Ukraine Crisis


like marbles on glass
I don't trust the narrative from either side. But since the pro-deep-state, pro-military-industrial-complex narrative is the one that dominates the airwaves, I am going to provide a little balance.

That sounds all noble and everything, until you put it into action by using an out-out-context video with a click-baity, yellow journalism headline to paint the Ukrainian military as Nazi so you can balance it against... what? The actuality that Russia invaded Ukraine, that Putin started a war that has resulted in death and destruction? Your "balance" consists of amplifying Russian talking points. It's not balance, it's propaganda.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't trust the narrative from either side. But since the pro-deep-state, pro-military-industrial-complex narrative is the one that dominates the airwaves, I am going to provide a little balance.
I haven't watched a single video from the mainstream media about this war, almost everything I know about it is what I've read here on this site.

I don't care about a civil war happening on the other side of the world. Let them figure it out. Let us stay out of it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That sounds all noble and everything, until you put it into action by using an out-out-context video with a click-baity, yellow journalism headline to paint the Ukrainian military as Nazi so you can balance it against... what? The actuality that Russia invaded Ukraine, that Putin started a war that has resulted in death and destruction? Your "balance" consists of amplifying Russian talking points. It's not balance, it's propaganda.
Well said and then some. Putin apologists won't care though.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I haven't watched a single video from the mainstream media about this war, almost everything I know about it is what I've read here on this site.

I don't care about a civil war happening on the other side of the world. Let them figure it out. Let us stay out of it.
Except Russia's invasion of Ukraine isn't a "civil war," it's a war. It's one country invading another. There's a hugely obvious difference between those two things, but I realize that the obvious escapes you on a regular basis.


Well-known member
Love Jamie Raskin.

If she wants to continue to stand with Vladimir Putin and his brutal, bloody invasion against the people of Ukraine she is free to do so and we understand there is a strong Trump/Putin axis in the gentlelady's party...
Putin is not interested in scaling back oil production in Russia but he and the US democrats want oil production scaled back in America. The subsequent rising price burdens on tens of millions of Americans are of no concern to Putin or to US democrats.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Putin is not interested in scaling back oil production in Russia but he and the US democrats want oil production scaled back in America. The subsequent rising price burdens on tens of millions of Americans are of no concern to Putin or to US democrats.
Biden is in Putin's pocket


like marbles on glass

Gary K

New member

Not when it's entirely due to macroeconomic intervention in the market, that's literally the opposite of natural growth in value.

Nobody . . . nobody is buying rubles because of gold.

100 USD notes are actually worth more than their weight in gold, in contrast to what you're saying.

The only thing Russians are selling is rubles, and it's because customers have to pay their Russian bills in Russian rubles, so there's artificial demand for rubles so there's manipulated value growth.

It's not the dumbest idea I've ever heard tbh. Who knows what other countries might add this to their bag of tricks for use at some advantageous future point.
How is Russia requiring payment in rubles or gold intervention in the market? Their enemies have locked them out of the SWIFT system. They have the right to require payment in any form they desire, especially when their enemies are trying to destroy their currency. They have no right to self defense? They are just supposed to bow their heads and say beat me to death?

I find it interesting that you deny reality. The reason the value of the ruble is going up is because demand for it is going up. In other words, the ruble is a hot commodity. The price of something nobody will buy does not rise it falls.

And where is your evidence for your claim that a US 100 bill is worth more than their weight in gold? The entire basis of the dollar is debt. Only when the US government borrows money are dollars are created. They have no relationship to gold.

Gary K

New member
Look at you, trying to protect poor widdle Russia. Good job, comrade!
Just like you defend propaganda day in and day out I defend truth. Hide from reality every day if you like. It's your right to do so if you please. But it's why you and I are always on opposite sides.

I can demontrate everything I said to Idolater from multiple sources which include your beloved propagandists, the mockingbird media. Ain't it just the pits when reality interferes with your propaganda and all you have left is mocking and sarcasm with zero facts to back you up? Poor little Propaganda Anna. I feel sorry for you.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
How is Russia requiring payment in rubles or gold intervention in the market?
See below.
Their enemies have locked them out of the SWIFT system. They have the right to require payment in any form they desire
Sure. But if they insist upon rubles, then you're going to have to go get rubles, and all other things being equal that increases the demand of rubles. Exchange rate between other currencies and rubles tilts toward rubles being more valuable, or higher priced.
, especially when their enemies are trying to destroy their currency. They have no right to self defense? They are just supposed to bow their heads and say beat me to death?
They are currently beating Ukraine to death, unprovoked. Asking whether a murderer has the right of self defense while he is murdering is . . . wrong. To say the least.
I find it interesting that you deny reality.
Your anarchism is obstructing your vision.
The reason the value of the ruble is going up is because demand for it is going up. In other words, the ruble is a hot commodity. The price of something nobody will buy does not rise it falls.
Maybe people are 'loading up' in case Russia goes through with their threat and without rubles they won't get any Russian LNG or crude. Maybe they're preparing for the worst.
And where is your evidence
for your claim that a US 100 bill is worth more than their weight in gold?
If I have 20 grams of 100 USD notes (1gm each), and you have 31.3 grams of gold, would you trade me for it? Because everyone else would. Gold exchange rate currently 1933 USD per troy ounce. That's 20 grams of money for 31 grams of gold. Worth more than their weight in gold.

If and when the price of gold goes to 3200 USD per ounce then we're at equality, weight-for-weight, gram-for-gram. Of course there's nothing stopping the Treasury from in the future issuing a 200 USD note or from reissuing the 500 USD note, and then we're just back to where money is once against worth more than its weight in gold.
The entire basis of the dollar is debt. Only when the US government borrows money are dollars are created. They have no relationship to gold.
Irrelevant to the above.

Gary K

New member
See below.

Sure. But if they insist upon rubles, then you're going to have to go get rubles, and all other things being equal that increases the demand of rubles. Exchange rate between other currencies and rubles tilts toward rubles being more valuable, or higher priced.

They are currently beating Ukraine to death, unprovoked. Asking whether a murderer has the right of self defense while he is murdering is . . . wrong. To say the least.

Your anarchism is obstructing your vision.

Maybe people are 'loading up' in case Russia goes through with their threat and without rubles they won't get any Russian LNG or crude. Maybe they're preparing for the worst.


If I have 20 grams of 100 USD notes (1gm each), and you have 31.3 grams of gold, would you trade me for it? Because everyone else would. Gold exchange rate currently 1933 USD per troy ounce. That's 20 grams of money for 31 grams of gold. Worth more than their weight in gold.

If and when the price of gold goes to 3200 USD per ounce then we're at equality, weight-for-weight, gram-for-gram. Of course there's nothing stopping the Treasury from in the future issuing a 200 USD note or from reissuing the 500 USD note, and then we're just back to where money is once against worth more than its weight in gold.

Irrelevant to the above.
LOL. My anarchism. You're as bad as Propaganda Anna.

Funny how the governments of Europe are taking Russia seriously. Germany announced that they may nationalize Gazprom. That's a move of pure desperation as it would trigger war with Russia immediately. The west broke all the contracts, not Russia.

No I would not trade gold for dollars. Dollars are constantly being devalued by inflation and inflation is only going to get much worse. I would much rather have gold which keeps it's value over time. What a Roman senator paid in gold for his clothes still buys a really nice suit 2000 years later.

And the reason for larger denomination bills? The dollar dropping in value. Why would I want that which has been decreasing in value for more than 100 years rather than that which stays stable in value? The dollar is now worth about a penny compared to what it was when the Fed was given control of it. And when the gold goes to $3200/oz the dollar will have decreased that much more in value and so will have it's purchasing power.

Look around you. Fiat money can only survive if trust in government survives, and trust in our government is dying as we are lied to constantly by our government. The last time I looked at polling numbers 70+% of US citizens say the US is on the wrong track. That means trust in the US government is dying. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time.