Ukraine Crisis

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So then... not because you have yer own drone over there observing anything.
Do you support Putin and his "special military operation" or something? Do you think he's justified in his so called crusade to demilitarize and DeNazify the Ukraine, that has a Jewish president? Cos, wow, you sure sound like a nut that does to even suggest such a thing as you have with this strike.


like marbles on glass
Ever consider that place might be sex trafficking children and the perverts blew it up themselves to destroy evidence?
What is wrong with you.

There was a community bomb shelter under that building, and thankfully, they've been removing survivors. There were reportedly hundreds of people in there, living a daily life or death situation for weeks now, without power, without food.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What is wrong with you.

There was a community bomb shelter under that building, and thankfully, they've been removing survivors. There were reportedly hundreds of people in there, living a daily life or death situation for weeks now, without power, without food.
Probably just another far right dope who gets his "news" from whatever addle brained site delivers it. Anyone who can question the nature of the atrocities being perpetuated by the Russian war machine obviously has no acquaintance with how its rumbled on through history. Civilian areas are targets, as simple as that. The besieged city of Mariupol is one of the worst affected. Supposed ceasefires to allow civilians to escape the perpetual bombardment not being adhered to. Hospitals being bombed etc. But nah, there's some propaganda about it all being some ruse that the Ukraine are using all of these places including apartment blocks for some nefarious operations that the Russian war regime is supposedly invading their country to "liberate" them from...


Well-known member
There is some serious Kool-aid flowing in certain circles in this country. It is actually surprising how much violence against innocents will be tolerated based on tribal loyalty.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There is some serious Kool-aid flowing in certain circles in this country. It is actually surprising how much violence against innocents will be tolerated based on tribal loyalty.
Some don't seem to recognize that there are any innocents with this invasion but rather that it's all propaganda instigated by the "main stream media". Can understand that being prevalent in Russia where it's state controlled and even more so given independent news networks being forced to shut and social media platforms being censored where it comes to anything criticizing the Kremlin - but for those in the West who have free access to actual news that can be corroborated and the images of suffering and the like that simply can't be denied - then what excuse is there besides the proverbial 'kool aid'?


Well-known member
Some don't seem to recognize that there are any innocents with this invasion but rather that it's all propaganda instigated by the "main stream media". Can understand that being prevalent in Russia where it's state controlled and even more so given independent news networks being forced to shut and social media platforms being censored where it comes to anything criticizing the Kremlin - but for those in the West who have free access to actual news that can be corroborated and the images of suffering and the like that simply can't be denied - then what excuse is there besides the proverbial 'kool aid'?
There is no excuse. Being "right all along" and belonging to a superior clan is more important than empathy toward fellow humans or adherence to their own moral standards. The amount of willful ignorance going on is shameful.


like marbles on glass
Ukraine just silently announced it’s the first country to implement the WEF's ‘Great Reset’

"Silently?" 😂 I guess that's why Ukraine Now included share buttons for fb and Twitter on their article...

The app was launched 2 years ago, and the Ukraine article linked to by the always-breathless LifeSite is a year old itself. So you have to ask yourself: why is LifeSite dumping on Ukraine now, while it's in a fight for its very life against the aggressor Russia?


Well-known member
"Silently?" 😂 I guess that's why Ukraine Now included share buttons for fb and Twitter on their article...

The app was launched 2 years ago, and the Ukraine article linked to by the always-breathless LifeSite is a year old itself. So you have to ask yourself: why is LifeSite dumping on Ukraine now, while it's in a fight for its very life against the aggressor Russia?
The US democrat party is also moving full bore to make America a part of the league of nations, or 'one-world government.' That is what all the nonsense about global warming is all about. Unsustainable government borrowing and spending coupled with skyrocketing gas prices are working well to bring America to its knees and force it to join the global governing body ruled by atheists, secularists, and hedonists.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
One thing that's becoming clear as this thing drags on, is that the Russian Orthodox Church approves of this invasion.

That hearkens back to the Catholic Church in medieval Europe.

It's not like Ukraine isn't Christian, or even not Orthodox Christian. Ukraine is open to Holy Orthodoxy, there's even an Orthodox Church "of Ukraine".

But the autocephalous Russian Orthodox Church (it means they have a 'patriarch' who is a bishop who doesn't 'report to' any 'higher' bishop, patriarchs are the 'highest' bishops in Orthodoxy, there are a handful of them) apparently approves of this war.

It hearkens back to when the Catholic Church in medieval Europe didn't yet completely understand the concept of God given universal and absolute human rights. The Russian patriarch appears to be about 500 years 'behind to times'.