Ukraine Crisis

Right Divider

Body part
They went too far.
Not about repentance from sin and baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of past sins.
There is ONE baptism for the body of Christ and there is no water involved. You're pretending to be a Jew.

Eph 4:5 (AKJV/PCE)
(4:5) One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

1Cor 12:12-13 (AKJV/PCE)
(12:12) For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also [is] Christ. (12:13) For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether [we be] Jews or Gentiles, whether [we be] bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

I fail to understand how anyone who says they don't need to obey Jesus Christ can call themselves a Christian.
Or do you call yourself a Christian?
I'm a member of the body of Christ. You should join us and stop pretending to be a Jew.
I am now that I have been reborn of the seed of God.
I am now that the "middle wall of separation" has been broken down. (Eph 2:14)
Allegorically, I am a son of the freewoman of Gal. 4.
Then you should stop pretending to be a Jew.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Lester Burnham did
There was a hidden insult in there, and you found it. There are of course people who go to the games for the cheerleaders. They are the ones led around by their dopamine system like a dog on a leash.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There was a hidden insult in there, and you found it. There are of course people who go to the games for the cheerleaders. They are the ones led around by their dopamine system like a dog on a leash.

I didn't mean it as an insult just a humorous aside for those who knew the reference. It's one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite Kevin Spacey movies.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Russians are deliberately lying and the truth is that the Russians are deliberately lying.
In a situation like this it's best to assume that everybody is lying. The Russians are lying, the Ukrainians are lying, the Americans are lying. The Germans are lying the Poles are lying the Belorus are lying the Latvians are lying the French are lying. Everyone.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I didn't mean it as an insult just a humorous aside for those who knew the reference. It's one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite Kevin Spacey movies.
Oh no. I was the one delivering the hidden insult (hidden within an open insult; it was 'a two-fer'), not you. You just found it. :)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
In a situation like this it's best to assume that everybody is lying. The Russians are lying, the Ukrainians are lying, the Americans are lying. The Germans are lying the Poles are lying the Belorus are lying the Latvians are lying the French are lying. Everyone.
I agree but then only one of these folks is acting overtly belligerently and it's the Russians, and plus we caught them in their lies when we exposed their 'build up' which looked to all the world like they were preparing to unilaterally and without justification invade Ukraine, and then they lied and lied some more and kept lying and then they invaded Ukraine.

There's no doubt who the bad guys are here. None.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I agree but then only one of these folks is acting overtly belligerently and it's the Russians, and plus we caught them in their lies when we exposed their 'build up' which looked to all the world like they were preparing to unilaterally and without justification invade Ukraine, and then they lied and lied some more and kept lying and then they invaded Ukraine.

There's no doubt who the bad guys are here. None.
I would say that there's no doubt who the worst guys are.

Both sides are bad.

Unfortunately the mainstream media has been pushing the narrative, eagerly eagerly consumed by the likes of the bananahead, that Zelenskyy is an angel


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I would say that there's no doubt who the worst guys are.

Both sides are bad.

Unfortunately the mainstream media has been pushing the narrative, eagerly eagerly consumed by the likes of the bananahead, that Zelenskyy is an angel
I agree there aren't any "angels" here. I want to see durable world peace though, and the one thing that even secular political scientists and international relations experts all confess is that modern democracies do not go to war with each other, ever. So based on the data then, the only path to eternal peace on earth is to convert all polities to a modern democracy, to "spread democracy".

Russia right now is an autocracy. There are democracies that suffer from dysfunctional corruption and perhaps Ukraine is one of them, along with most Latin American countries, Mexico, and I suspect Africa although I honestly don't know many African constitutions. But our European allies and Canada and Australia and New Zealand and South Korea and Japan and Taiwan are all functioning democracies (even though they are all just imitations of our Constitution), and I want to 'spread' a better constitution into Ukraine through all this if possible.

It's a good fight to resist Putin's autocratic, tyrannical regime. How to 'fix' the Russian polity? Idunno. Maybe the Orthodox patriarchs can convert to Catholicism, maybe that way.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Russia has 11 time zones and 193 different ethnic groups, usually clustered in monoculture societies.

Expecting traditional Western democracy to apply is folly.
Oh come on. America is widely diverse and getting more diverse every day. Between Hawaii and Alaska plus the continental states we've also got our own fair share of timezones.

And while just "traditional Western democracy" is what's more easily available right now, I don't really support that idea over the idea of expanding our own Constitution. Maybe Russia would add 20-30 new states to our Union, and they'd each get their fair amount of Representatives, Senators and Electors.

They'd probably vote Republican too.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh come on. America is widely diverse and getting more diverse every day. Between Hawaii and Alaska plus the continental states we've also got our own fair share of timezones.

Russia's time zones are continuous. Pull it up on a map or better yet a globe. Russia is enormous.
And while just "traditional Western democracy" is what's more easily available right now, I don't really support that idea over the idea of expanding our own Constitution. Maybe Russia would add 20-30 new states to our Union, and they'd each get their fair amount of Representatives, Senators and Electors.

They'd probably vote Republican too.
I was listening to a Jordan Peterson thing this morning and I think Joe Rogan and they were discussing the state of the Russian psyche. From the context of their conversation I assume they were discussing the eurocentric part of Russia, the western part, the Caucasian part, but it would surely apply to other subgroups within the country. The point they were making was that Russians today have been conditioned by generations of communist rule. A child born in 91, the dissolution of the USSR, would be 31 today. He would be raised by parents and grandparents and great-grandparents who had been conditioned by total communist control, all of their lives.

Similarly with countries that we have "freed" from dictatorial control like Libya, like Iraq.

Gary K

New member
The ignorance of the average American about their own government is staggering. I've been reading the history of the US since I was in high school and we have not been angels. In fact we used many Nazi's after WW2, including war criminals. The CIA and the Army recruited many war criminals and made them almost the single greatest source of intelligence meaning we were almost completely dependent on Nazi's for our views of the USSR. This is written about to such a level that I'm always amazed that basically no one understands this.

WEB Griffen, an author fully approved by the Army and the CIA, wrote approved novels on WW2, the CIA, and our special forces. He wrote the story of the recruitment of Nazis from the point of view that the CIA was heroic for recruiting Nazi's in a series of novels. It's factually accurate with fictional characters used as composite characters involved in this scam.

Here is a documentary on this.



like marbles on glass
I am getting tired of the tendency of disgruntled leftists claiming every conservative thing they oppose is Russian propaganda and everything they support is God Bless American patriotism.

I am getting tired of the tendency of disgruntled rightists claiming every democratic thing they oppose is Marxist propaganda and everything they support is God Bless American patriotism.

Gary K

New member
Russia's time zones are continuous. Pull it up on a map or better yet a globe. Russia is enormous.

I was listening to a Jordan Peterson thing this morning and I think Joe Rogan and they were discussing the state of the Russian psyche. From the context of their conversation I assume they were discussing the eurocentric part of Russia, the western part, the Caucasian part, but it would surely apply to other subgroups within the country. The point they were making was that Russians today have been conditioned by generations of communist rule. A child born in 91, the dissolution of the USSR, would be 31 today. He would be raised by parents and grandparents and great-grandparents who had been conditioned by total communist control, all of their lives.

Similarly with countries that we have "freed" from dictatorial control like Libya, like Iraq.
Russia has never had any democracy in the thousand years or so it has existed. It has always been controlled by kings, queens, czars, and dictators. Liberty has never been a part of it's past. So to expect the Russian people to think like the west is just plain ludicrous.

Gary K

New member
I am getting tired of the tendency of disgruntled rightists claiming every democratic thing they oppose is Marxist propaganda and everything they support is God Bless American patriotism.
You're so manipulated by the mockingbird media you can't even begin to think straight. You've accepted lies all your life as truth.