation with NATO. Ukrainian mid-level commanders have much more freedom to act than Russian commanders. 4/8

Self-governance reform implemented since 2014 gave more powers to mayors. Mayors showed themselves positively now, organizing defense of cities. Interestingly this brings Ukraine closer to a medieval “princely” times of Kyivan Rus’, decentralized community of city-states 5/8

A leitmotiv of Ukrainian literature, historiography, philosophy is opposition to the centralized idea of state and universe. Skovoroda, Shevchenko, Kostomarov, Drahomanov, Ukrainian socialists of early 20th century. The key idea was a) anti-autocracy, b) self-organization 6/8

Also look at the spirit of freedom and emancipation of Ukrainian female writers, from Marko Vovchok to Lesia Ukrainka – female emancipation and anti-patriarchal trend was very early, in 19th century 7/8

to conclude: this freedom-loving, decentralized, anti-tyrannical spirit was in Ukraine for centuries. This is very different from Russia. Naturally, Ukrainians understand that defending this modus vivendi is an existential fight 8/8

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yeah, history, economics, and the like are such dangerous rabbit holes to go down. You know why? Because historical facts don't change. Those facts stay what they are no matter how many times the media tells you they don't exist. You're the one who is manipulated to the point you live in fantasy land and refuse to even read historical fact. Fact means nothing to you.

Funny ain't it that some of the most successful men in the world have been self educated. We've had multiple presidents who were self educated. Some of our most successful businessmen in our history were self educated. Steve Jobs dropped out of high school and the rest was all self education. Henry Ford was self educated.Ben Franklin was self educated. Frederick Douglass was self educated. Abigail Adams was self educated but that probably means nothing to you. She was highly influential in her day and she never attended school. Her grandmother taught her to read and write encouraged her to read as much as she could. In following her grandmother's advice she became one of the best educated women of her day.

Yeah, self education is just so dangerous as nobody is there to tell you what you're supposed to think. You just follow the evidence to wherever it leads. Just so dangerous as nobody is there to "guide" you into political correctness.

You'll be even more distressed to learn I never watched TV growing up. My parents never bought a tv until after I had graduated high school. So I missed out on all those years of people telling me what to think. You're probably just shuddering in fear by now on how little mind control I've experienced.
I unplugged in 2004 at the age of 44. It was liberating.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Without TV, how do you know which laundry detergent to buy???
Purex. Only Purex.

Which reminds me. Whatever happened to the poster Purex here? He was an absolute hoot, but most of my interchanges with him are from threads that have been lost to the aether.

Gary K

New member
Eh? I've just given you the floor to prove your own claims. What "fear" would I have exactly in relation to what you've gone on about? I've seen credible news on a daily basis that shows outright and on the ground that war crimes have been perpetuated by Russian forces, it's undeniable.

You are a crackpot if you "think" otherwise.

Here is what I said, again, as you obviously have memory issues.
I'll tell you what. You present your evidence that what I say about what the US, NATO, and the CIA have done to
Russia is false and I'll present the truth and whoever can't prove what they say leaves this forum forever.

This ought to be a slam dunk for you as I'm a loony conspiracy theorist. Right?
There you go. Show my claims are false and I'll show, once again, what what I've said is historical fact. What's the matter? It ought to be simple for you as you tell me everything I say is wrong. Why is it you don't just jump at the opportunity to run me out of this forum???? Because you're just too kind and don't want to embarrass me? :rolleyes:

Gary K

New member
I unplugged in 2004 at the age of 44. It was liberating.
I agree. Not watching tv is a big time improvement in life. I watched tv for a few decades mainly because me wife was really addicted to it. When I finally said no more tv it was a fight. A big one. But after several years of no tv I don't think she would go back to watching it again as she sees what her family does and she is disgusted with them because how much tv affects their lives. She no longer desires that influence in her life.