Ukraine Crisis


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Why didn't they leave 2 months ago when the Russians started all the posturing?
God gave them lots of time to skedaddle.
I don't understand your radical nonviolence, I never understand that. You should protect your loved ones from danger, no matter what that means. It's moral. It's immoral to do nothing and watch them be harmed. If you're not going to defend yourself fine, but at least defend your loved ones, and your neighbors. Love your neighbor.


Well-known member
Make up your mind.

You claimed that Peter sinned before the "Holy Ghost", but not after. I showed you your error.
First, let's establish when Peter received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:4..."And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
Second, lets establish when Peter visited Antioch and James went to meet him.
Gal 2:1..."Then fourteen years after I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and took Titus with me also."
Afterwards...Gal 2:11..."But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed."

Fourteen years (or so), after receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, Peter still felt that the Law carried some weight, and he was ready to demure to the visiting Jews.
Is doing something once commanded of God a sin?
Don't you go out of your way to make visiting friends and neighbors at home and comfortable?
Is that a sin too?
Sounds like common courtesy to me.


Well-known member
I don't understand your radical nonviolence, I never understand that. You should protect your loved ones from danger, no matter what that means. It's moral. It's immoral to do nothing and watch them be harmed. If you're not going to defend yourself fine, but at least defend your loved ones, and your neighbors. Love your neighbor.
"Radical non-violence"...interesting choice of words.
Why did they "immorally" wait till the last minute to flee?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Rudy Giuliani has shared another strange story from his time as Donald Trump's attorney, telling right-wing network Newsmax that the ex-president once threatened Vladimir Putin with a campaign of church bombings.

“So, he has a meeting with Putin and he tells him, they’re talking about Ukraine and he says, “Vladimir, you shouldn’t, like, attack Ukraine, cause then I’m gonna – well I never liked those big – what are those things you’ve got in Moscow? Those big bubbles, those big gold bubbles. I never liked those things. So, I’m going to have to blow ‘em up.

“So, Putin says, ‘They’re churches.’ And he said, ‘Oh, Vladimir. Don’t tell me that about churches. Oh, come on. Churches? You can fool Bush, you can’t fool me. Churches, you care about churches?’ That’s what he’s like.”

He appeared to be referring to the distinctive onion domes associated with Orthodox churches, such as St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow’s Red Square.



Literal lunatic
Speaking of tards, I thought Putin invaded Ukraine to weed out the Deep State? So why is Trump trash-talking Putin for invading Ukraine?
Sometimes words have two meanings.
King James Bible
God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Fun fact: they were Russian nuclear weapons that Ukraine couldn't fire

Don't mess with Candace


Candace Owens Goes Viral With Response To New York Times Reporter’s Email Citing, Yup, The New York Times​

By Amanda Prestigiacomo
Mar 22, 2022

Candace Owens is seen on set of Candace on September 20, 2021 in Nashville, Tennessee.

Candace Owens went viral on Monday after she responded to a New York Times reporter with citations from the newspaper after the reporter seemed to suggest Owens was echoing Russian state media when she said Ukraine, a nation widely known for its corruption, is corrupt.
“Received an email from The NYTimes asking for comment regarding me ‘advancing ideas that Ukraine is a corrupt country’—similar to Russian state TV,” Owens told her followers via social media. “I replied informing them that I actually got my ideas from The New York Times, and provided them links to their past articles.”

“Hi there, I’m writing from The New York Times,” an email from the reporter said. “We’re working on a story about Russian messaging that includes some of your comments.”

“We note that you advanced the idea that Ukraine was a corrupt country, which matched comments we’ve seen from Russian state media,” asserted the reporter, whose identity was protected by Owens.

“I’m wondering if you have any context or further comment to add about this corruption,” the email closed.

“I’m very confused by this email,” Owens responded via email, a screengrab shows. “I learned about ‘the idea that Ukraine was a corrupt country’ from The New York Times. You guys have covered the corruption in Ukraine extensively.”

“As just one example, here is a piece from the NYT Editorial Board titled, ‘Ukraine’s Unyielding Corruption,’” the conservative host wrote, linking to the Times piece.

“I educated myself about both the neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine and the unyielding corruption by reading your newspaper, not Russian state media,” she continued. “Is there something specific I said that was different form what you guys have written in the past?”

Owens didn’t stop there; she followed up her email with another email which included five links to mainstream outlets reporting on the corruption in Ukraine. Two of the five links were from the Times.
