Ukraine Crisis


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Um, no he wasn't and never has been.
Yes he is.
He's a self serving sociopath
who still can't come to grips with the fact that he was booted out of office.
His party has.
If you think he cares about "human rights" then you're deluded.

So, you'd sooner an egotistical maniac was back in power and are deluded enough to think the guy gave/gives one whit about human rights?

Okay then.
His three Supreme Court nominations are proof positive.

That you're wrong.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It is a dire situation for those who trusted in men, instead of trusting in God.
You know, the God who destroyed the Egyptian army in the Red Sea?
He is still around.
You really are just an arrogant little dipstick. These people, who are having to relocate to safe areas aren't little pawns that you can so glibly and callously define, they're actual people who are stuck in a horrid situation that you want to be thankful you aren't part of and still have the capacity to ignorantly define them from the comfort of a place where I'm pretty sure you still have food, water, warmth and whatnot. So do I but I don't have the want to categorize the horrors of what so many are going through through such a myopic and insidious little lens.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes he is.


His party has.


His three Supreme Court nominations are proof positive.

That you're wrong.
Um, nah, if you're gonna tout Trump as a champion of human rights or anything akin then go chat with someone else. No interest here and sadly enough, I thought you had a bit more intelligence on the score.


Well-known member
That was NOT the problem that Paul had with Peter....
What Peter did was make it appear as if the Law still had any validity.
Peter missed a chance to show the visiting Jews that the Law as not essential to salvation.
Where is the sin in missing an opportunity?
No, I don't.
Says you.
Peter was being dishonest and hypocritical.
He was just living in the past.
You are self-deceived.
No, just aware of and accepting of what the Lord Jesus Christ did for all mankind.
He freed us from service to sin. (John 8:32-34)
Those are good things... but being freed from sin is not identical to being sinless.
If one sins. they are not free from sin.
It still rules their life.
As Jesus said in John 8:34..."Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin."


Well-known member
They were stronger than the Third Reich & the Nazi Regime overall, ya know, that insidious one that murdered millions of people based on race, creed, nationality, infirmity et al.
Yes, I studied it, and reenacted it, many times as a kid.
Now that I am a Christian though, I can see the wickedness inherent in the whole thing.
German priests blessed the bombs of the Germans and American priests blessed the bombs of the Americans.
And God wasn't listening to either group of murderers.


Well-known member
You really are just an arrogant little dipstick. These people, who are having to relocate to safe areas aren't little pawns that you can so glibly and callously define, they're actual people who are stuck in a horrid situation that you want to be thankful you aren't part of and still have the capacity to ignorantly define them from the comfort of a place where I'm pretty sure you still have food, water, warmth and whatnot. So do I but I don't have the want to categorize the horrors of what so many are going through through such a myopic and insidious little lens.
That would be the "lens" of Godliness.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What did Paul accuse Peter of that was a sin?

What rights do you refer to?
Eating with who you want to eat?
What about the rights of the visitors?
What about Peter's rights?
How about just the right against being murdered? Pretty straight forward.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Um, nah, if you're gonna tout Trump as a champion of human rights or anything akin then go chat with someone else. No interest here and sadly enough, I thought you had a bit more intelligence on the score.
Would you describe yourself as a utilitarian legal positivist? That's the sort of justices Democrats nominate to the Supreme Court. President Trump nominated three justices, and not a single one of them was a utilitarian legal positivist.

That was President Trump's most important legislative and moral job, and he succeeded.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What anna and rusha aren't getting from their media sources

Zielinski solidifying his power by eliminating opposition parties

Zielinsky solidifying his power by nationalizing all media under his control

Real Nazis in Ukraine, continuations of the Third Reich



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What anna and rusha aren't getting from their media sources

Zielinski solidifying his power by eliminating opposition parties

Zielinsky solidifying his power by nationalizing all media under his control

Real Nazis in Ukraine, continuations of the Third Reich
Putin (invades Ukraine): "If anybody's going to get to be a real Nazi in Ukraine it's going to be me"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Putin (invades Ukraine): "If anybody's going to get to be a real Nazi in Ukraine it's going to be me"
Now just to mix it up a little more 😅

Jerusalem Post
World News

Yemeni-Houthi leader: Ukraine at war because it is led by a Jew​

Published: MARCH 21, 2022 05:46
Updated: MARCH 21, 2022 05:47
MOHAMMED ALI AL-HOUTHI (center), head of the Houthi Supreme Revolutionary Committee, surrounded by children as shields. (photo credit: MINISTRY OF INFORMATION - REPUBLIC OF YEMEN)

MOHAMMED ALI AL-HOUTHI (center), head of the Houthi Supreme Revolutionary Committee, surrounded by children as shields.

"I think that what happened to Ukraine is the result of the evil-doing of the Jews. This is proof that when a Jew is the leader of a country, it results in war."​

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said the Ukraine-Russia war is a result of the "evil-doing" of the Jews and that Ukraine is being led into war because it has a Jewish president.

Al-Houthi is the former President of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee of Yemen and a member of the Houthi Supreme Political Council.

While being interviewed on March 14, 2022 on the Lebanese Mayadeen TV channel he was asked about his opinions regarding the Russia-Ukraine war.

"I think that what happened to Ukraine is the result of the evil-doing of the Jews. This is proof that when a Jew is the leader of a country, it results in war. If the president of Ukraine was someone else rather than that Jew, perhaps they would not have ended up in war," al-Houthi said


Right Divider

Body part
He was just living in the past.
Make up your mind.
At the time, Peter was still walking in the flesh, and without the Holy Ghost...and not a Christian.
Until the day of Pentecost and the giving of the gift of the Holy Ghost, no man could be free of sinning.
We can be now, however, thanks be to God.
You claimed that Peter sinned before the "Holy Ghost", but not after. I showed you your error.


Well-known member
What anna and rusha aren't getting from their media sources

Zielinski solidifying his power by eliminating opposition parties

Zielinsky solidifying his power by nationalizing all media under his control

Real Nazis in Ukraine, continuations of the Third Reich
Carlson and doser are some of the worst people because they put their intelligence on hold to support their party line. What a nation does when being invaded does not change the overall form of government. Democracies can enact marshall law or other temporary measures and they are still democracies. Emergency conditions require the imposition of a central authority to cope with the conditions. When the conditions are resolved, the power structure reverts to regular mode.

Ukraine is an emerging democracy with many flaws, but it exponentially better than Russia. Judging governmental actions under these circumstances as if they are nefarious is repugnant, and they are a passive aggressive attempt to buttress Putin.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
What anna and rusha aren't getting from their media sources

Zielinski solidifying his power by eliminating opposition parties

Zielinsky solidifying his power by nationalizing all media under his control

Real Nazis in Ukraine, continuations of the Third Reich

You are absurd to the point of delusional insanity.

"Zielinski solidifying his power by eliminating opposition parties"? Putin effectively did that a long time ago.

"Zielinsky solidifying his power by nationalizing all media under his control"? Putin's been there, done that.

"Real Nazis in Ukraine, continuations of the Third Reich"? Again, look at Russia:

Maybe you should stop being a low-information idiot? But I guess that in your case, that's too much to ask.

way 2 go

Well-known member